Newbie... ready for and in need to change!

:happy: :happy: Greetings!
I joined this site as a recommendation of my sister. So far I like what I see. I like the ideal of support and a community where we all have one common goal. My goal is health, not skinny. I am in need of a life change, not an event or temporary change. I am looking forward to this site and the support, motivation and community it will hopefully bring.


  • Hi im new to this too and i found this site through my twitter account.. I am also looking to be healthier. lots of luck to you on reaching your goals.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    WELCOME new MFPers! Dymples your sis is lookin' out for you, that's so cool. Dreamy - your avatar is very cute :)

    Feel free to add me if you like. Cheers!
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Welcome aboard. I've only been here about a week now, but I'm finding a lot of support here and inspiration in the forums. If you want to friend me, feel free.
  • TriRacy
    TriRacy Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! A Newbie here. I have been using a site that charges $9.99/mo without ads. It was very private and quite. I will give this one a try. So, far it's very nice.

    I am a runner who has been doing tri's for a year. Training for the Half Iron Man this year and next is the Full Iron Man. A goal for me before I turn 50. I am doing something bigger than myself and overcoming fears. Pushing myself to see how far I can go and stay in shape into my golden years. So, many adventures out there and want to be able to enjoy many of them. Life is shorter than we think and I want to enjoy ever good comes with it. Love the outdoors and animals.

    Swimming OWS
    Horse back riding
    ...and any new adventure!
  • Thank you! Same too you!!
  • Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Thanks... my sis is awesome! This something we can do together!
  • Thanks... my sis is awesome! This something we can do together!
  • nicolemariedwyer
    nicolemariedwyer Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • Twylla
    Twylla Posts: 51
    Welcome! I hope you get what you are searching for! Feel free to add me!
  • Does anyone have any good, useful tips to reduce sugar cravings?
  • Hello! I'm also new to, but not new to dieting by a long shot! My best friend, Cynthia, wanted me to join so we could encourage one another.

    I've been up and down in my weight for my entire life, about 5 years ago now I lost 30 pounds and that put me in the official "you're too skinny" category for some people. Right now I'm looking to lose about 15 pounds because I've gained about 10 since the weather went below 50 degrees and I feel like my clothes don't flatter my body, muffin tops belong at a bakery, not about my waistline.

    The last few years I've been making poor eating choices, and I know once I get on track and start buying food that's healthy to have around the house, then I'll be back in my natural dieting mentality, where it's really not dieting any more, but a way of life. I am a vegetarian, which makes a lot of people think that I'm going to be naturally skinny because of that, but there's so many opportunities to eat carbs and fat as a veg!

    Looking forward to the group effort that's going on here on the website. Friend me if you'd like, I'm training for a half marathon right now and I'm in need of some motivation to get my butt to the gym.
  • Stay away from diet soda's, they increase that craving like crazy. Also, try chewing gum, they have so many flavors it helps. Big thing to know is the craving will go away if you stop, it just takes time. Good Luck :)
  • Does anyone have any good, useful tips to reduce sugar cravings?

    You can always try some fruit to put the monster cravings at bay. I like to slice up an apple and sprinkle some cinnamon on it, it's a bit sweet and has a crunch, plus all the fiber will help you feel full for a while.

    If the natural sugar just won't do, you can always have a Hershey Kiss, one has 26 calories! You're going to have to exercise some will power if you buy a whole bag!

    Breath mints, chewing gum, or small hard candies are also good tricks. Just make sure you count the calories they have, because though they might not have many, they will add up if you eat a whole box of breath mints or half a bad of hard candies.
  • good for you for not waiting until after the holidays as most can do it
  • well the less sugar you eat the less you will crave, but you can eat fruit and if your an ice cream lover such as I look up Arctic zero it is 37 calories for half a cup the cookies and cream is the best than the vanilla maple, find out which local store carries it in your area
  • I too have been overweight all of my adult life. I understand...
  • I am not a pop drinker. I will have one on occasion. Thanks for the tip. I guess anything you do not feed (sugar) will die (the cravings will go away)
  • I am not a pop drinker. I will have one on occasion. Thanks for the tip. I guess anything you do not feed (sugar) will die (the cravings will go away)
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    This is a AWESOME site! Anyone can feel free to add me!