What are your reasons to lose weight?

I have a health coach and she has got me thinking about my "Why."

*WHY* I want to lose weight.

I am going to make a huge master list of all my reasons, and it got me wondering... do any of you want to share your WHYs?

I thought it would help motivate each other. Have a great day! :happy:


  • langababy
    langababy Posts: 43 Member
    I want to feel more comfortable in my clothes again and feel confident in a bathing suit next summer.

    Good luck! :)
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    My reasons were because my blood pressure was too high, I was out of breath climbing steps and I wanted to feel good again about how I looked!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    To feel comfortable in my own skin and to have a ton of energy
  • I want to wear a bikini next summer and look good
  • I want to wear a bikini next summer and look good
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I was big for the most of my life, and I wanted to change it, but I never stuck with any diet or workout, so I wanted to prove myself that I can do it. I wanted to be healthier and happier with myself. I wanted to feel more confident!!!
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    To get that "look" that I used to get all the time from my husband.
    I would also like to fly more comfortably, I LOVE to travel but the airplane seats just seem to get smaller every time I fly ;)
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    To get that "look" that I used to get all the time from my husband.
    I would also like to fly more comfortably, I LOVE to travel but the airplane seats just seem to get smaller every time I fly ;)
    The most important reason is to have a healthy baby :)
  • Im getting married in June and it will make me more productive at work.
  • I have a health coach and she has got me thinking about my "Why."

    *WHY* I want to lose weight.

    I am going to make a huge master list of all my reasons, and it got me wondering... do any of you want to share your WHYs?

    I thought it would help motivate each other. Have a great day! :happy:

    Tired of hiding from family pictures!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I want to fit back into my old clothes, I want to be fit & healthy for my daughter & future kids. I want to have energy & not feel depressed by how I look.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    As I have on my profile... I am wanting quality of life - not quantity.
  • American's are overweight. In fact, by the year 2020 specialists predict that at least half of American's will contact diabetes 2. I refuse to get something like that if I can avoid it.
  • to get fit and have my cloths fit! I just don't like the waight I have gained.:noway:
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Most of my reasons are on my profile, but the one main reason is that I can't shake this feeling that there's a 'me' inside this body wanting to get out.
    I'd best describe the feeling as my body desperately adapting to how my mind feels. And it feels ready to be fit and under 85kg!!
  • -I want to fit and be judged for being me. Not for being overweight.
    -I want to be able to play casual sports with friends, without being the most tired and the first one to sit out.
    -Being fit and healthy.
    -Genetics are not on my side. My dad had 3 massive heart attacks before he turned 38, he also has high cholesterol.
    My Mum has high blood pressure, and I get the bad metabolism from her.
    My grandma also just died of cancer (Lots of cancer can be avoided if you are fit and eat good).
    People in my family tend to die from strokes, so I hope that becoming healthy will avoid that.
    -Most of all I want to be HAPPY. I'm not happy now, but I've gotten better.
  • JHB2011
    JHB2011 Posts: 153 Member
    I want to feel confident in myself and in what I am wearing!
    Also, I want to beat my boyfriends time in the Warrior Dash (and enjoy a beer and turkey leg afterwards without feeling guilty!)
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    My reasons were because my blood pressure was too high, I was out of breath climbing steps and I wanted to feel good again about how I looked!

    SAME!! I want to be healthy and participate in life instead of being a spectator. Looking good and not stressing about what to wear would be nice too!
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    There are several reasons I want to lose weight:
    1. to have a longer healthier life
    2. to have another baby
    3. and of course...TO LOOK GOOD!!! lol
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    #1 - I don't want to die... I have a beautful 4 yr old and I am a single mom, she needs me. I am so afraid I will drop dead of a heart attack if I don't get my health together NOW.

    #2 - I want to set a good example for her, as well as busting all the excuses everyone has - no money (for gym or healthy food), no time (well I work full-time and have no babysitting help to exercise), blah blah blah. If I can do it, darn near anyone can!

    #3 - to gain back my self-confidence, eroded after the demise of my "fairytale" marriage.

    #4 - all those cuuuute but too small clothes in the closets and totes in the garage!

    #5 - one day the Lord may see fit to send Mr. Right along, and I wanna look gooooood when the day comes to, ahm, well, you know!!! :wink: