Any raw foodists here? :)

heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
I'm not, though I'm really interested in it, would love to find raw foodies. :) If you're into raw foods, shout out! If there are enough people, it might be fun to start a group. :)


  • herecomesthesun77
    I am! own a few books on it and am REALLY intrested in it
  • rawnos
    I am really interested in live/ raw foods.Right now I am practicing eating 100% raw from Monday - Friday, and on the weekends I allow myself to eat whatever cooked or raw foods I have wanted during the week that I haven't allowed myself (including RAW sweets which although are raw, I do not allow myself to eat them during the week because I focus on greens and fruits etc) I have read afew books on raw and tried afew recipes. I know I feel best when I eat this way.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    I only eat about 25-35% of my food raw at this point, but I do raw snack/ meal bars, live fresh juice, and raw peach pie. I am very interested in increasing that amount.
  • mandiemahoney
    mandiemahoney Posts: 9 Member
    Not completely raw yet, but I am vegan!
  • sunshinegirlnm
    sunshinegirlnm Posts: 312 Member
    I love raw but fall off the wagon in winter/spring when I just crave crave crave warm/hot foods. I have lots of raw "cookbooks" and love love love raw granola.
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    When i was living a lone, i went raw for about a year.

    Living with other people makes it hard for me personally. Mostly lived off lettus wraps and smoothies.
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    ok... does anyone loves radishes... seriously... i can't stop eating them..... i am crazy about them.... i eat like 4 bunches in two days tops.... Maybe i am on the way to be a raw foodist.... ummmmm??
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    I put radishes in a Chinese chicken salad I make, love them!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    So have you found that you feel better on a raw diet?

    And do you eat beef and chicken raw? Doesn't raw chicken make you sick?
  • LDT2011
    LDT2011 Posts: 4 Member
    I eat about 50-60% raw now, at one point it was 100% and can tell a huge difference. I agree though its harder when you have others in your household that are not that in to it. I woud love to see more support & to hear peoples views on this subject especially how they are making it work for them! LD
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    id love to eat raw for a while. :3 sounds like a cool idea.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    So have you found that you feel better on a raw diet?

    And do you eat beef and chicken raw? Doesn't raw chicken make you sick?

    I have heard of people eating raw meat, but I personally would not. If I were to go 100% raw I would go vegetarian.
    Personally, the more raw foods I eat, the better I feel.
  • leopardvice
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    I am a vegetarian and really enjoy most of my foods raw.. I have been a veggie for a year now and my next year consists of going completely raw I think! :)
  • morimesmer
    I went raw for a few months last year and absolutely loved it! It's so easy to go back to eating more conventionally cooked foods, though. I have a few raw food friends, including my beautiful friend and food blogger who operates, which is a GREAT raw food recipe site. Plus, she's one of the sweetest people ever and makes tons of great food.

    These days I definitely incorporate raw foods into my diet more often than not. I went back to cooking my meat and eggs, and will eat some cooked grains, but a lot of my diet is raw nuts, veggies, fruits, juices...with the occasional pint of ice cream and loaf of bread. Damn it. ;) Raw milk is actually illegal to sell in my county, but THAT'S something I really miss. Unrivaled flavors and textures in raw dairy.
  • Thulpa
    Thulpa Posts: 55 Member
    I do about 50% raw, anything I have that is cooked is usually protein, or part of a stir fry. I use a lot of raw proteins as well, both Vega and Sunwarrior have either raw parts or are all raw. As for full raw, I am not full fan, though I know plenty of people who are raw, I would need way too many beans and spirilina to be fully raw.

    Good luck, if you want some raw book recommendations, I have plenty for you all, I love raw food prep.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    So have you found that you feel better on a raw diet?

    And do you eat beef and chicken raw? Doesn't raw chicken make you sick?

    Raw foodists don't eat wheat, dairy, sugar, meat or fish, everything they do eat is completely raw, because they believe heating anything above 45 degrees Celsius destroys the food's essential enzymes and nutrients.