Feeling "blah"

I went way over calories today:cry: Been a bad week actually, even though I've been working out more to try and counter some of it.
Hate the holidays because its all food and sweets and no family... And on top of the scale going nowhere for months, I'm getting frustrated!
I really want the new year to start, I need a mental do over and "clean slate" in the worst way. And as cliche as it is, the 1st of the year and my start day being a Sunday seems perfect to start a new routine.
But I think that's making me mope and make excuses...
Grrr. Just needed to vent that!


  • smokeybryant
    Try not to lose heart and give in entirely to the temptations! I know it is hard with all of the lovely foods not to mention drink that is around at this time of year. Well done for working out more to try and compensate, but try not to give in to the rubbish food just because you are getting fed up, that is the hardest habit to break.

    New year is the perfect time for a do over, so set yourself some goals, nothing vague like 'lose weight', put actual numbers on things, like lose 10 pounds in 8 weeks, or run a 5k in under 30 mins. If you haven't been losing weight recently and are stuck on the numbers it sounds like your routine needs a shake up, so start a new exercise class or routine to push your body out of its comfort zone.
    Keep your head up and hit ther new year running :)

    p.s On the plus side, there are less cals in a glass of champagne than a glass of red wine
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Lots of people feel the "mopes" this time of year. Today is the Solstice, so we will start getting a little more daylight each day.
    I suggest some time outdoors, if possible. Some people find help with lights that simulate sunlight; check out the web on this.
    Other blues fighters are: do something nice for someone else, work on a favorite hobby, listen to some upbeat music, call someone you haven't reached out to for a while, cook a totally new dish, have a spa day, rearrange your furniture in at least one room!
    The most important thing is do Something! The worst thing is to allow the mopes to become more serious.