self-conscious about this post....

lbedwell Posts: 7
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a strange one for sure. But I need to do something because I would like to see my three year-old reach lifes milestones. I'm 33, and have been underweight most of my life. I'm really underweight right now; 5' 4", 90 ish lbs. I have hovered between 88-92 lbs. for about the past four years. I have little appetite, no energy. I don't exercise; except for running after my daughter and housework. i work part-time doing health care utilization review, so it's all sitting at a computer.
I was recently diagnosed with Emphysema. I'm not a smoker and not AAT deficient so it's a strange dx. My lung function is pretty good right now and I'm on meds to help with breathing. I don't know how many calories my body burns per day just in maintaing good lung function. I'm told that the only things I can really do to affect the prognosis (besides avoiding irritants), is to have really good nutrition, get to a good weight, and begin an exercise program. It all seems overwhelming right now, and eating can be really hard for me, especially later in the day. I drink Ensure, sometimes so I don't have to have a meal later in the day. I should also add that in times of increased stress, my "subclinical" anorexia nervosa tendencies kick in. I'm hoping that by using this site, I will be more "accountable" and can monitor my progress. I also could really use some support. Thanks, and good luck to all of you in reaching your goals. - Self-conscious


  • lbedwell
    lbedwell Posts: 7
    I'm a strange one for sure. But I need to do something because I would like to see my three year-old reach lifes milestones. I'm 33, and have been underweight most of my life. I'm really underweight right now; 5' 4", 90 ish lbs. I have hovered between 88-92 lbs. for about the past four years. I have little appetite, no energy. I don't exercise; except for running after my daughter and housework. i work part-time doing health care utilization review, so it's all sitting at a computer.
    I was recently diagnosed with Emphysema. I'm not a smoker and not AAT deficient so it's a strange dx. My lung function is pretty good right now and I'm on meds to help with breathing. I don't know how many calories my body burns per day just in maintaing good lung function. I'm told that the only things I can really do to affect the prognosis (besides avoiding irritants), is to have really good nutrition, get to a good weight, and begin an exercise program. It all seems overwhelming right now, and eating can be really hard for me, especially later in the day. I drink Ensure, sometimes so I don't have to have a meal later in the day. I should also add that in times of increased stress, my "subclinical" anorexia nervosa tendencies kick in. I'm hoping that by using this site, I will be more "accountable" and can monitor my progress. I also could really use some support. Thanks, and good luck to all of you in reaching your goals. - Self-conscious
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: We are glad to have you here, and I know you will find great support from everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    We are here for you. It doesn't matter if you need to gain or lose on here, we are all here for the same reason, to get healthy! Good luck! :smile:
  • Welcome!

    Certainly not strange but you certainly need to do something to improve your health and you've come to the right place.

    I'm sorry about your diagnosis and your struggles. Know that YOU are NOT your diagnosis. You can change your health for the better without a doubt, you just have to take charge.

    Have you ever considered an ND or homeopath, nutritionist or soemthing of that sort? I'm not saying to ignore what the MD's have said but to incorporate alternative therapies to help you with this fight. I believe in integrated medicine. Maybe even meditation or accupuncture can relieve some symptoms to help you through this.

    Just a thought. Either way...ALL THE BEST!

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Dawn1788
    Dawn1788 Posts: 3 Member

    I'm quite overweight and have breathing problems. My doctor says that I am fine but that losing weight would help my lung function so I will be watching your progress with interest. Do you know why you got emphysema? In looking for some help for my lung function, I have found out that eating onions can help your lungs.
  • Birdy
    Birdy Posts: 29 Member
    This is a wonderful site with lots of help and support. Keep reading!!
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I don't know much about anorexia, but I do know that slow and steady can get you through any race (if not win it). Just remember not to force yourself too quickly or you will give up. A few extra calories a day and you can improve your metabolism and your health.

    Good luck! We'll all be sending good thought your way!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Well, you've come to the right place. Whether it be help with being over, under, or even at weight, that is what this site is for!

    To your condition, I'm sure you've been told already, but some kind of clinical therapy is probably a good thing. As to your eating, as hard as it may be, believe it or not, your not doing anything different then a lot of people who are overweight. Your probably eating too few calories. And the goal calculator will work for gaining weight in a healthy way as well as for losing weight. So I would recommend, before you do anything else, go to the my home tab and put in your goals, try to follow that goal plan religiously. Since you have health concerns, it's more important for you then it would be for someone just trying to shave off 25 or 30 extra lbs.

    One thing I can tell you is to take your time, if the goal tool is telling you to eat 500 more calories a day, then ramp up to it so you don't make yourself sick, but make sure you have a plan to get their (I.E." I'll eat 100 calories more every day this week then I did every day last week.")
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    WELCOME! You will find a very supportive group here- and we all (or most of us) have struggles with food. Try to log on every day, and read some posts, and talk if you want; I think you will find it helps.
    As you begin to get healthier, the whole process should slowly get easier.
    Has your doctor talked to yo about ways to eat? I suffered from Anorexia as a teenager, and the clue for me was little meals very frequently , since feeling too full just wasn't an option. You probably know this, but most nuts are very healthy, and high in calories. You might try nibbling on nuts, and adding fresh fruit juice to your diet ( both are caorie dense, and nutritious). You will find that good nutrition is the same no mater what your weight- it's just that you should be focusing on the foods that are more calorie dense, and most of us are focusing on the opposite.

    Much luck to you!
  • lbedwell
    lbedwell Posts: 7
    Thanks to all of you who replied today. I hope I can be helpful to some of you. I walked for 20 minutes this morning and felt great, except for my ears..... must remember a hat tomorrow...... Still have dinner to go but I think I will meet the calorie requirement today.
    Thanks, rhondababy for reminding me to eat small meals throughout the day. I'm bad about that, and I don't like feeling full, plus I don't know if it's psychological or not, but I find it harder to breathe when I'm full. I'm trying the nuts and juice. debukl, I think "slow and steady wins the race" will be my new mantra. All of you said that in one way or another and it's great advice. It's time for dinner, but I wanted to say something to Dawn1788; will write again later. Thanks again to all of you, and best of luck to each!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    Welcome!!!!! If you're strange, just join the club! I think I'd be the president! lol welcome! :tongue:
  • Welcome --:flowerforyou: --- it is amazing what a support group can to do help. I know you will have success if you use the tools avaliable on this site. Just remember that slow and steady wins the race. One day at a time and if that is to big just one hour at a time. You will get there and be triumph!!!!:wink:
  • lbedwell
    lbedwell Posts: 7

    I'm quite overweight and have breathing problems. My doctor says that I am fine but that losing weight would help my lung function so I will be watching your progress with interest. Do you know why you got emphysema? In looking for some help for my lung function, I have found out that eating onions can help your lungs.


    That's interesting about onions, I have not heard that. My first inclination is to ask you if you have had any testing done, other than your doctor listening to your lungs with a stethoscope. My experience has been that doctors make quick judgements (not knocking them, the simplest explanation is usually right, or something like that?). If your breathing troubles haven't been fully evaluated, I wouldn't necessarily believe that they are completely related to being overweight, although we would all likely function better at our healthiest weight...... Although several chest x-rays and PFT suggested emphysema, my PCP (and I love her) was set on an asthma dx until I had a CT scan.

    Have you had a full pulmonary function test (PFT)? That would show how much your lung function is diminished, and also if you're having trouble inhaling or exhaling, among many other things. I know insurance is an issue for some, but if you have coverage and you haven't had other testing done, please think about doing so.

    Since I've started medications, I've been breathing much better. Onset for me was in January, with my annual bout of bronchitis. I was so short of breath after the usual course of the illness. I was certain it was pneumonia (had it 2 yrs. ago), and I was annoyed that my doctor even wanted a chest x-ray. I just wanted an antibiotic and her "permission" to go to bed for a few days. It was the worst I've felt. I couldn't even finish a sentence. I am going to a top teaching hospital (highly rated in pulmonology) in April for dx confirmation and a more clear plan of action as far as nutrition, exercise, and breathing exercises. I'll share what I learn.

    I get short of breath occasionally now, which brings on anxiety, and I end up popping xanax, rendering me useless for the rest of the day. I hope to be able to slow the disease progression and learn better ways to manage (I'm reading the posts of the Asthma sufferers too, thanks for the info!).

    So I tend to get a bit rambly..... in short, be a good advocate for yourself with the health care system and find out if anything else is contributing to your breathing problems.
    Best of luck to you, good night!
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