
I joined myfitnesspal in early November. As long as I was posting my food and exericse I lost. Then I stopped both. Now I am back. My plan is to take it slow and steady. Eat nutritioinally dense foods, stay within my calorie range and exercise 30 minutes every day. I seriously need support!


  • wyldweazel
    wyldweazel Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome back. This is the place to get it! Invite sent.
  • hello and welcome. I'm also new, and willing to give support :)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Welcome back....I was the same way and I recently came back about 25 days ago to get on track. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome!! Have been on here since May and I can honestly say I love mfp!! Of course, after 25 yrs of yo-yo dieting (I've tried them all)... something clicked with me - like a darn light bulb went off in my head! It was when I admitted to myself that I need to take the bull by the horns, jump in head first and make this my lifestyle change, it's not another silly short-term diet, a healthy lifestyle change - for GOOD! In reading your profile, I feel that you have come to the same realization. I'm so sick and tired of losing 20 out of 50 lbs then stopping, and gaining them back! I am done with that - and you should be proud of yourself for taking that first step too. I wish you the best of success in your journey and can't wait to see your blog someday with before & after pics that you did it!! :flowerforyou: