When you can't afford gym equipment...



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Calesthenics or workout DVDs (you can find these for a couple of bucks). A "step" such as what is used in step aerobic classes can also be found for < $10 if look around and is great exercise for your legs and cardio-vascular system. Add a couple of hand weight (or cans of food you have around the house) and you can incorporate your arms and core as well.

    Crank up the music and dance!! It's one of the best forms of exercise there is.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    check the ondemand section on your cable too -- exercise tv ( i know it's on our cable ) has lots of workouts - for FREE!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Look on youtube for exercise videos. They have a lot of good stuff you can do inside using your body weight.
  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    You could dance, find workout dvd's, or use workouts from a magazine.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Workout DVD's. :happy:
  • Step ups, use a breeze block, the stairs, anything sturdy enough to support your weight plus impact. Just 15 mins can be 300 calories+ The same as if you walked for an hour!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    there are a TON of bodyweight exercises you can do in your home. Go to youtube, type in "bodyweight exercises" and you will find a lot of stuff there. also check out bodyrock.tv for some SUPER FIERCE routines...and even if you don't do the routines, you can learn some bodyweight exercises by watching. All of this is free.
  • Jillian Michaels~No more trouble zones dvd. it's 12.00 or less. all you need is 2 pound weights which you can use water bottles as your weights
  • loserit
    loserit Posts: 21 Member
    Here's a website you can try: http://www.fitness-training-at-home.com/
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    If you have a decent internet connection and a little space in your living room. Check out Bodyrock.tv - Lots of great exercise ideas there.

    Even simpler is yoga & body weight exercises. I have a cheap book on Hatha yoga that cost about $15. In it there are lots of great workout ideas, from the simple to the insanely difficult.

    Then there are good old fashioned calisthenics. Push-ups, squats, burpees, cruches, leg raisies, etc, etc.

    With no gym all you need is a little space and some imagination to get a great workout.

    Hope this helps and have fun!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Body weight workouts. Here's a really good one: http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/

    There are also apps you can download for your phone or ipod for abs, pushups, etc. I'm currently using Daily Ab Workout and Pushup Challenge.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    On Demand (cable) had fitness channel, buy exercise dvds, get a jump rope, put some music on and dance, google at home work outs, buy some dumbbells, etc
  • Spearo
    Spearo Posts: 47

    It's hard on your lungs to run outside in below freezing temperatures without a muffler/scarf (they even make special one for running. Then there's also the ice that can be dangerous. I guess it depends where you live.

    *sigh* Another myth.

    Where I live we run in -40C and our lungs are just fine, and so do millions north of 50 all over the world. There's a 100 mile ultramarathon in Antarctica and nobody's "lungs freeze".

    OP: If you aren't motivated to get outside during the Winter and have no inside gear, then it's going to be bodyweight exercises ie: squats, 1-leg squats, pushups, dips, jumping, running on the spot, lifting ice cream pails full of water (or ice cream!). Sounds boring, but at least you'll be inside and exercising.

    Have fun!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    And it's too cold outside to go running, what do you all suggest. I'm really discouraged right now.

    how cold is too cold? haha
    sorry minnesotan runner talking here :D
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Got stairs? Up and down. Repeat...
    Put on some loud music and dance. Advanced version: Dance Naked:)
  • Letayba
    Letayba Posts: 1 Member
    Try going to the nearest mall and walking laps around the whole mall! Since I can't excercise outside, and can't afford a gym membership either, I have found that this works for me during the winter months. Hang in there!!!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Run up and down the stairs
  • /try this article
    http://www.acefitness.org/article/2863. I found it very interesting.
    Also, try looking into a set a resistance tubes. I paid about $14.00 for mine at my local Wally- World (walmart)
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member

    It's hard on your lungs to run outside in below freezing temperatures without a muffler/scarf (they even make special one for running. Then there's also the ice that can be dangerous. I guess it depends where you live.

    *sigh* Another myth.

    Where I live we run in -40C and our lungs are just fine, and so do millions north of 50 all over the world. There's a 100 mile ultramarathon in Antarctica and nobody's "lungs freeze".

    OP: If you aren't motivated to get outside during the Winter and have no inside gear, then it's going to be bodyweight exercises ie: squats, 1-leg squats, pushups, dips, jumping, running on the spot, lifting ice cream pails full of water (or ice cream!). Sounds boring, but at least you'll be inside and exercising.

    Have fun!

    he he i agreee. i live @ 45. it gets super cold here, but our distance track and cross team still run outside even when it's 0 degrees outside. I know several people who train for marathons thoughout the winter outside. I've never heard of any lung problems associated with running outside in the cold temps...
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Too cold?

    I'll run down to about zero (F). Below that, the only reason I don't is that I don't have thick enough tights and my thighs start to freeze!! I'm not too worried about my lungs or core temp; this morning it was about 26 degrees when I headed out - by mid-way through I was hatless, and I was gloveless by the end. I was only wearing winter tights (over the knee length) and a thin long-sleeve Pearl Izumi running shirt with a tech tee underneath.

    If I had warm enough bottoms, I could add two more layers on top (fleece & wind breaker) and still be running down to about 15 or 20 below.

    The only thing I worry about is the slippery footing.....

    Does anyone make studded running shoes?