Girls guide to buying her man an x-mas gift???



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I asked my husband what he wanted and I bought it! Very easy and no worries about getting something he won't use. My only rule is I will not buy something thoughtless like video games or books. Or gift cards. I'm fine with that from other family members and vice verse but I really like to make it personal for my hubby!

    See, for my husband, video games ARE thoughtful. It's his hobby, and he really enjoys it, but he doesn't like spending money on games because he'd rather buy things for the kids. And I'll buy him game-related stuff too. He loves that kind of thing. It all depends on the guy.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I was having this issue with my boyfriend, because we haven't been dating long so I don't know him THAT well, plus I don't want to get too personal, ya know?
    Couldn't go with gift cards because he hates shopping, so I ended up just getting some chocolates and some fun boxers I found - one is 3D and one glows in the dark. Plus a few scratch tickets!
    Then I found something online and ordered it for his birthday - a scratch-off world map. So when you visit a country, you scratch it off on the poster, and there are pretty colors underneath :) He loves travelling so it seemed perfect!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    To be completely honest... in the past I have bought cologne and video games and an xbox lol... but This year its gonna be me. In just a really large RED BOW [;

    That is so cute. I bet you're not married or have kids!! My husband would love that, but I got him a few gift cards, a nice coat, and a dinner out without the kid!

    I bet you're not married or have kids!! LMAO
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    My only rule is I will not buy something thoughtless like video games or books.

    with my hubby, books aren't thoughtless. he reads all the time!!!!!! unfortunately, 85% of that time he's in the bathroom....

    They aren't thoughtless with my bf either :)
    I've bought him books this year as he loves to read and write. He's around halfway through his own book that he's hoping to finish and get published some time next year so the more reading material the better!!! Plus the author of the ones I've got him is his favourite :D

    With his presents I usually just ask him what sort of stuff he's after lately if I'm unsure. I do like there to be some element of surprise so I usually get him to tell me vaguely what sort of stuff he'd like. Either that or I'll ask him what he'd really like, buy that, and then get something as a surprise too that I think he'll like, that way you can't go wrong :)
  • Does he like weightlifting? Then get him a pair of adjustable dumbells. Sports? Tickets or a league pass of some sort. I personally don't like anything that requires you to sit on a couch and I drink often anyways, so no need to get more alcohol for a gift. If you are on your goal of losing weight, some relaxation gifts for yourself and him (or just him) would do great such as massages, golfing, hiking, or whatever. The holidays are a time for rejoicing and being thankful for your family, so if you don't get to do that alot the rest of the year, make that your primary goal. Material things can always be given throughout the year. Good luck!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    My only rule is I will not buy something thoughtless like video games or books.

    with my hubby, books aren't thoughtless. he reads all the time!!!!!! unfortunately, 85% of that time he's in the bathroom....

    Men are not the same as women. We kinda care what we get. . . they don't seem to. I mean I could have given my husband a block of chesse, which he would probably like more then his treasure chest, or I could give him a hug and he wouldn't care. Really anything. .

    I don't do what I find thoughtless like games or books or gift cards either. It's not personal enough for me. . . he thinks I over do gifts to him. . . I think i care!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    To be completely honest... in the past I have bought cologne and video games and an xbox lol... but This year its gonna be me. In just a really large RED BOW [;

    That is so cute. I bet you're not married or have kids!! My husband would love that, but I got him a few gift cards, a nice coat, and a dinner out without the kid!

    That's so true. I asked my husband what he thought of that idea. He said as long as it wasn't under the tree Christmas morning when the kids got up. :blushing: :smooched:
  • I literally saved an email from when my bf and I FIRST met where he was talking about how much he wanted a portable record player and then ordered the one he wanted (he had included a link in the email) for him for Christmas. Then I got him a pair of his fave jeans. We did Christmas with my family last night (his family get's actual christmas this year) and he was SO EXCITED when he opened it - it was the best ever.

    I just try to make note of things he says he wants throughout the year and then when it comes time to buy him a gift it's pretty easy.

  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    To be completely honest... in the past I have bought cologne and video games and an xbox lol... but This year its gonna be me. In just a really large RED BOW [;

    Does that come with a gift receipt? LOL :bigsmile:
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    My husband and I are really into tattoos, so I got him a gift certificate to our tattoo shop. It should be enough for a pretty decent sized tattoo also. And the cool part is, he (and I) can enjoy it forever. Gotta love body art :)

    I also got him some clothes (God knows he won't go clothes shopping on his own) and stuff for his '56 Chevy Bel Air that he's remodeling.

    All of this sounds perfect
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I got my man a shotgun (We love to go hunting!), a new clip wallet (His got stolen out of his pocket a few months back) and a few other things he asked for. I asked him to make a list he didn't give me one so I made one of the things I knew he had asked for in the past few months and things I knew he would use.
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    My husband already got the gun safe he wanted so on Christmas morning he will get to open a package of socks :smile:

    He is very vocal about what he wants so I never have to guess at what to get him - he makes it pretty easy!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Guys are like women, if you listen to what we are saying we will tell you what we want. Listen to him for a few weeks before a Birthday or Christmas and he will most likely be dropping hints. Last year my wife bought me a bunch of hikeing and camping equipment to replace pieces that had broken or were worn out. Sports jerseys of his favorite player wrapped around the tickets to a game. The red bow around you sounds good but as a guy I want a gift certificate I can cash in for another session.
  • cmhickey616
    cmhickey616 Posts: 85 Member
    Just listen to what he talks about and you'll figure out what he wants. i hate getting generic video games or clothes because it's so boring. I usually get my bf concert tickets to whatever band we both love is playing in Chicago or something else that we can do together. This year though I got him a Microkorg because it's something he's been talking about for over a year :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Coffee!!! my husband is a huge coffee drinker and I am not. So on christmas and birthday I buy him his favorite coffee which is Tim Hortons. I have to order it online because our closest store until recently is 90 min. away. He loves it and is happy he can put the folgers away for awhile. He also will randomly drop hints of what he wants from time to time so I learned to keep a list.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm getting my husband an iphone 4s
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I got my man a shotgun (We love to go hunting!), a new clip wallet (His got stolen out of his pocket a few months back) and a few other things he asked for. I asked him to make a list he didn't give me one so I made one of the things I knew he had asked for in the past few months and things I knew he would use.

    i did the shotgun last year. . .I'm tellin you it is hard to top a gun. . . i shoulda waited til we were old and his love for me was fading lol
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Some have already said it, but listen to him throughout the year, or think about what his interests are. Mine is a carpenter and most Christmases I add to his antique tool collection. This year, though, he's getting a frybaby. He'll love that, too, and it's something he and the kids will use together.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    We have a little T@B* caravan (trailer) & it's my Hubbys pride & joy! So there is an artist in the village who makes paper cuts. I've commisioned her to do one of our 'van.
    Picked it up today.
    It's brill, too too cute. He's gonna poop when he sees it!:laugh:

    * go on & google it.
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    Sex, it's free....well, unless you want to get somebody else involved too.

    haha this is great!