Hi, anybody else addicted to sugar?



  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I used to be addicted to sugar... but not anymore. :) I wrote about it in my blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/4milesat40/view/6-months-primal-179202
  • Krissi72
    Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
    Sugar is my ally sometimes and my enemy the next. Keeps me going when my blood sugar's low, but doesn't help the belly fat, Not one bit! Good luck everyone with your no chocolate diets. I think it's a bad idea to just ward it off at one time. Try just picking one day a week and save a chocolate "miniature" for that day. It's like a little gift to yourself for trying so hard. It has worked for me!
  • Krissi72
    Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
    Sugar is my ally sometimes and my enemy the next. Keeps me going when my blood sugar's low, but doesn't help the belly fat, Not one bit! Good luck everyone with your no chocolate diets. I think it's a bad idea to just ward it off at one time. Try just picking one day a week and save a chocolate "miniature" for that day. It's like a little gift to yourself for trying so hard. It has worked for me!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Yep, I'm not trying to go sugar free until after Christmas but it is on my to do list!!! Here's to getting the monkey off my back!!
  • Uuggghh! I started off on here cutting out all sweets and chocolate, apart from one treat at the weekend and it was actually not nearly as hard as I thought.....however, in the last couple of weeks I've lost it and have started eating more sweets than I really want!! I made fudge and scottish tablet for christmas pressies (both have MASSIVE amounts of sugar in them and I have to give it all away today as I've munched on it continuously since I made it....despite telling myself that I'm not having any more....I just keep going back! Once Christmas is out of the way I really have to just get back on the horse! It's not making me feel so good!!

    Ditto...I do all the baking for Christmas at my parent's with the whole family...so I've been surrounded by sweets lately...but once the holidays are over...
  • I happen to be a complete and total chocaholic o.o I mean, all other forms of sugar are fine but chocolate....I even like it as a spa treatment lol
  • i have worked on my sugar craving/intake for a couple yrs now but i had to cut back on sugar help prevent diabetes ( which runs on both sides) i went from using 20 something packs of sugar in my coffee (16oz) to 3 equals/sweet n low it was hard but it was worth it it helped me in my weight loss and its 0 calories!!! lol its an acquired taste but something 2 try
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    Yep, especially milk chocolate. Oh and I do like beer and whiskey and that's completely sugar. Alcohol is fat free though, so there is some solace in that.

    Whiskey and hard liquors do not have any sugar or carbohydrates.....
  • I used to be addicted to sugar... but not anymore. :) I wrote about it in my blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/4milesat40/view/6-months-primal-179202

    Thank you for sharing. I read your blog post and your story is inspirational! I was curious about the marksdaiilyapple site you mentioned so went and checked it out - amazing! Looking forward to trying some of the recipes.
  • WOW, i feel sometimes after eating good all day, working out hard, and almost ready to go to sleep, something in my brain forces me to find something sweet!!!! I even tried to keep fruit in my room "oranges"etc... but i still find those cookies and candy!
  • Sugar, oh my word! My best friend and my worst nightmare. Whenever I have a really bad day, I crave sugar. Anything will do the trick. Chocolate, tootsie dots, hard candy, plain sugar in my coffee. All I need is that lovely sweetness, followed by that incredible high. And then, when it's already way past being too late to stop, it hits you. You feel dreadful. You feel dirty. You feel guilty. You feel like a big fat cow. Oh how I hate being so dependent on SUGAR. I think it is horridly evil!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    addicted. and if i stop with the sweets i just end up putting sweet sauces on my regular food anyway! :(
  • OMG yes!! I'm totally addicted...chocolate especially. My mom lost over 60lbs going on a diabetic diet.
  • YES! That would be the reason I am trying to loose the weight, I am a sucker for sweets and fried food! Holidays have not been easy, but if I can make it thru this weekend, it will be smooth sailing from here! When I go grocery shopping now the only thing that is bought sweet wise is sugar for my husbands tea. I think my body is in shock, so is my sister when she comes over and can't find anything to snack on lol
  • OMG i am totally and completely addicted to sugar! any type of sweet that that crosses my path is constantly screaming my name! and i never even feel bad about it! well at least until lately, now i can tell what my addiction has been doing to my stomach and its totally irritating! we should start a self help group.
  • Yeahhh.......I am trying to avoid buying the dark chocolate peanut butter mini-cups from Trader Joe's or brownies......:sad: