Stay-at-Home Moms/Dads---5/11--5/17

staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Good morning all! Hope yesterday was special for you. I really enjoyed my day. :smile:

Today i'm going to try my dh's new p90x program. not the diet part, just the lean routine version of the dvd's. wish me luck!

And what do you have in store for today? do you have any exercise challenges/goals for yourself??

Check in soon and share your stories. :heart:


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Good morning all! Hope yesterday was special for you. I really enjoyed my day. :smile:

    Today i'm going to try my dh's new p90x program. not the diet part, just the lean routine version of the dvd's. wish me luck!

    And what do you have in store for today? do you have any exercise challenges/goals for yourself??

    Check in soon and share your stories. :heart:
  • glendaz
    glendaz Posts: 55
    My boys gave me the Wii FIt for Mother's Day. Did we have a blast last night hula-hooping and trying to head butt soccer balls! I work out everyday so I am excited to try this and see what happens over time.

    My goal is to do the Wii Fit each morning before work to add to my regular workout.
    Have fun with the p90! I hope you like it!
    Enjoy your day!
  • LAR2
    LAR2 Posts: 1
    My brother is doing the P90X program and he looks great. I'm starting mine tonight.
  • I put my daughter in the stroller and took a nice 30 minute walk:).....I feel great!!..I plan on getting some kind of workout dvd this week to add to my walks!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hello Mommies-
    I hope everyone had a happy mothers day..Mine was really good.My childern and I went to chruch and had a great lunch and just a nice day all together..:flowerforyou:

    Well my son Joshua who had the trampoline accident is doing well just really tired hes not sleeping very well cuz he has to wear a neckbrace for the next month. We go back up to Indy in June to have another mri..He has 2 compressed fractions in his neck..He's very blessed and so am I for having my childern. I have laid alot on Gods door and I hope he is listening and hopes he answers all my prayers.

    I have a dr's appt in the morning to see why I am sooooooo tired..All I want to do is sleep..It has become very nerve racking when your kids want to play and I'm just so tired..I've gotten to the point that I'm not worried about my weight again but I have to do something I'm gaining weight back. Sorry to ramble on..Hope everyone has a good day..
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyone! a little about me...I am a sahm but I have a 13 and 15 year old so I have lots of time during the day to myself. I choose to be a sahm and hate people who tell me that I can go back to work now that my kids are older...I am more afraid of what they could get into with out adult supervision now than I was when they were little! Of course I have to give them some independence but with proper guidance.

    I have struggled with my weight my entire adult life and never was able to keep off the weight after my kiddies were born. I lost 75 lbs after my 13 year old son was born but gradually put it on plus some.
    I started on this journey this time around in dec 08 and have lost 33 lbs. I am hoping that this time I will lose it and maintain!

    I already did my 30 day shred and am now off for a walk with my dogs...hope everyone has a great and active day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome michelle! i totally understand abt being home when they're home now that they're older. my sister felt the same way.

    lenece, i'm glad son's recovering ok so far. will keep praying for the best.

    glendaz and yankeefamily05--hi there! walking and wii fit are great ways to keep moving.

    i wasn't too successful with the p90x this morning. i only lasted 36 min and was beat. and then i attempted the cardiox but that was too hard for me too. one part of me wants to keep trying, but the other would rather do something else. the exercises are just not the kind i REALLY want to do. at least not now.
    there was a lot of yoga moves, planks, and then kickboxing (?). i'm more of a walker, swimmer, jogger (?) person.
    anyway, i'll keep you posted.

    hope you all have a nice afternoon. off to play barbies!
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    I would say 36 min is successful! ya gotta start somewhere! at least you tried and did some of it. it counts!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks! that's so nice of you!

    tonight i did 2 miles of a leslie sansone dvd. definitely gets my heart rate up and it's do-able for me. plus, i just like her. :happy:

    hope you all had a great day--must get sleep now...
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    i haven't exercised for 2 weeks...maybe even longer. i gotta get my butt back into gear. waiting for my baby to take her nap then i will do it. gotta force myself.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    My brother is doing the P90X program and he looks great. I'm starting mine tonight.

    Welcome, Larz. I have a friend at work who is OBESESSED with P90X! If you stick with it, you'll see great results quickly. At least he did. I wish I could afford it. It seems like the ultimate.

    I got the Malibu Pilates chair. I've been working out on it everday. I'm sore in places I didn't know had muscles! Keep me posted on your progress with P90X. I'd love to see if it works for you, too.

    Have a great day! :happy:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hello Mommies-
    I hope everyone had a happy mothers day..Mine was really good.My childern and I went to chruch and had a great lunch and just a nice day all together..:flowerforyou:

    Well my son Joshua who had the trampoline accident is doing well just really tired hes not sleeping very well cuz he has to wear a neckbrace for the next month. We go back up to Indy in June to have another mri..He has 2 compressed fractions in his neck..He's very blessed and so am I for having my childern. I have laid alot on Gods door and I hope he is listening and hopes he answers all my prayers.

    I have a dr's appt in the morning to see why I am sooooooo tired..All I want to do is sleep..It has become very nerve racking when your kids want to play and I'm just so tired..I've gotten to the point that I'm not worried about my weight again but I have to do something I'm gaining weight back. Sorry to ramble on..Hope everyone has a good day..

    Hello, Dana. I'm Amy. Nice to meet you. How old is your son? Where are his fractions? I'm so sorry to hear about his accident. From what I've gathered, your son skipped being "lucky" and went straight to be BLESSED! Remember, God has the biggest gates ever...lots of room for everyone to lay their worries. There is NO limit to what God can handle. I can so relate to your situation. You have no idea.

    I look forward to hearing more from you. Remember, there is nothing you can't handle if you just let go and let God handle it instead.
    :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi Everyone it Jules,not sure if you remember me but its been since March or something since I have been on here. I struggling to get back on track to lose this stupid weight. I hoping to reconnect with everyone so I can start this journey again for the 100,000 time. Hope everyone has been doing well. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi Everyone it Jules,not sure if you remember me but its been since March or something since I have been on here. I struggling to get back on track to lose this stupid weight. I hoping to reconnect with everyone so I can start this journey again for the 100,000 time. Hope everyone has been doing well. :flowerforyou:

    Jules, you're always welcome here! :flowerforyou:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Morning all! Hope everyone is well.

    I think today is going to be a great day! I woke up feeling great. Lots of energy. Stomach feels a little ahn-ahn but, all in all, feel great! Actually looking forward to working out! :bigsmile:

    I have a question, though, that I hope you all can help me out with. When you log in your food, say you're cooking spaghetti, do you log in the onions, peppers, scallions, etc.? In other words, do you log in each ingredient, trying to figure out how much is in your serving? I've been doing this and its getting a bit annoying. Any suggestions?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    some people don't really bother with vegetables (unless you're wanting to track your fiber), just b/c it gets tedious. i log mine b/c i'm trying to get to my 5/day each day.

    i'll be perfectly honest--sometimes i just don't log a meal when it's too annoying to figure it out. for ex, my husband made his own version of hamb helper: ground beef, pasta, tomato sauce, gouda cheese, seasonings, mozz cheese--and i don't know what else. i took a half a cup of it and just figured in my head it was 300 or more cals.

    other recipes i've gone to a recipe analyzer (just google it) and i've entered in all the data to get the nutrition breakdown and then entered that in mfp database as: homemade--staceyw--name of food
    and put nutrition there. i know that's a pain, but for foods i make often, i prefer it that way. then i file the nutrition brkdwn from the recipe analyzer site with the recipe in my cookbook.
    whew! that's a lot to just type!

    there's no ONE right way. just what works for you and keeps you truly accountable--so YOU can reach your goals! :wink:

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi. My name is Amy. I've been on MFP for about a week now and love what I see. I don't know if I completely fit into this thread, but I feel like I might. I was a SAHM for my 2 children until about 1 1/2 years ago. I was blessed to be offered the job of Admin. Assistant at our church at 10 hrs a week, and I could take them with me. They just play in the nursery across the hall from my office. This school year, my son is in Kindergarten and my daughter is in preschool and I'm up to 20 hrs a week. I don't go to work until after the children go to school. I can walk to pick up my daughter from preschool, bring her back with me, until time to get off work. Then I'm off from work for the day when I pick my son up. It's like the best of both worlds for me. I wouldn't change having been a SAHM for anything. And for my kids, it's like I still am. :happy: Sorry if I rambled. Just wanted to introduce myself.
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    welcome to MFP Amy. I am somewhat of a newbie to this thread hope you like it and have much have much success
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome amy! :flowerforyou: sounds like you're in the right place! and of course, you can be on as many or as few threads as you want. there are various teams/challenges out there that you can join, too. or just lurk. :laugh:

    we're a pretty mixed bunch here with people coming and going. i hope you'll feel like it's a good support for you on this journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    Hello everyone! I would love to join you...if you'll have me! :) I joined this site last year after my first pregnancy that ended in a loss at 5 months(our first baby boy). :( I had only been on here a few weeks when we learned I was pregnant again. I spent the entire pregnancy on "modified" bedrest. Our son ended up being born on November 4, 2007, six weeks early. By the grace of God, he spent just 2 weeks in the NICU, every day was a step forward for us! He is just over 6 months now and despite one re-hospitalization, he's doing tremendously well. He's even caught up with his milestones! He's our miracle baby for sure. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus accompanied by antiphospholipid syndrome and lupus anticoagulant in 2001, hence my pregnancy complications. I ended up developing HELLPS and nearly lost my liver. Because of this, I won't be able to have anymore children. :(

    Back to the reason I'm here....I put on some weight after 2 back to back pregnancies. I know I was just 5 months with the first, but I had gained some and never got it off before becoming pregnant again. I need to lose at LEAST 20-25 pounds! After being on bedrest, then laid up for a bit after my c-section and another re-hospitalization for myself as well, I've not been able to take as much off as I wanted. So I'm back here and so far so good! But it sure would be nice to have some motivation and support from other stay-at-home mommies! Especially when it comes to exercise. How much can one do with a little one by their side? I bought a body ball a couple days ago and hope to be able to utilize it soon!!!!

    Thanks for reading my long post and I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!! :flowerforyou:
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