Non dairy breakfast ideas

I get tired of having dairy for breakfast. Any ideas on some quick, non dairy breakfasts I can make on school mornings?
I'm thinking egg breakfast sandwiches, like McD's.... but then I'm stumped.
I do lots of muffins with fruit but it gets old.
What are some breakfast foods you do on school mornings?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Banana with peanut butter slathered on it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    I like:
    -oatmeal with raisins or blueberries
    -veggie omelette with salsa on top
    -apple with peanut butter
    -rice cakes with peanut butter and real fruit jam
    -granola or granola bar

    I second banana with peanut butter!
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    I like smoothies because they're quick to make and I can down them in between running around after my children. I use a vegan protein powder (so it's non-dairy) and add water and frozen fruit. If I'm feeling crazy I add coconut milk yogurt or unsweetened coconut milk. If I'm really rushed it's just the powder and water. :wink:

    Oatmeal is a good one (I make my own as opposed to buying those sugary packages), quinoa with fresh blueberries and non-dairy milk.
  • blooming_soul
    blooming_soul Posts: 22 Member
    I wake up at 6am for work and dont have much time for breakfast in the morning so i eat a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut or almond butter and a banana or apple on the side. Protien+carbs=energy! Also, I can continue getting ready while the toast is toasting! Very time efficient and surprisingly satisfying...
  • xXKatrinaXx
    i dont really eat dairy either. instead for breakfast ill eat either quinoa, whole wheat bread w/ peanut butter, vitatop muffins, or protein shake but with soymilk
  • BenderFitness
    over easy eggs with fresh spinach. Sometimes with broccoli. My hubby thinks it's weird, but I love it! I have more energy and feel less hungry during the day.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    i have oatmeal made with water for breakfast mixed in with whatever i feel like at the time.
    I also mix in a scoop of protein powder which makes it creamy and seem like it has milk but doesn't.
    So easy to vary the add-ins that have this almost every day for breakkie.

    Add in examples (often in combination):

    Spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla essence
    chia seeds
    LSA (linseed, soy and ground almonds mix)
    fresh fruit (banana, berries etc)
    stewed fruit such as apple, rhubarb, quince etc.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Baked oatmeal! I bake it the night before, cut it into four in the pan, and I've got breakfast for four days! My latest iteration had fresh cranberries, dark chocolate chips, and almonds... mmm....
    (Yeah, it calls for milk, but actually use soy or almond milk anyways, so it's non-dairy for me, plus I omit the butter...I don't really find it needs it.)

    Similar to baked oatmeal, there's the "breakfast cookie":
    Really, it's more like "overnight oats" as mine never get firm enough to be a cookie, but it's quite nice.

    You could make some date/nut/nut butter/etc. dough balls too. Pulse a bunch of deliciousness in a food processor, roll into balls, stick in fridge!

    You could also do an omelette or tofu scramble (chop some veggies the night before and throw 'em in the pan in the morning).
  • thinnerisstronger
    thinnerisstronger Posts: 124 Member
    Oatmeal! I add peanut butter & vanilla whey protein with a dash of cinnamon. Best breakfast ever!
  • JPDad
    JPDad Posts: 147
    Smoothies made with soy, almond, or hemp milk are quick and easy. Add protein powder, seeds, fruit and vegetables to suit your taste.
  • Mcoh01
    Mcoh01 Posts: 11
    When you say non-dairy, do you mean no yogurt? I've got some ideas that might use a little bit of cheese...

    1) 1 piece of wheat toast, topped with a poached egg, covered in salsa (Safeway garlic lover's salsa is awesome). I put plain greek yogurt on top, but you can skip that if you're looking for non-dairy.

    2) Chop up a scallion and cook it in non-fat cooking spray. When it starts to brown, break an egg over it and cook the scallions into the egg. Put the egg and scallion combo in between toasted Arnold's sandwich thins or in a wheat wrap(sometimes I toast some shredded mozzarella on the sandwich thins). It only takes about 2 minutes to make.

    3) These broccoli and cheese mini-omelettes are great - I made a batch on Sunday, and now I have breakfast for all week:
    I recommend substituting the egg whites with a cup of skim milk, it's cheaper and lower cal.

    4) Good old fashioned peanut butter and jelly. It's easy to take on the go, it's tasty, and it's a breakfast that will stick with you until lunch.

    Hope that helps! I get easily bored with breakfast too, so I'm always looking for new ideas.
  • nikki91950
  • rawnos
    I haven't had cereal for breakfast in probably about 2 years,. I just got over it. But if you DO like cereal, you can have it with soy milk, rice, almond or oat milk. (I like oat milk the best, but try them for yourself).

    For breakfast I usually try to have either a tonne of fruit for breakfast or a green smoothie. I know it sounds grosse, but if you put enough fruit in their you cannot taste the greens. This morning I had a smoothie with spinach, cucumber, frozen berries, seaweed, and flaxseed(for my omega 3). I usually add water or coconut milk with this, but you could use a nut milk if you wanted.

    There is the usual wholegrain toast with a nut spread or avocado, vegemite and tomato is really good:) (but then again, I am from Australia and I (used to) have vegemite with everything).

    I sometimes have soup for breakfast, thats not very traditional but then again, in Japan they have steamed rice + miso soup etc for breakfast, and miso soup is really yum, I also have that for breakfast on occasion, esspecially in winter.
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Baked oatmeal! I bake it the night before, cut it into four in the pan, and I've got breakfast for four days! My latest iteration had fresh cranberries, dark chocolate chips, and almonds... mmm....
    (Yeah, it calls for milk, but actually use soy or almond milk anyways, so it's non-dairy for me, plus I omit the butter...I don't really find it needs it.)

    what a great idea! not my post, but glad I came across this :smile:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Turkey sausage patties are DELICIOUS!
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    This is a variation on what was already said, but a whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter and a banana sliced on top is so yummy. I love eggs, and I make scrambled eggs with almond milk and then put it on toast with some salsa. So yummy.
  • Eggs, protien/granola bars, toast with peanut butter, omlets, whole wheat english muffins, fruits - there are so many wonderful dairy free options. My body has a very low lactose tolerance (even though I love dairy) so I know what you mean about trying to do something different. Good luck! xx
  • Oats and protein powder!

    I mix together my protein ( Beverly International ) but you can use any whey protein and rolled oats together add a little peanut butter and your good to go!

    Other suggestions are:

    3/4 C cooked Farina, 1 t. cinnamon, 1 banana, 1/2-1 Tablespoon Natural Peanut Butter

    5 egg whites, 1/2 c spin, 1/4 C. salsa 1/4 C FF ch. 1/2 WW Bagel

    5 Egg Whites, Whole Wheat English Muffin, Medium Banana

    1 Cup Cooked Oatmeal, 1 Cup raspberries, 3 egg whites
  • RachStevens06
    RachStevens06 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone! lots of new ideas to think about.
    I'm not normally a fan of oatmeal but I haven't had it in years so I'm going to give it another try.

    Who many calories do you guys eat in the morning? I have always heard start the morning with the highest amount you can get away with and then taper off as the day goes on and your dinner should be the lowest.
    I have a hard time with this. I'm lucky some days if I even get 150-180 calories in the morning. I'm not a breakfast person, I have too much to do in the morning to stop and eat. HAHA.

    Thanks again. Those all sound super delicious... or maybe it's because I have the munchies right now.
  • RachStevens06
    RachStevens06 Posts: 10 Member
    Eggs, protien/granola bars, toast with peanut butter, omlets, whole wheat english muffins, fruits - there are so many wonderful dairy free options. My body has a very low lactose tolerance (even though I love dairy) so I know what you mean about trying to do something different. Good luck! xx
    I have lactose intolerance and most days I'm fine but it seems like some mornings my body just can't handle any dairy, especially in the morning. Yogurt was always my go to breakfast... until I started getting sick almost every time I ate it. So I had to stop