Newish...and in need of some motivation!

sltaime Posts: 13 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I joined several months ago (never introduced myself then) and was really good about tracking everything, but still didn't lose weight. There was always a party, event, or something that gave me an excuse to fall off track. It seems that I have not only failed to lose weight, but gained in the process.

I'm in need of motivation to FINALLY lose the 10-15 lbs I've been trying to lose since as long I can remember. One would think that having to buy "fat" clothes and not being able to wear half the clothes I own would be motivation enough, but I guess not. I'm miserable being overweight, and seem to seek comfort in food. Yeah, makes a lot of sense huh? I need someone to give me a kick in the *kitten*, figureatively of course! HELP


  • sltaime
    sltaime Posts: 13 Member
    I joined several months ago (never introduced myself then) and was really good about tracking everything, but still didn't lose weight. There was always a party, event, or something that gave me an excuse to fall off track. It seems that I have not only failed to lose weight, but gained in the process.

    I'm in need of motivation to FINALLY lose the 10-15 lbs I've been trying to lose since as long I can remember. One would think that having to buy "fat" clothes and not being able to wear half the clothes I own would be motivation enough, but I guess not. I'm miserable being overweight, and seem to seek comfort in food. Yeah, makes a lot of sense huh? I need someone to give me a kick in the *kitten*, figureatively of course! HELP
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    **KICK** in the (_|_)

    There you go! :wink: We've all fallen off the wagon at one just have to run to catch up with it, that's all. You can do it!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    hello and welcome to MFP. I think you will love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use and everyone here is nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you much success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • kitty82
    kitty82 Posts: 36
    Hi, I just recently fell off myself.

    Wait, I don't mean I fell off myself ... that would be awkward:happy: ! No, really though it happens to all of us. I'm back on the website, counting my calories again, & getting my exercise in.

    You just have to do it at your pace. When you fall off pace or lose track just catch up. :bigsmile:

    Hope this help :flowerforyou:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I know what your problem is,,, you're not fat enough!

    I was 270 &$%in' pounds when I started this. I'm 5'8" tall. That's ridiculous,,, I waddled. I got winded walking my basset hound. :laugh: I was a gym-rat studmuffin once upon a time, so I know how cool life is when you're in shape, and I know how far I'd gotten from that, and I was thoroughly, profoundly miserable.

    Being that far gone motivated me to make changes, and it has helped me to make the progress I've made. I WILL get back to a 36" waist (maybe even 34,,, :tongue: ). I WILL get my weight back under 200 lbs for the first time since high school. I WILL find my abs again. I know it, because I want it, and I know that it's worth the very reasonable effort it takes to get there.

    15 pounds?!?! I laugh in your general direction :laugh: . I've lost 2 big thanksgiving turkeys! I will lose another one, maybe even a smallish Cocker Spaniel. I can lose 15 pounds by accident. Hehehe,,,

    Maybe you should pack on another 50, that'll get you motivated...

    ((Ok, sad attempt @ humor over. You know what to do,,, now get in there and do it. You can get it done, and we're here to back you up.)).
  • sltaime
    sltaime Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you all so much for your words of support! :bigsmile: As far as gaining more weight to lose more, I think I may be subconsciously doing that. Now that I think I'm actually trying to do more to lose, ALL I can think of is food!! I know that I only want to lose 15, but in all honesty I could lose twice that and not look in any way in need of a sandwhich. I'm just trying to feel good in my clothes and in the process good about myself. :happy:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    If all you can think of is food, what are you eating?

    I'm rarely hungry, and when I am I get something to eat. For me it was an issue of what I was eating more than the amounts. An apple is 80 calories, and a Snicker bar is close to 300. Old Casper would snack on the Snickers, and new casper snacks on grapes.

    You can do this... It's just a matter of adjusting habits. More walking, less sitting. More cantaloupe, less pasta. Eazy peazy. :happy:
  • sltaime
    sltaime Posts: 13 Member
    My weakness is candy and anything with sugar pretty much. On good days, I can stay within my calories, go to the gym and feel great. Unfortunately, the not so good days of skipping the gym, going out to eat, and eating candy happen far more often.:devil: I know I waste a ton of calories on candy and the 100 pack things that don't do anything for my hunger control, but they're just so much tastier than vegetables. I know what my issues are, I just really need to be strong enough and motivated enough to want to make the change. I guess admitting it is the first step so I'm sorta kinda headed in the right direction.
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