Turbofire and CLX schedule

I did Turbo Jam last year for like 8 months. After that I switched between Turbofire and CLX. I really want to do both and I've been physically active with those 2 for most of the year. I would love to do Turbofire with a little CLX because I want more strength training. How much TF and how much CLX should I do in a week? Does anyone else have their own schedule like that they could share?


  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I do the 3 CLX workouts per week. On the in between days I do at least 1 HIIT workout and a core workout and then switch off between Fire 45 and Fire 55 EZ. I put the advanced DVD's on my Christmas list so hopefully I'll get them to change it up a bit.

    I really don't have a schedule for the cadio DVD's.....I just do what I feel in the mood for that day.
  • ashley31687
    Sounds like a good plan. I think I'll do that, thanks!
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm pretty sure TurboFire comes with a TF/CLX hybrid schedule. Check the guide book.