Christmas Day



  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    My brother and his wife will be hosting dinner. I will do what I did on Thanksgiving, which is to eat a good breakfast, a light lunch and maybe a small snack before I go. By not starving all day, I won't be so ravenous that I'm eating the legs off the dining room table. Brother and SIL also serve some appetizers and/or snacks before dinner. Usually, these are set up in the dining room, so I stay out of that room until dinner. I will eat a good dinner, but I just won't eat second and third helpings. I also hope to do some exercise that morning. And yes I resolve to diary everything, even if I wind up eating way over my calorie limit.

    This is one day out of 365. I'll do the best I can, but if it doesn't work out, so what? Monday will be a new day. The important thing is to relax and enjoy the company of family.
  • Julie2402
    Hi, i plan to treat myself, i don,t drink alcohol so thats not a problem for me. I love mince pies and clotted cream. The way i look at it is xmas is a one off day, i don't want to feel guilty about treating myself, i want to enjoy the day with my family and not fret about what i put in my mouth! I am really looking forward to the new year and reaching my target. Wishing you all a very merry xmas!!
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    3 days off from logging - Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. I'm going to eat what I want to without going to mad - well that's the intention anyway :laugh:
  • likeaphoenix28
    My plan is to eat whatever I want, but to not go overboard and make myself sick. I won't be logging. I won't be exercising. I might be having a tipple. Very warm and merry wishes to all for a happy Christmas! :drinker:
  • kathyhughes3
    Will you even be logging?,
    I'll try to log what I can, but expect it will be way off.
    Will you be treating yourself to a "cheat day / spike day" ?.
    I don't consider it cheating, since I'm on maintenance and currently 2 pounds below my goal weight. I do plan to enjoy a little of all the food, including dessert.
    Will you be enjoying a little tipple of your favourite drink, a beer, a cocktail or a glass of wine with your Christmas dinner?.
    I suspect it will be a "large" tipple...:drinker:
    Or are you super committed to the cause and will be treating the day like any other, counting your calories, logging your food and making sure you hit your target.
    I am still super committed to the cause, but on maintenance I do treat myself to 'free' weekends. I love Christmas, and I'm looking forward to this one.
    What about a Xmas day workout?
    Definitely! That's the one thing that will always start my day. After the workout, I'll be enjoying everything else with less guilt.:laugh:
    What ever your plans hope everyone has a super day and santa brings you all the gifts you wished for :smile:

    You too! This is a great topic. Thanks for posting it.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    To me Christmas will be like any other day. Log and work out. Do what I have to do.

    May you all have a Merry Christmas, and to the Jewish folks out there happy Hannukah!
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    not counting, not caring. This is a HUGE holiday for my full Italian family and I'm going to enjoy it. But then again, weight being shed is not what I'm looking to do now. I just wanna tone up so you can be sure I'll be running on that treadmill after exchanging gifts (:
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm going to eat what i want but try to not lose all control. I'll be logging everythnig not to try to keep under my allowance (as I will be waaaaay over!), but to keep it at the forefront of my mind, that I can't be how i used to be. It will be a day of good food and drinking though!


    Except I'm saving the drinking for New Year's Eve...

    My challenge is that my family does big meals on Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day. I plan to work out hard the morning of Christmas Eve and try to stay close to target. Christmas Day... just keep things in check. I'll probably log, just for curiosity sake, but I don't care if I go over.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    So what's every ones food plans for Christmas day?
    Nom nom nom nom nom
    Will you even be logging?
    Of course
    Will you be treating yourself to a "cheat day / spike day" ?
    Of course
    Will you be enjoying a little tipple of your favourite drink, a beer, a cocktail or a glass of wine with your Christmas dinner?
    Of course
    Or are you super committed to the cause and will be treating the day like any other, counting your calories, logging your food and making sure you hit your target.
    I'm super-committed to making sure I don't go bats**t crazy, but I'm not going to restrict myself on a holiday.
    What about a Xmas day workout?
    Yep. Once the kids are in bed that night, I'll slide the running shoes on and go pound out a 5 miler. Won't take all the calories away, but it will help.
    What ever your plans hope everyone has a super day and santa brings you all the gifts you wished for :smile:
    Thanks much and same to you!
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I am going to enjoy myself and eat and drink what I want. I will be logging but don't care if I go over. It is a great holiday and I am going to enjoy. I have gone under many days this week to have a calorie deficit also and find that this has been working for me.
    I wish everyone a great Christmas and enjoy.
    P.S. I hope you all get what you want for xmas.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    scares the hell out of me ......tried to do a practice log to get an idea of how bad it might be and its off the scale I will put it in as maintenance and then get back on track as soon as possible but I do intend to go for a long walk first thing to try to minimise the damage lol
  • jenniferhiggins
    jenniferhiggins Posts: 116 Member
    Its just one day. Enjoy yourself and eat whatever you want.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I will not be working out Christmas Day as it's Sunday and my rest day. I will not be logging and eating all the good things that are made but only having small amounts of each. Since I started on here I have realized how much I hate that feeling of overeating. I also will not be logging Christmas Eve which is the big dinner, but same strategy. Eat what I want but eat a small helping of each.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I might try to log anyway, but I'm still going to eat the candy and stuff that my wife bought for me. :D
    we're not having a huge dinner, but we are having rotisserie chicken and stuffing etc.. dunno how bad the damage will be, but the sodium will probably be the worst part. I want to enjoy the holiday, but I know I'll be thinking about it cause I just can't not think about it. I just hope I don't feel the guilt.

    I assume the gym will be closed that day, so I'll go on boxing day if it's open and maybe christmas eve, too.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    My holiday will be tomorrow. I already logged. I will be alone for the next 2 days so I will not have food problems. I plan on throwing all the leftovers in the trash,

    Good Luck Everyone...Enjoy!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Its the first christmas in 5 years with my dad..I plan to log nothing..and eat whatever I want..
  • scorpiogirl100
    Definately a cheat day for should be for everyone...we have all worked so hard...we need a break on this day...but it will be in moderation of course...I mean I'm not going to eat until I get body knows now when I overdo it because I feel like crap the next day...but a second helping of pumpkin pie...of course!!!!!!!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    planning on enjoying and logging.

    Unfortunately I can already predict my calorie intake coming from champagne rather than food!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member

    Or are you super committed to the cause and will be treating the day like any other, counting your calories, logging your food and making sure you hit your target. I AM GOING TO DO MY BEST TO STAY ON TARGET, JUST LIKE I DID ON THANKSGIVING.


    What ever your plans hope everyone has a super day and santa brings you all the gifts you wished for :smile:
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    No cheat day, I just eat everything in moderation :) I am going to workout for sure in the morning and just enjoy x-mas eve with healthy cakes/meals :)
    Here are some recipe that I moderated , have a look you guys might get some idea instead of eating bad eat clever :)