
I still don't understand why I'm not losing. I workout on average 100 minutes a day with intense cardio and strength training, excluding any classes or one on ones I teach. I've lost 100lbs but still have another 100 to lose and I haven't lost in weeks. I eat usually around 1900 calories just b/c of how active I am. I drink a lot of water and eat no red meat, a lot of veggies and fruits and also eat whole grain. I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day and I don't drink soda. So....please, if anyone can help me understand why I'm not losing, I would love to hear it.


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Are you eating ALL exercise calories?
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I still don't understand why I'm not losing. I workout on average 100 minutes a day with intense cardio and strength training, excluding any classes or one on ones I teach. I've lost 100lbs but still have another 100 to lose and I haven't lost in weeks. I eat usually around 1900 calories just b/c of how active I am. I drink a lot of water and eat no red meat, a lot of veggies and fruits and also eat whole grain. I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day and I don't drink soda. So....please, if anyone can help me understand why I'm not losing, I would love to hear it.

    Open your diary to start please, it's hard to help without seeing your diary exactly. As well as stats.. Height, current weight, and etc.
  • melitsace
    melitsace Posts: 42 Member
    No, I couldn't possibly eat all of the calories MFP wants me to eat.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    No, I couldn't possibly eat all of the calories MFP wants me to eat.

    That could be the problem right there. If you're really working out that long and hard, your body likely needs more fuel. I've been stuck for months from 190 to 193, up and back down, week after week. For the last 8 days I've been eating what is supposed to be maintenance (figured I was maintaining anyway, why not eat more?) I've dropped to 187 in those 8 days. Try upping your calories for awhile and see what happens. :)
  • katierg
    Do you confuse the muscle groups you're working when you do your workouts? Talk to someone about changing up your routine so that you work the same muscles differently to burn more calories. Our bodies tend to adjust to a routine and need the constant "what if" factor. Diet sounds good but try using the same principles only with different types of food. Do you regularly buy the same brands/types of food? Instead of whole grain pasta try quinoa. Instead of milk try soy milk. Etc..
  • nikkih1013
    The key to continuing your weight loss is to raise your metabolic rate.. You need to burn MORE calories per day than your Resting metabolic rate (which is determined by the amount of calories you burn doing NOTHING in a day.) You've already lost 100 lbs and that is AMAZING! However, the more weight you lose the more calories you need to start burning in order to speed up your metabolism..If you want to chat just send me a msg and I'd love to try and help you out with your weight loss journey :)
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    How much protein versus carbs are you taking in???
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    How much protein versus carbs are you taking in???

    nevermind i just looked
    Try increasing your protein intake and decreasing your carb intake a bit Worked for me
  • melitsace
    melitsace Posts: 42 Member
    I workout sometimes 4-6 hours a day b/c I am a fitness instructor!!
  • danmoffett
    I know what you mean. I've been there. I have lost 145 pounds in the past 21 months.
    I can tell you right now how to solve your problem. Do the following and you WILL lose weight.
    Cut out the wheat, cut out the sweeteners, cut out the starches.
    Don't worry about exercise right now. Lose the weight then you will feel like exercising.
    No processed foods, No fast foods.
    Eat lots of fat, like coconut oil, olive oil, butter, and whole cream.
    Eat lots of protein like BEEF, poultry, and fish.
    Eat lots of eggs.
    Eat lots of green leafy vegetables.
    You can't over eat on good food.
    Read the book called "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis. You can find it on

    We have been lied to when it comes to diet and nutrition. The USDA has killed thousands and cost us trillions in health care costs.
    Read my blog. I lay it all out with plenty of provable facts, links and videos.

    I wish you success.

  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I know what you mean. I've been there. I have lost 145 pounds in the past 21 months.
    I can tell you right now how to solve your problem. Do the following and you WILL lose weight.
    Cut out the wheat, cut out the sweeteners, cut out the starches.
    Don't worry about exercise right now. Lose the weight then you will feel like exercising.
    No processed foods, No fast foods.
    Eat lots of fat, like coconut oil, olive oil, butter, and whole cream.
    Eat lots of protein like BEEF, poultry, and fish.
    Eat lots of eggs.
    Eat lots of green leafy vegetables.
    You can't over eat on good food.
    Read the book called "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis. You can find it on

    We have been lied to when it comes to diet and nutrition. The USDA has killed thousands and cost us trillions in health care costs.
    Read my blog. I lay it all out with plenty of provable facts, links and videos.

    I wish you success.


    Did you see the documentary Fathead, it's all about what you write about?
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I still don't understand why I'm not losing. I workout on average 100 minutes a day with intense cardio and strength training, excluding any classes or one on ones I teach. I've lost 100lbs but still have another 100 to lose and I haven't lost in weeks. I eat usually around 1900 calories just b/c of how active I am. I drink a lot of water and eat no red meat, a lot of veggies and fruits and also eat whole grain. I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day and I don't drink soda. So....please, if anyone can help me understand why I'm not losing, I would love to hear it.

    My wife gained abut 3 lbs over the last 3 weeks, I told her to cut back on the carbs, she was eating 5 servings a day, down to 3 servings a day. She chilled it with exercise a little, basically cause she was extremely busy with work and holiday shopping. She weighed in yesterday and lost 3.8 lbs. I don't know if that will work for you, but it worked for her.