What's Your Occupation



  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Occupation: Enviromental Resource Engineering Technician (Bored, poorly paid government employee)
    Dream Job: Farmer (Retired and working *kitten* off) I say retired, because its not really work if you love it......
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Occupation: Quality Control in the gravel industry.
    Dream Job: Being rich & not have a job! Spend my day working my horses & playing poolside with the dogs & pool boy! :wink:
    Or a photographer.
  • qrhs87
    qrhs87 Posts: 13
    Occupation - Retired due to disability and an expecting grandmother (She's due in July!)

    Over the years I've had every job that I've ever wondered what it would be like doing without a blink of an eye. I loved each of them but due to one or another of my disabilities I had to move on to another job.

    Now if you were to ask me about my dream job or should I say jobs I'd have to give you a small list as well...

    Physical Therapist
    sign language interpreter - need to learn more ASL than I know right now
    To help those with mental or developmental disabilities in some form volunteer wise
    Volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Current Occupation: 3rd Shift Dishwasher at a University Kitchen
    Dream Occupation: CPA working for myself.
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    Maintenance electrician on a port.

    Dream job? top gear presenter.....
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Maintenance electrician on a port.

    Dream job? top gear presenter.....

    hahaha, every man's dream job!!!
  • brittanybotsford
    brittanybotsford Posts: 20 Member
    I serve in the Air Force as a computer geek but would love to be in the medical field.
    I'm also a blogger! :)http://itsgonnabesomethingood.wordpress.com/
  • weakaaron
    weakaaron Posts: 11 Member
    currently a plumber/ bathroom installer

    dream job: anything that doesnt require getting up at 5am and allows me time with my son and dogs
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    SAHM to 2 Beautiful Kiddos, also a Homeschooling Mom.
    Dream job: After my kiddos are grown I would like to have my own Country Cafe/ Bakery/ General Store
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Occupation: teacher's aid
    Dream job: #1 teacher
    #2: game show assistant ( yeah, I mean the hot girl that points at the prizes )
    #3: ramen girl in Tokyo.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    Occupation: School Principal in a private school for kids with Autism and Related Disorders

    Dream Job: a tenured professor at a local university - or - just pay me to be a Cruise Director... I think I would really love to be in charge of onboard hospitality and socialization all day long, waking up in a new cruise port, and not having a care in the world.
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    Occupation: just retired (last spring when my youngest son graduated) from 20 years home educating my two sons, part-time office manager for large regional homeschool organization.
    Dream job: running a non-profit where I would be able to give money to deserving students, families, etc. OR running a dude ranch out west in Wyoming or Colorado.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    Current: I work on a sheep farm

    Goal: I am between two jobs but I lean towards making the Army a career. My other option is Law Enforcement. Either way, I have to lose weight to bet my jobs!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    Double post...oops!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Occupation: Military Air Traffic Control Officer
    Dream Job: Senior Military Air Traffic Control Officer.
  • Occupation: Physician Assistant
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    Occupation- Just graduated from a Bachelor of Industrial Design
    Dream job- Jewellery and Furniture Designer in my own design firm! :)
  • Occupation: Accounts Recievable/Supervisor

    Dream Job: Accounts Recievable/Supervisor (Love my job!) ... or Horse Whisperer. :D
  • deeanna13
    deeanna13 Posts: 10 Member
    An occupational therapist working with children with special needs within the local school district.
    My dream job is this, but I would love to win the lottery and just 'volunteer' my time!!!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm in door to door sales of "No Soliciting" signs...