

  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me! You seem like a really positive person and I'm sure we can support each other! I'm looking to lose 40 pounds!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    You can add me!! I have 99 pounds left to go to my goal and as of today I lost 11 pounds so far. You can do this! I never thought I could get to 10 pounds, but I just did, and passed it this morning!!
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Please feel free to add me! This site is great....always looking for support and I love to give it!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi June-

    I have 100 lbs to loose also. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • chrissywalk
    chrissywalk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi June. I too have just joined this site and am so glad I found it. Its been great for tracking everything I eat and keeping me aware of those hidden foods (the ones I eat then forget about). I am also a emotional eater and have 35 kilos (around 75 pounds) to loose, the good news is that I have already made progress since joining 4 days ago! :)
  • barbiebarkley
    go ahead and add me .you can never have enough friends and support here!!!!!
  • MickeyEstes
    MickeyEstes Posts: 19 Member
    Hi June, I am right there with you.. I have been on this site for a while,and I've lost, but I still have a long way to go! I fell off the wagon for a week or two but I'm back and better than ever! Feel free to add me as a friend.. I could use all the support I can get!

  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Please add me...I have 145 lbs to go before I get to where I want to be. I need the help and support too!!!

    Hope to hear from ANY of you guys soon!!

  • TaraBeFree
    TaraBeFree Posts: 456 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have 150 lbs to lose.
  • mcneesbit65
    Hey June,

    I know how you feel, and together we can do this! I have always said I wanted to lose weight, and I have never really tried. I just lack the motivation and I know that if I really wanted it I would have done something about it earlier. Well, I've finally opened up my eyes and I DO want to lose weight and feel good about myself. I'm not dieting, I'm making a lifestyle change. (:
  • mylife33
    Hi and welcome!! My fitness pal has helped me lose 45 lbs so far and I have about 160 to go, so please add me as a friend so we can help to encourage ourselves and others! The more the merrier!!

  • og8997889
    Well weight loss is never easy but neither are most things in our lives. We all have demons in our closet that seem unbeatable. It was 7 months ago when I finally decided to face mine and lose enough weight to see my abs. I admit I slipped a few times and tried a few failing ideas and the magical fat loss pills that have never worked for anybody in the whole world but they still get to sell the crap. After a while I came across a site called http://boyels.com . It was the first review I ever read and after watching the video I decided to try it out. After about 8 months I’m weighing at 195, 87 pounds lighter than my former self at 282 pounds. I also have a 4 pack of abs showing. In the end it doesn't matter what you do to lose weight as much as it matters to remind yourself that you can never give up and always push yourself further then the day before. While others are sleeping we are running, I wish the very best in your journey to lose weight.
  • Junepal
    Junepal Posts: 148 Member
    Strength in numbers!!! Thank you all so much for your replies and ads. I will be definitely be adding once I get home and a chance to read through all my messages.

    I thank you for helping me on my journey and allowing me to share in yours.
