How do you get the ball rolling?



  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I checked out your diary and agree with some of the other posters, I would add in more veg and fresh fruit (google low glycemic foods, and check out the fruit offerings there).

    I read something recently that has me changing what I eat as well: It's not that you are what you eat, it is that you are with what you DO with what you eat.

    You're consuming a boat-load of carbs. That means a bunch of sugar unless your fiber intake is sky high, so you might want to cut that down to less than 100g/carbs per day and make those carbs of the beans, soluble fiber/whole grain variety. Which means cutting out on the lasagna and eliminating the oatmeal.

    Also, I have read that if you have lots of protein in the a.m., you will tend to not crave carbs as much throughout the day. That has worked for me pretty well - those days that I start the day with toast and/or oatmeal, I tend to want more sweet things. The days where I have a low carb/low sugar protein shake or eggs and turkey sausage, I tend to eat healthier and not crave the sweets as much.

    Good luck finding the right path for you - don't stress yourself out and take your time to find what fits your body best.

    Well, I'll try on the not stressing out part. I'm really wanting to make this work, ya know?

    And I think maybe I can keep the oatmeal going, as the lasagna isn't a normal thing. One of my wife's co-workers made it for us and so I've been having leftovers for a few days. :)

    Are the shakes filling at all? I've never tried any of that kind of thing ... never really looked into it, honestly, just because I hated spending extra money if it wasn't going to work out.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I will have to try that one.. I guess I 2 need to get a gym membership... if I am paying for it, I would most likely use it, :-)

    you know, I think that's what helps me. trying to get out and jog -- which hurts my knees -- is hard. I always find excuses or something else I have to do, etc. but at the 24-hour gym, hard to come up with excuses. and I know it's coming out of my bank account if I use it or don't.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Not wanting to sound mean, but lasagna isn’t a very healthy choice for lunch. Pasta is never a good choice unless you do high cardio like running. (I run & I don't even eat pasta.) It’s not about just keeping your calorie intake low, it’s about making smart choices in the foods you eat.

    As for working out, try adding a few extra steps in your day. Park in the farthest spot in the parking lot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. When you get your oil changed, don’t just sit there.., walk until your car is ready. Take an after dinner walk every day. Drink diet drinks & lots of water.

    In the end it’s about how bad YOU want to be healthy. Nobody can shake a magic wand over you with a bunch of pixie dust to make it easy. If you want it bad enough, the weight will come off. Best of luck…
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Protein at every meal! Put protein powder in your oatmeal. Mix cottage cheese in with your yogurt. Exercise. Watch your carbs, protein, fiber and fat intake by watching your grams here on Mfp. Eat plenty of fruits, veggies along with high fiber carbs. Popcorn for snack. And change to diet soda!! Drink water!! Take it day by day and be patient with your body! You may lose fater in some weeks compared to others. Get into a routine with carrying good snacks with u. Get good supportive friends on here!! Goof luck!
  • celesteshefferly
    Stop drinking pop immediately....cold turkey. You are literally killing yourself by drinking it. Also, if you are any bit from a European descent you should try cutting out all gluten. Many studies found the Europeans (and our ancestors) can't handle that in our digestive system. Try it. Go without eating gluten for two weeks and try to re-introduce it again. I bet you more than anything your body with have a terrible reaction to it. I tried it and it's saved my life.
  • celesteshefferly
    oh yeah and not even changing to diet pop is good...just stop that all together. The only thing we need is water. Period.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I'm trying to stop the soda ... tapering down fairly quickly.

    but does anyone know if subbing in iced tea is a good idea? I figure it is, essentially, water, right?
  • angiemb87
    angiemb87 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel you on the knee pain. Mine kill me sometimes, after a zumba class or a particularly random bout of bellydancing, lol.

    Something that seems to work for me...I am SOOO not a doctor...but I try to limit my sodium intake and drink quite a bit of water, at least 100 oz. a day. I find that on days that I keep my water up and my sodium regular or low-ish, my knee pain isn't as severe. Also, I added in a pilates routine that really works the muscles in my legs. My doc said that strengthing the muscles surrounding my knee will help lessen the pain as well as losing weight, and so far it's been pretty good!

    I used to be an avid soda drinker as well (up to 5 cans per day) but I quit cold turkey. (HEADACHES....omg) Now, all I drink is water and tea. My sister, though, stepped down gradually, moving to diet soda...then to diet and caffeine free coke...then to those sugar free caffeine free sparkling waters....then to club soda with a spritz of lime...and she finally worked her way down to just plain iced water with a twist of lemon. It took her 5 months to simply get down to water, but she did it and has lost 12 pounds just by cutting back on soda. We're all so proud of her.

    I actually love veggies (just steam me some spinach with a splash of apple cider vinegar and I'm in heaven) but my friend started by adding shredded veggies to random things to get used to the taste. She'd chop up mushrooms and onion, garlic cloves, bell peppers, carrots, and add it to spaghetti sauce. She'd make salsa with corn, celery, onion, tomatoes, peppers...she pretty much just figured she could get away with adding veggies to things that she already liked and incorporate the taste, without having to just eat a random serving of veggies, which she hated. No one says you have to eat 3 cups of steamed flavorless brussels sprouts every day. :)

    Also, I found that I really started losing when I added in more strength training. Maybe up the strength portion more of your routine? Just to add something new and keep your body from getting used to what you have been doing.

    Don't get discouraged, we ALL plateau and need a jumpstart.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    maybe I should add bellydancing to my routine!

    good advice. thanks. I think the tapering down will help. and if I can mix iced tea in with my water, I'll probably be ok.

    my knees should get better as I lose weight. but have always had problems, even when I was actually in shape in high school. I don't have enough cartilage in there, so my knees get inflamed pretty easy.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Strength Training is very important, and I love it. So resistance bands, free weights, weight machine, core work, body weight exercises are all excellent.

    So, fruits/veggies are relatively cheap even if it's your plain apples/oranges/pears. Try to find a different kind of apple. Like say the Pink Apples tastes better than Red Delicious

    Eggs are an egg-cellent (yes, I'm corny) source of protein and good cholesterol

    Plenty Water (is free)

    A vitamin is good for anyone if you're not getting your nutrients in your food.

    I love spinach/strawberries/nuts/seeds together, this is a good way to get ALOT of food for hardly any calories (those spray dressings are fab for little cals)

    and 500calories burned is deff. not too little. Key is to have effective workouts not just long, although I do like to exercise for about an hour as well. I want to make them count just as with a 30minute workout. Do this by changing up resistance and speed, etc
  • stronglikebull
    But you're right, I think, in that what the calories are found in matters. That's my biggest struggle. It's hard to buy a completely separate menu than my wife and little kiddo, and we're usually pretty tight monthly. That's so frustrating, because I know the pre-packaged, processed foods aren't as good for you, but they are much cheaper and easier.

    don't feed your wife and kid crap if you don't want to eat it either bro! its totally not unreasonable to slowly transition your whole family into healthier eating patterns. makes it more practical, sustainable, and affordable for everyone!

    also, oatmeal is a great breakfast! rice + beans =cheap. stock up on ground beef, chicken breast, when it's on sale. a good spice cupboard isn't super expensive and it can totally change the flavor of the same meat/veg combo based on whether you use italian, mexican, greek, etc flavors. shop produce sales, it can get pricey during the winter but it's still worth it.

    can you take walks with the family or does it bother your knees? its fun/relaxing and easy :)
  • angiemb87
    angiemb87 Posts: 35 Member
    :) I would be wary of the bellydancing just yet. It can be killer on your knees! All that bending and shimmying!
    What about swimming? Is that an option where you are? Or kickboxing. That doesn't seem to bother my knees, but your knee problems sound a mite more troublesome than mine.

    Also, with regard to your family eating like you can be hard, but you don't have to make everything a switch right now. If tapering down is working for you, then it wil work for them. Plus, there's nothing better than watching your kids make healthy choices and want to eat the healthy stuff you're eating as well. We have cooking time once a week where we get together and all try to come up with something healthy out of the stuff in the kitchen. My nephew made this lovely concoction of quinoa, LOADS of veggies, scrambled eggs, and spices that we call "Fake Fried Rice". Now we don't even use white rice, and it uses frozen veggies, frozen chicken breasts, quinoa which we get by the bucket load for cheap in the bulk bin section at the market, and eggs which we always have on hand. Simple, it makes alot, you can take it for lunch, and it's relatively healthy. Also, my nieces and nephew FREAK OUT when I melt peanut butter in the microwave and drizzle it on apple slices. Don't get me wrong, they'll sit mindlessly and munch some Doritos if a random movie is on...but it's chaos if they think they're getting "nutter apples"
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    angie, swimming isn't really an option for me, at least right now. but I have been in a couple of kettlebell/interval classes ... about got sick after each of them. pretty rough. ha! but I'm hoping to get a little more in shape with cardio work on my own, and then I can get back into that class and keep up.
  • angiemb87
    angiemb87 Posts: 35 Member
    Ooooh, I've always wanted to do some work with kettlebells. I suppose I could, I'm just scared that I won't be able to do it. Good for you for having that goal in mind!

    Ohh, here's an idea, just for something fun. Almost every Saturday I get together with my sister, her kids, and the family, and we play our Latin Jams CD. It's about an hour of songs by Celia Cruz, Tito Puente, Elvis Crespo, Thalia...just anything fast paced, and we salsa, merengue, cumbia..whatever! (well, we don't actually know how to do any of that, but we pretend) OMG, you are sweating like a pig after that hour, but it's so fun and you're dancing with the kids that you don't notice. Sometimes the kids want to do it again. It's really helped my sister to shed her baby weight, and it helped me with the first 10 pounds. Might be another option just for some more cardio to add in that doesn't feel like you HAVE to do it, you know?
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    Normally to get a ball rolling it needs a little push... or for someone to pick it up and throw it... all up to who is holding the ball...
  • wyldweazel
    wyldweazel Posts: 41 Member
    You are starting your journey very similar to mine. Set your weight loss to 2 lbs per week. Especially if you are going to the gym frequently.

    I don't know what your activity level is set at, but I set mine at Sedative. I am an engineer... so most days I push a desk. Some days I do get to work on the floor. I think of those days as bonus days. Try recording all your cardio activities if you can. My MFP calorie target is 1440. I target being between 1340 and 1440 by the end of the day. That means if I go and do the elliptical (bad knees also) and burn 500 calories, I come home and try to eat back most of those. I focus most meals on Proteins and veggies. However post workouts I try to focus on protein. I either have a proteins shake (I drink Almond milk with whey protein powder that is low in suger <1g), or Wheat toast with peanut butter.

    So in the morning, I get up. I have (2) 8 oz glasses of water, along with some daily multi-nutrition vitamins and Fish pills. I make my breakfast. Currently I am swapping between 3 meals. Either an omellete made with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, Fiber one Pancakes, or oatmeal with protein powder. I then prepare the rest of my meals through out the day. I eat 6 meals a day. There are mixed opinions on which is better 6 vs 3. Find out what works best for you. I like having "snacks" through out the day. I usually have meal 1-4 in my droid before I even eat my breakfast. Meal 5 is with the family. I try to save 500-600 for dinner. I never know what we are going to make for dinner, until it is too late. :wink: In all honesty, that 500-600 was tough at first. It is now getting easier and easier. I routinely need 400-500 for dinner, and I have had to adjust my calories through out the day to match.

    One last thing I could suggest. Don't eat anything until you put it in your droid. Be educated on what that Bacon Cheeseburger is going to cost you before you even order it. You might find out that you want to try a lower calorie alternative.

    Oh... and make sure you take a day off from the gym every week. Your body will need a day to recover. Tired (aka sore) muscles hold onto water to help repair themselves. By taking a day off, you are allowing your body to drop the extra water that it is retaining. Also important is sleep. Your body focuses on repairing itself while you sleep. Don't short change your repair time. :laugh:

    Weirdly enough... I find that my body cycles in weight loss. Friday and Saturday mornings are my low days. Sunday is a hold day... then Monday I jump up about 4 lbs and stay there all week. Don't get frustrated. Just take baby steps. :drinker: