Tips for newbie to exercise

So I have managed to lose over 50lb without exercise but it's gotten to the point where I really want to tone up and also get fit.

I have no fitness level. It's a big 0!

I joined the YMCA and have gone twice this week. I managed 30 minutes yesterday, 15 on treadmill, 10 on the bike and only 5 on the elliptical. That last 5 minutes was HARD! I felt like my legs were falling off :laugh:

I went this morning and only lasted 15 minutes. I seriously felt like I was going to die!!!!

So any advice, tips, words of encouragement?

How long roughly will it take before I can last longer and not feel like I am dying?



  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    It'll take a few weeks. Keep working and make sure your eating right and getting enough water.Just work on it slow and steady, don't give up :) Try starting off by walking and then sprint a short distance then back to a walk then sprint, keep doing a walk/sprint/walk/sprint/walk/sprint routine for a bit and then end with a nice cool down jog home :) Stay strong!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Work in some weight lifting. Great for toning and burning more cals!
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    If you can, go to classes as well as working out in the gym (I'm assuming you can because my local YMCA has loads of exercise classes) I spent ages in the gym because I was too scared of trying the classes but so I wish I'd gone sooner. There are so many different options, for people at varying levels of fitness and I found that I was able to achieve things in classes that would have taken me triple time to do in the gym, if that makes sense. Exercising in a group setting is, I found, much more motivational than working alone in the gym, and provided you have a great instructor and get the right mix of classes you will have a brilliant time. I am now totally addicted.

    Hard to say how long it will take to increase your fitness, but I starting going to zumba classes about 2 - 3 times a week in May/June time and now I've increased that to 1 high-impact cardio class plus strength/flexibility training class per day, around 5 times a week.

    Ultimately, try anything and everything at the gym, until you find the classes or workout that you know you will not just enjoy while you are doing, but actively look forward to doing! Good luck!!!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Ditto on everything previously posted!

    Maybe a session or two with a trainer would be a nice way to get started with weights. If you prefer to do it at home, Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred is a good start, and there are lots of ways to modify the exercises until you build your strength up.

    I personally see little victories in strength every couple of weeks or so. It might be something as simple as lifting a little bit heavier, or doing a yoga move I couldn't fully do before, but each step is worth celebrating. It took me about four months to build up to adding another mile to what I can "run," haha. And that reminds me of the Couch to 5k (C25K) program-- it's an interval-based running podcast that gives you guidelines (stop/start signals) for eventually being able to run a 5k. And you can start from the couch (at, as you put it, fitness level 0).

    Congrats on the loss and YAY for getting toned!!! ;D
  • chubs1724
    Well if you like dancing and have a game console i would suggest Just dance. Its fun and you loose weight.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    I agree about the group's so motivating with support that's fun and around others with the same goals.

    zumba, yoga, circuit training....just keep moving. It'll come :happy:
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    Well if you like dancing and have a game console i would suggest Just dance. Its fun and you loose weight.

    I'm already paying for a gym membership so I can't really do that. But thanks for the suggestions.

    Thanks to everyone else too. I will just keep plugging away.

    There isn't a lot of group classes at my Y. It's a really small town so there mustn't be the demand, but they do have Zumba twice a week so I'll give it a shot.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I'm impresses how my you lost without exercise! Sign me up lol
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    make sure you are taking rest days when you're just getting started--can you run/walk one day and then maybe do bike/weights the next? or something like that.
    Most gyms, including the Y, should have trainers available to get you started on a program appropriate for your needs.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    I'm impresses how my you lost without exercise! Sign me up lol

    I have always lost weight without exercise. I do Weight Watchers.