Diet Coke



  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    Cherry Coke Zero is my addiction.

    ^^^I'm with you on this one!!!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I was addicted to diet pop in general. I would go through cycles of which was my favorite from Diet Dr. Pepper, to Diet Mt. Dew, to Diet Pepsi. I gave it up for about 3 months and the was addicted worse then ever, to the point I was easily drink a 12 pk or more a day. I gave it up in August again and must say I now feel great. I sleep better (no caffeine), and I feel like my health in general has improved due to the fact I only drink decaf tea (with no sugar or cream/milk) and water.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I drank diet coke for YEARS! I began to have chest pains so bad, I thought was literally having a heart attack. I ended out in the ER and found out (eventually) that it was because of carbonated beverages (Diet Coke in my case). It made me so sick I would have to lie down to make the chest pains bearable. I gave it up entirely. A couple of days ago I took a little sip of my husband's just to see if it still tasted so good to me after a year of not drinking any and it tasted like poison!! YUCK! I am sure this is not the case with everyone but if you start to have chest pains that feel like they are shooting through your back.....uh oh....

    This was happening to me! I thought at 20 I was having a heart attack. I never even thought about it being the pop but now that I don't drink it, they are gone. How strange...
  • I am a Diet Coke addict and not ashamed to admit it! I LOVE the stuff. It keeps me sane and is my reward after a long run
  • Vragis
    Vragis Posts: 19
    My wife and I both used to consume a ton of it but, since diet soda is terrible for you, our consumption is now few and far between. When I want caffeine, I drink iced tea generally but, if I really want a cola, I take a cane sugar sweetened one and cut it half and half with soda water. It is still delicious and plenty sweet (since regular soda tastes like what it is, carbonated syrup) and much more natural. Just gotta account for the calories when you do it.
  • Is anyone here completely addicted to Diet Coke?? Like to the point you almost feel like you need a support group? I was off the "stuff" for 3 months and got back on it. It cannot be good for you, I just wondered if anyone else had a similar issue.....

    Oh yes.. we have a very toxic relationship with one another. 100% love hate.
  • Nope ... I hate the taste (too sweet). But I was just talking to my nutritionist about it, and MaggieMay is right on the money. It "tricks" your body into craving sweets and makes you feel hungry even when you're not ... even more so than soda w/ sugar. (It's much sweeter than regular soda.) You literally do become addicted, and need to go through a withdrawal process as you would w/ any other substance. Sorry :(
  • blondebandbabe
    blondebandbabe Posts: 26 Member
    a few years ago all i would drink was Dr. Pepper. 6ish cans a day. My doctor told me if I dropped pop i'd lose another 5lbs before my wedding. So of course I gave it up cold turkey. ( had to take excedrine to bypass caffiene headaches) I actually gained 3 lbs so I went right back to my pop.
    Since MFP, I've switched to diet dr pepper and coke zero with the occasional diet wild cherry pepsi ( i have to limit that or i'll drink a 12 pack in a day)
    I really don't think it affects my weight loss. I try to stop and I can't so I working on other parts of my ''lifestyle change'' to where i'm a stronger person and then I'll try it again.
    my biggest problem is the headaches, I know its caffiene addiction. I just pretty much don't care.
  • Roo1026
    Roo1026 Posts: 31 Member
    Mmmmmmm love me some diet coke....especially with a big shot of malibu coconut rum in it!!! But thats really the only time I drink soda.
  • pajomu
    pajomu Posts: 25 Member
    I love Diet Coke, especially fountain with fresh squeezed lime! Yum! It's pretty much my only vice and I'm okay with it. I used to drink any diet cola, but now only Diet Coke. So if I'm at a restaurant, a party or get together and all they have is something other than Diet Coke, I pass. So I'm now drinking less diet soda. That's as far as I can go, though! I'm not willing to give it up!
  • ohmissemily
    ohmissemily Posts: 73 Member
    i have a diet or coke zero something diet drink every 3 hours. i use it as a tool to not eat lol. but between the 3 hrs i drink around a liter of water so i still get both in cuz water is very important. but yeah, i just use it as a tool atm to help me not eat.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    This thread again?

    Diet soda is not bad for you, according to actual scientific research. It doesn't provide any nutritional benefit, but it's not bad for you, unless you are sensitive you aspartame or phenylalanine, in which case you deal with it like any other food allergy. For the rest of the human race, hey, nutritionally speaking, it contributes as much as water to your health (0 nutrients, but keeps you hydrated.)

    As for the story about the lady with the diet coke stashed in her room that freaked out? That's not specifically the diet soda, that's caffeine withdrawal. Would've happened regardless of caffeinated beverage of choice.
  • I used to be a coca-cola junkie! Then when I started my diet, I couldn't believe how many calories came from it. So I switched to diet sodas, it took a while to adjust to the taste but oh boy....I looove diet dr. pepper now! My home is always stocked with it now, I think I'd die without it lol.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I had to give up caffeine 3 months ago and now i drink Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi and it's not addicting so now i just have it eery once in a while, before that though I would probably drink a 500ml bottle every day or two of coke zero or diet Dr.Pepper.