Struggling to see it...

As my healthy weight journey progresses, I'm getting a lot of compliments from family, friends and co-workers. Everyone wants to know "what diet" I'm on and how much I've lost.

I resist yelling "I'm not on any diet!!!" Without sounding preachy, I respond that "I have made a commitment to myself to eat healthier, to hold myself accountable for the food choices I make, and to exercise so physically and spiritually I feel better"

As for the how much have you lost question, this is my struggle to see it. On the scale I've lost 50 ish pounds. When I look in the mirror, my face is smaller but the rest of me looks huge still. When I look at pictures of myself I don't see any difference, still a belly, thunder thighs and some chunk in the trunk. When I work out, I have a ton of energy and I feel more toned. I'm wearing smaller sized clothes and I know I'm losing weight. But I just don't see it. I asked a friend about it and her response was "Are you fishing for compliments?" No, I'm not. I'm not a shallow person geez! I really cannot see it.

During my last visit with my Dr. she commented how noticeable my progress was and how proud she is of my commitment to weight loss. I was a rare patient that she didn't have to nag to lose weight or stick to a diet. I told her that I was really struggling to see it, I don't have an eating or vision disorder, I simply cannot see the weight loss on me. She said that is not unusual. Many times people who have gained a lot of weight don't see it either, they see themselves distorted, less than what they really are or simply don't look at themselves. She said "Your eyes see the old you still, you have to teach them to see the new you." OK WTF???

So she has given me the homework to retrain my eyes. I have to take a picture of myself at every 5 lb weightloss increment and take my measurements at 10 lbs. I am to put these in order from my starting pic to present and look at these every morning while telling myself "Look at how great you are doing, keep up the good work" Ok really? I don't go for this squishy stuff but she said at my next visit, she wants to see those pics and measurements.

So has anyone else struggled to see it???

:flowerforyou: Sláinte


  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    look through old pictures. i lost 45 lbs the first time around and couldn't see any difference. like you, i was wearing smaller clothes, felt better about myself but couldn't see it in the mirror. after looking at the pictures, i could see how much of a transformation i had gone through.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Your doctor hit it right on the's very common not to see weight loss changing in yourself. Think of it this way - you're looking at your body every day so you get used to seeing the suble changes. Whereas other people only see you once every week/month so to them, the changes are more noticeable.

    I love the idea of taking pictures! A girl I used to work with did that and set it up in a little album so it was like one of those flip books.

    I'd also suggest taking measurement (or have someone help you take them). It can be nice to see another number besides the one on the scale, get lower and lower.

    Have you kept any of your "before" clothes? If so, try on that old pair of pants/shirt or even hold them up to compare to the ones you have that fit now and check out the difference! Speaking of that, make sure you have at least a couple outfits that really fit. It can be hard to keep up the wardrobe but you'll look so much better (and leaner) in clothes that actually fit.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I think it's because you see yourself everyday. You see yourself naked everyday. lol. You are constantly seeing the change so to your eyes there is none really, if that makes any sense. If you didn't look at yourself for a few weeks, I think you'd be blown away with the change.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I have seen this sort of thing posted quite a bit. I think it is pretty common. Personally, I think it's interesting what you're doctor said about not seeing weight gain either. I've gained quite a bit of weight really quickly and when I was trying on new workout clothes in the dressing room at Target the other day, I noticed that what I thought I looked like in my head was smaller than what I really looked like in the mirror!

    It might sound a little silly right now, but follow your doctors advice and see if it helps! If anything, it can't hurt!
  • Get_Inspired2011
    I am DEFINITELY struggling to see it! I used to not see it at all, now some days I see it and feel good, and other days I feel fatter then I was 94lbs ago! I take pictures of myself all of the time, and I tend to stare in the mirror A LOT! All of my friends and family are completely shocked at how much weight I've lost, and give me compliments all the time. I know my clothes are smaller, and I know the number on the scale is smaller, but for some reason I still go to the store and try to buy clothes in the size I used to wear! It's almost like my mind hasn't caught up yet... Hopefully soon! =] But I can definitely understand where you are coming from.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    So she has given me the homework to retrain my eyes. I have to take a picture of myself at every 5 lb weightloss increment and take my measurements at 10 lbs. I am to put these in order from my starting pic to present and look at these every morning while telling myself "Look at how great you are doing, keep up the good work" Ok really? I don't go for this squishy stuff but she said at my next visit, she wants to see those pics and measurements.

    This is what I do, but I don't tie it to weight loss. I take pics every 30 days, and save them for comparison to track my progress.
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I feel exactly the same way. The scale says I'm down almost 20 pounds, but I don't see it. Part of the reason is probably because my clothing sizes haven't changed yet. It's frustrating though because I'm basically at my halfway point and I still see the same person in the mirror that I saw before MFP. I agree with the others too...since we see ourselves everyday it's harder to see a change.
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice! I will be posting some of my "homework" pictures in the near future.

    I wish y'all Happy Holidays!!! :flowerforyou:

  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Sometimes it takes a while for your mind to adjust. Also, are you wearing clothes that fit? I didn't buy new clothes for a long time, so I couldn't "see" it when I had clothes on, and I avoided mirrors when I didn't. It wasn't until I was in a store trying on clothes that actually fit (it took me a long time to do this, I'd been big so long I kept trying on, and buying clothes that were way too big).
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I know my clothes are smaller, and I know the number on the scale is smaller, but for some reason I still go to the store and try to buy clothes in the size I used to wear! It's almost like my mind hasn't caught up yet...

    I did this. I also felt weird going into stores that weren't "plus sized." I don't know what I thought was going to happen, I just had this, I don't belong here, I can't wear these clothes feeling. Mind you, at the time I was an 8 or a 10--clearly out of plus sized range.