To all you Garbage Pickers



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I have to admit... I pulled out my sons burrito that he threw in... it was right on top... no germs, right ????
    Yeah, clean as a toilet seat. Bon appetite :drinker:

    Suprisingly, a toilet seat isn't as dirty as most people think. It's actually one of the cleanest serfaces in the home.

    In fact, cleaner than the inside of most people's mouths
    Then I suggest having a nice meal served on a toilet seat, there's no silly fecal coliform, of course not.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've pulled people's take out boxes out of the trash before. There was a place I loved to eat and they served every meal in a styrofoam take away box even if people were going to eat at the restaurant. Some folks would eat a bit and toss the rest, so I would hang around and take the 'good' boxes. It became kind of like a game for us college kids that were working & going to school & barely making ends meet.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't throw perfectly good food away. And I certainly wouldn't eat something that had been in the garbage. To each her own?
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    No I haven't done it......Just....Why? Errr I can go without the food
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    What Qarol said, and add: food only belongs in the trash if it is no longer edible. If it is still perfectly edible, it should be preserved for later consumption, rather than discarded. To do otherwise is very wasteful, and a product of an over-indulged society.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I will shamelessly admit I have done this and pass no judgement on people who pass judgement on us because they have never felt the panic of realizing there was some perfectly good food in the trash.

    ehhh ok
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can't believe i am admitting this but I removed from the trash and ate junior mints after throwing them away because they were covered in ants. :blushing: don't judge me:embarassed:
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I will shamelessly admit I have done this and pass no judgement on people who pass judgement on us because they have never felt the panic of realizing there was some perfectly good food in the trash.

    If it's in the trash it is no longer perfectly good food.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What Qarol said, and add: food only belongs in the trash if it is no longer edible. If it is still perfectly edible, it should be preserved for later consumption, rather than discarded. To do otherwise is very wasteful, and a product of an over-indulged society.
    So if you have leftovers that you know no one is going to eat, you should keep it around until it spoils and then throw it away? Or are you suggesting we should force ourselves to eat foods that we don't want or need just so they won't go to waste?
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    What Qarol said, and add: food only belongs in the trash if it is no longer edible. If it is still perfectly edible, it should be preserved for later consumption, rather than discarded. To do otherwise is very wasteful, and a product of an over-indulged society.
    So if you have leftovers that you know no one is going to eat, you should keep it around until it spoils and then throw it away? Or are you suggesting we should force ourselves to eat foods that we don't want or need just so they won't go to waste?

    I am suggesting that one plans better, minimizes left overs in households that have a disdain for them, incorporates left overs appropriately into menu planning to avoid spoilage, or uses the freezer to extend their shelf life if necessary. All within their calorie budget of course.
  • mzkynd
    mzkynd Posts: 63
    What Qarol said, and add: food only belongs in the trash if it is no longer edible. If it is still perfectly edible, it should be preserved for later consumption, rather than discarded. To do otherwise is very wasteful, and a product of an over-indulged society.

    I generally agree with this statement ( have jumped on my soapbox many a times about a indulgent society) however me and leftovers are not friends. I was raised a member of the clean plate club AND in a no waste household, It used to be near impossible for me to throw food out, and for some reason I always end up co-habiting with people who put the leftovers in the fridge and NEVER eat them, can't tell you how many meals of leftovers I have eaten and didn't like and/or want. I finally got where I was able to throw leftovers out after well let's just call it the great potato salad debacle of 2011 and leave it at that :=)

    As to OP, I was on my own from 14 on, and a lot of those early years were spent hitchhiking/squatting etc. I have dumpster dived with the best but not in years and it was a means to end ( end my hunger) not out of a sense that good food was sitting in the trash.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    oh gosh. that's me..

    I mean, I haven't eaten something out of the trash, but I DO have to throw it away to physically rip myself from its delicious grasp :P

    same with beverages (other than water... obviously). I can't just let a beer sit there. if it's open, I'm going to finish it! funny cause I feel like letting it get warm on the counter is a worse sin than pouring it down the drain. I feel like I'm wasting it if it sits there, but feel like I'm winning against it if I pour it out. lol

    I ALWAYS save my leftovers initially. I don't like wasting things, but if it comes down to wasting or feeling powerless against my food, I will choose the trash can.
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I was once in a dark part of my life - no home, no money, looking for work - where I have done something like that =(

    And that's all I care to elaborate on in this post.

    Ha, to the 5 second rule - I like to say, "Fine. Throw your ramen into the toilet and if you pull it back out, it should still be good, right!?!" xD
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    No I eat it before I think of throwing it away otherwise I wouldn't have it in my posession.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Oh nooooooo
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    I agree with "gross" and ElEx man!!! no noGarbage picking...and don't buy it to throw away and then pick it no no no
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'm too OCD to even TOUCH the trash. My girlfriend has to take the trash out for me.
    Honestly, even if I leave some food for like 10 minutes on a plate on the table or counter without eating it, my mind classifies it as trash and inedible. Same with soda. When I used to drink it there would be half full cans I'd have to dump out because it had been sitting 10 minutes without me drinking it so how did I know if a spider hadn't crawled in there or some such ridiculous thing.

    Not judging you people who do eat food out of the trash though!
  • angiemb87
    angiemb87 Posts: 35 Member
    LOL at the junior mints. That's hilarious. Nobody's gonna judge you.

    I've never eaten anything out of the trash...though I do have an embarrassing habit of touching gross things. I can't help it, it just happens to me. I'm always the one who leans up against a tree trunk that has bird poo on it, or rests my hands on a bus seat and ends up with fingers covered in someone else's ABC gum.

    My niece ate a fish eye once. We grilled fish and cut the heads off, and her brother dared her to eat the eye. She took a kitchen knife, cut the eye out, put some lemon juice and salt on it and ate it. He gave her the ten bucks he'd just gotten for his birthday. Yep....that's my family.
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    I think that some people didn't get the point? I've thrown away food (like cookies or things like that) in an attempt to stop binging. Yes, I do need to make sure they're covered in stinky disgusting stuff or I may eat them anyways :(