Minor Success Story

Ok, here's a bit of a backstory. Depression hit me quite hard in my late teen years and I wasn't expecting it. I was literally going from college, to work and then from work to the pub and pretty much feasting off takeaways and fast food.

At my peak weight, I was 21 stone odd.

When I first joined this site, I was the higher end of 18 stone/lower end of 19 stone, and I did try to get into this site, but eventually gave up and went back to my old lifestyle. I managed to float around that weight-range for a long time and was comfortable with it.

Something happened in October and I then made a promise to change myself (yeah, one of those events, we all know what it is) and started this website again. I went to the doctors and got some Xenical (double-strength Alli), went to the gym to ask if they could help me with a diet plan and started to make a change in my whole lifestyle. Granted there was a few stumbles getting started (Xenical Side effects......I am NOT going into detail there ¬_¬ ) but I started to eat a lot healthier, even going as far as to change pasta to wholemeal and refined sugar to unrefined.

I also started to exercise more. Using the Xbox Kinect for Cardio, and a set of Dumbbells for weights. Everyday I tried working out at least twice a day for 30 minutes if that. In my spare time, I walked a lot more. No set routes, no plans, most the time not even a coat. I just got up, put my shoes on and walked around Wolverhampton. Eventually learning the unsavoury places and avoiding them.

So where is the success??

- 2 stone
- 6 pounds
- 15kg (total)
- 4 inches off waist
- 1 ankle that physio exercises couldn't repair is now pain-free, after 5 years of agony in the winter times.
- Shirts are smaller
- Health & Stamina has improved greatly
- Feeling happier and more confident in myself.

I just want to thank everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE (except the people who spam an obviously fake product) for the help, support and general motivation that this website and forum generates. I know that if it wasn't for the support, I would have given up a long time ago.

I know there is more of the journey to complete, but right now I'm feeling quite emotional. I managed to cycle for 20 mins non-stop (~5 miles there) and run for over 250 meters. Which doesn't sound very far, but last year I wouldn't have even managed 100m without taking 10 minutes to recover.....on both counts.

So once again, a big thank you to everyone who gives advice, support and motivation, and a Huge and greatly understated Thank you to my friends on here. Who have helped keep me focused when needed, as well as sane (well.........to some degree)

If you want to add me as a friend, feel free. I just wanted to get this minor success story out there.


  • savvy85
    savvy85 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Wow! You've done such an amazing job! It really isn't easy especially on medication. My sister is in the same boat there.
    I'm so glad you are feeling happier and more confident! You deserve it! Well done!
    I'm proud of you! :-)
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    That's not a minor success story, that's a major one. Losing weight is hard enough, doing it while eating right is even tougher. Throw depression into the mix and that's a huge challenge....but you're doing it!!! Exercise is supposed to be the best anti-depressant there is, and I'm glad you're having success!!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Doesn't sound minor to me! Fantastic job! :drinker: Here's to your continued success!
  • magickclaire
    so proud of you : ) <3
  • Craig_hyde
    Craig_hyde Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks everyone :-) Really does mean a lot
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    It is always so nice to hear about success. I often think that the BEST part is how it changes your outlook on life and how you feel about yourself. It is a huge commitment, and it is damned hard work. Good for you, congratulations! I am also so glad to hear when medical problems seem to right themselves with the weight loss and increased health. YAY YOU!!!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    This is not a minor success, but a major one. A running guru has the following statement:

    "The miracle is not that I finished, but that I had the courage to start"

    You had the courage to start. Congratulations!
  • cloudfightback
    I'm just happy that I was the witness to all of this, due to being flatmate.
    Hell, you're the reason why I started my diet.

    Keep it up dude, I'll be right behind you,
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    MAJOR success!....keep up the great work.
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    Good for you - there are no minor successes here, no matter what each of us is trying to accomplish every day we choose health, watch what we eat and move is a major success over where we've come from.

    Congratulations and keep posting all of your successes...

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