Looking to 'friend' new moms who either lost the weight, or

Hi there! Im a new mom, and new to this site! So far, this site has been really interesting and helpful and I look forward to starting my journey! I have another 20ish pounds to loose after having my 5 month old. For me its not so much the number on the scale, its how I feel, and right now I feel very far from myself! Im mentally and emotionally ready for this last leg of the journey, and then to start the rest of my life being fit and eating well again!!

Anyone who has done this, or is looking for support and ideas as well I would love to hear from you guys!! Any advice from people or success stories are soo welcome!!

Amanda :)


  • Momieof2girls
    Momieof2girls Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Amanda! I'm trying to loose baby weight too! Had our second baby Nov 2nd and I have 23 pounds to loose. I was able to loose all my baby weight before, that was 4 years ago. This is a great site! Hopefully we can encourage each other!!
  • ShefMum
    ShefMum Posts: 48 Member

    Ditto - add me if you want!

    My baby's 1 now - check out my profile.

    Sue 8D
  • kya101
    kya101 Posts: 37
    I have lost all my baby weight and then some... actually alot some prepregnancy. I was about 30lbs over weight before I got pregnant and then gained another 42lbs. I decided after I had my son that I was going to get back to "myself". My son is now 2 and I am finally beginning to feel comfortable in my skin again. My biggest piece of advice for new-moms is that this is going to take awhile to do, but YOU CAN do it. I walked with my son everyday for 1-2 hours for a year and a half and I also did ten minute trainer. That was the only workout I found I had time for. Another biggy too would be watching what eat, once I figured that out and started eating healthy, the weight really started coming off. But I did do it slowly when changing my eating habits, I would have cheat days where I could have something "bad" once a week and at first I just slowly added healthier food choices into my daily menu. I have to say this has been a long road for me, but I truly believe if I can do it anyone can!!!! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • ham4143
    Just got on board today, although I will start after the holidays. I didn't know about this program and a Co-Worker told me about it and how much she likes it. Anyone willing to share their story about getting started?
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    hey you can add me as a friend as well. I have a two year old and my son just turned one on the 20th of this month. I have lost alittle over 40 this year but but I was over weight before I got pregnant now back down to the weight I was when I got pregnant with my son I have around 30ish lbs to lose. would love to be able to help and support each other!
  • corbinam
    corbinam Posts: 18 Member
    Glad to hear from everyone!! I am changing my eating habits ... and starting zumba and the 30 day shred. I starting running again a few months back but its far to cold out now...I lost 40 pounds doing that but now its the last 20 to go. For me its not numbers, its about being as fit as I used to be and feeling GOOD in my own skin!! I really find it motivating to hear others success stories and see results... then I can see it can be done haha!!
  • rachelcschmidt
    I have a 2-1/2 yr old and a 9 month old, and I'm trying to lose 10-15 more lbs myself! I'm just barely starting to watch what i eat; up until very recently I've never wanted to change my diet. I would just work out more. But it's pretty hard to squeeze in more with 2 little ones, so hopefully I can stay motivated longer than a week, haha!
  • BCSNfld
    BCSNfld Posts: 7 Member
    I just joined this site about a month ago and so far loving the site. I just had my 3rd baby about 8 weeks ago, i want to lose about 40 pounds, 30 pounds would get me back to preprego weight but would like to lose 10-20 pounds more. I would love some support from more friends. Hope you all don't mind, I'm going to add all of you. Thanks.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    New (well for the 2nd time) mother here too. My youngest is 14wks old. I have lost the baby weight, but I have about 35lbs more to go before I'm where I want. Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other!
  • lynnstoll
    Start tracking your calories and exercise TODAY. Do not wait for the right time, there isn't one. Keep it everyday and read blogs when you have a chance.
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    How do you adjust your starting weight? I had started this journey before I found out about this site. I would like for it to have my total weight loss.
  • CanadianMomma
    CanadianMomma Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Amanda. I have a 4month old and a 4 yr old and am looking to loose the "baby" weight plus some. I would definitely be interested in joining you in motivation.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I've got a nearly 2yo, Ive just lost 40 pounds and got 10 to go

    I was ok until he started solids and then I just stacked on the weight, so I feel so much better now with most of it off

    I write everything in my diary, even if I've screwed up and over eaten massively, I need to be accountable for it all, good and bad
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    My son will be 7 months on Sunday. I gained 80...yes, 80 lbs while pregnant and I've lost 60 so far... Hoping to lose about 10-15 more! A lot of hard work and squeezing in 30 day shred whenever he would nap. I just started p90x now that he is napping on a more consistent basis (he used to just take cat naps throughout the day) and it's kicking my butt so far. I am losing very slowly but that's okay with me, I just keep chugging along. Add me if you'd like!
  • rachelcschmidt
    I'm discovering that I'm better at using this site if i keep a hand written food journal in the kitchen and then post it all after lunch. Then i can project how much to have for dinner, and how much exercise I "have" to do if I want to make up for a particular craving and still lose weight...I have an elliptical in my living room, so I've been hopping on that while we watch movies, so that I really don't have an excuse to get off unless the baby just really doesn't want daddy =). Anyone else have some tricks that are working for them?
  • dawn33
    dawn33 Posts: 34 Member
    I am trying to get back on the fitnesspal wagon!! Before I had my daughter who is 8 months old I lost over 20 pounds using this site and I loooved it. I have some weight to lose to get back to my before baby weight and I want to keep going from there. It's hard sometimes and I don't have any friends who have kids that can be there and supportive so add me as a friend and would love to chat and keep each other movitivated.:smile:
  • corbinam
    corbinam Posts: 18 Member
    Im glad all of you found this post!! I have just started the 30 day shred today, and I think its going to be great!! I like that its short, as we all know that time can be hard to find with little ones :) I love the fact that I can keep this site open on my laptop and just add the food to my journal right as im eating it. Seeing how much calories I have left for the day has REALLY put things in perspective for me!! I dont just run to the fridge at the first sign of bordom hunger. I think , and make myself accountable for every choice!! My biggest problem is the water... I dont drink anything else but I am still finding it hard to get 8+ glasses in! But im trying.. and I am drinking more and more as time goes on!! how is everyone else doing with their journey....
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Thats great! How long are the shred workouts? I like short and sweet (or sweaty lol)

    We did a big walk in the botanical gardens today, and I ran up and down some stairs too, felt good and might go towards covering my huge new years eve blow out! Burnt 575 calories! Love my heart rate monitor
  • RedandBlonde
    RedandBlonde Posts: 13 Member
    i'm another one who is looking for some other Mums to help lose the weight. Feel free to add me!

    Edit - The shred is about 20 mins I believe. I did day 2 today. It's great to fit in before the kids wake up in the morning. I did have my 11 week old watching me from his rocker at 5.30am this morning though.
  • corbinam
    corbinam Posts: 18 Member
    LOVE the shred!! Did it yesterday, and my goodness my thighs are SCREAMING this morning haha!!! But Im going to do it again, the only way is to work through the burn!!!! And yes, its only about 30 mins by the time you warm up and cool down!