It's almost 2pm and....

Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
I've already gone over my calories by 78. My kids and I are sick with bronchitis. They are really in bad shape, fevers back to back for 4 days. I haven't slept and I can stop thinking of food. Although I haven't eaten anything bad like chips or cookies, I'm still over and I'm too sick to burn off the calories by exercising.
I'm trying not to get upset because this is my first day out of 5 weeks that I have eaten so much and I need to look at it as a cheat day and start fresh tomorrow.
It just helps to write this stuff down sometimes. Thx.


  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I've already gone over my calories by 78. My kids and I are sick with bronchitis. They are really in bad shape, fevers back to back for 4 days. I haven't slept and I can stop thinking of food. Although I haven't eaten anything bad like chips or cookies, I'm still over and I'm too sick to burn off the calories by exercising.
    I'm trying not to get upset because this is my first day out of 5 weeks that I have eaten so much and I need to look at it as a cheat day and start fresh tomorrow.
    It just helps to write this stuff down sometimes. Thx.
  • kmjgrant
    kmjgrant Posts: 80
    It's okay!!! You are allowed one cheat day a week. And you are sick, so it doesn't even matter. Don't feel bad about it. Just enjoy it, and when you get better just get back on track.:drinker:
  • Gorgeous
    Gorgeous Posts: 248
    yeah dont feel bad!
    i went to a cocktail enganment party and i cheated last night OVIOUSLY
    and i didnt even want to come log it all
  • tulfelhun
    I had a carne asada burrito today - with tortilla chips and refried beans and a coke - that was 900 calories - damn it - it is only 2:00 pm and an off day for the gym- it is still early though, I just might go to the gym - now I feel fatter
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    if im not mistaken it takes about 3500 cals to make a pound. i would say comfort yourself and your kids for a day or two. as long as you know, and commit to getting back on track when you are all healthy you should not even notice a little "cheat?"

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    You should be eating more when you're fighting an infection, anyway. Your BMR can increase by up to 30% depending on the severity, and on top of that you need enough calories for extra energy for white cell production. I have been fighting a respiratory infection for two weeks, and after several days of eating maintenance and taking it easy it's finally going away and I feel fabulous. I don't like to take a lot of antibiotics so I will always try to get over it on my own.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Thanks everyone...I guess that's why I feel I've been feeling so hungry. I didn't realize our BMR increases that much when we are sick. I feel a little better and I actually feel like I'm gaining a little more strength. :wink: