Lost 70 pounds (About 25-30 to go) since July. Before/During

Dymas Posts: 20 Member
I started my lifestyle change in July. It finally hit me one day, and I realized how fat I was, and that something needed to change ASAP. I think the highest weight I let myself get to was around 270 (I'm 6'1, male, and 21.. so in other words, I was huge). I'm literally repulsed every time I look at my "before" picture, I don't know how I let myself get that big.

Anyways, for the past 5 months, I've been eating 2050 calories a day, 150-200g of protein, and hitting the gym 6 days a week. I know I've still got a long way to go before I'm happy with my body, but I'm thrilled with the progress I've made so far. I've lost a lil bit of fat, and put on some muscle (I had ZERO muscle before I started, with the exception of my legs, from having to lug around 270 lbs).

Edit: Pictures are too big apparently, so I'll leave em as links.

http://i.imgur.com/ChNwk.jpgp (Before/During shirtless)

http://i.imgur.com/pvOTq.jpg (Before/During clothed)

http://i.imgur.com/zxfXQ.jpg (Slightly flexing)

Hoping I can post a real Before/After by February/March.


  • savvy85
    savvy85 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow!!! You look AMAZING! Well done on coming this far! It's not easy. You've done an absolutely fantastic job! :-)

  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Wow!!! Awesome!!!
  • localatte
    localatte Posts: 78 Member
    All your dedication has paid off! Good job and thanks for sharing.
  • Dymas
    Dymas Posts: 20 Member
    It hasn't paid off completely yet, I'm still far from where I want to be. But it has been extremely rewarding so far.

    Thanks for the positive comments guys.
  • kismetchi
    kismetchi Posts: 9 Member
    Amazing job! I've lost just about 60 lbs myself since mid-July and still have my last 40 to go too! Good luck! Merry Christmas and you'll get to your goal no problem in the new year!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    fantastic!!!! You can be so proud of yourself, that is an amazing journey in such short time. Way to go, good luck on the rest of the way.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Great job! You look great! Keep up the good work.
  • Dymas
    Dymas Posts: 20 Member
    I'll post another topic with pictures in a few months. Hopefully with a 6 pack by then.
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    wow awesome work!
  • sammywil
    sammywil Posts: 104
    You look great - like a different person. Well done! Cant wait to see the 6-pack pix :blushing:
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