
Hi! I recently became a SAHM to my 3yo son & 1yo daughter. I'm loving life at home with them but it is definitely making dieting harder to do! I've got about 40lbs to lose -- most from my first pregnancy. I joined here because I need to start paying better attention to what I'm eating throughout the day. Before my last pregnancy I had lost about 10lbs by going to the gym daily and eating right. With 2 little ones at home I've pretty much just lost myself to being a mommy and I need to find that motivation again. Now with the loss of one income the gym is out so I've got to find a way to get some exercise in daily as well. Sheesh, I've got my work cut out for me! I hope to find some great advice here and make some new friends! =)



  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me! And good luck - you can do it!
  • You can add me too. I'm fairly new and have met some wonderful people with great support here. Welcome!!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds, it's a tough road, and the more friends I have along the way the better!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Just always remember ... " Attitude is everything ... know you can do anything you set your mind on and prove the world wrong " ... You got this ! Best of luck ! :)
  • I need more support too! Add me!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Home is a great place to exercise if you truly want to be fit.

    Learn some calisthenics

    And some at home cardio

    You've got to really desire reaching your health goals; it never just happens by accident.
    Good luck!
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    Sweet, Stay At Home Rock Stars are the best, and it is the best for the children too.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    You will do grate. I have lost a good amount of baby weight using MFP. You can totally do this. Good luck to you. And if you would like you can add me too.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Full-time working Mom to two boys ages 3 and 1 year old as well. Feel free to add me.
  • Home is a great place to exercise if you truly want to be fit.

    Learn some calisthenics

    And some at home cardio

    You've got to really desire reaching your health goals; it never just happens by accident.
    Good luck!
  • GAH! Sorry, I've never been very good with message boards. At any rate, I wanted to say THANKS for the links. I bookmarked them, and in addition to the kettlebell I plan on visiting these sites regularly to get ideas and change things up. I have done fairly well this week in actually putting forth the effort to exercise. I miss the gym terribly. I used to love hitting the elliptical with nothing to bother me but my iPod, but since those days are over I have to force myself to work out at home -- I hate working out at home, but oh well, I'll learn to love it I suppose. LOL! Thanks everyone for the support!