Body by Vi

Who has tried it? Successful?


  • I was on it during the summer and lost 10lbs. Have since gotten WAY off track and have not lost any more than that. Having a hard time with food/nutrition so I probably am not much help.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I started my 90 Day Challenge on October 1st and am down 32 pounds (in about 85 days)...
  • I started my 90 Day Challenge on October 1st and am down 32 pounds (in about 85 days)...

    Wow, that's impressive! :) How many meal replacements did you do?
  • Tried the shake, but have never done the 90 day challenge. Shake has a kind of an artificial taste compared to the one I'm used to. I prefer one with more natural ingredients.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I have done two shakes a day. I don't taste any artificial kind of taste and love the fact that the flavor is "Sweet Cream" so you can add pretty much anything you want to the shakes (fresh fruit, yogurt, instant coffee, cocoa, peanut butter, oatmeal.......) You can make them with skim milk, water, almond milk or soy milk (I use the 35 calorie unsweetened Almond Milk). I only have about 25 more pounds to go, and even once I reach my goal, I know I will continue on at least one a day...
  • I have been thinking of trying it, but wanted to hear good reviews from someone other than a person trying to make sales off of it. Haha.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Very smart of you! I am down 32 pounds, and my hubby is down 27 in the same 3 month time-frame. Of course you still need to eat smart and exercise - it is not a magic bullet. I just know if I mix in filling low-cal things I stay full and have tons of energy for the entire day. My favorite recipe right now is the powder with 1 cup of 35 calorie Almond Milk, then I add in 1/4 cup of pumpkin puree, 1/4 cup Old Fashioned oatmeal (dry), 1 tsp Truvia and 1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice. Low cal additions that keep me full for hours and taste so good. (Some people add lots of peanut butter and chocolate syrup, which to me defeats the whole purpose...)
  • ddb2222
    ddb2222 Posts: 9 Member
    Well, I am a junk-food-junkie who pretty much hates eating anything that's healthy and I was looking for something that even I could do. Well.. I love these shakes! It's a Sweet Cream flavor and goes great with anything I've put it in. I lost 19 lbs during my first 90 day challenge and I'm really not much on exercise. I have set my next 90 Day Challenge goal to lose 2% body fat and I'll definitely have to exercise more if I want to reach that goal.

    One thing I didn't expect... it even got me off sodas. I don't know how, and it wasn't even in my plan since I pretty much lived on Diet Coke, but by day 2 I didn't even want one. Just didn't taste right.

    In side by side comparisons to other shake mixes it is more nutritionally sound than any others I've looked at and I'm feeling great.

    I am just a customer and I love the fact that even customers can get their product for free just by referring others!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Well, I am a junk-food-junkie who pretty much hates eating anything that's healthy and I was looking for something that even I could do. Well.. I love these shakes! It's a Sweet Cream flavor and goes great with anything I've put it in. I lost 19 lbs during my first 90 day challenge and I'm really not much on exercise. I have set my next 90 Day Challenge goal to lose 2% body fat and I'll definitely have to exercise more if I want to reach that goal.

    One thing I didn't expect... it even got me off sodas. I don't know how, and it wasn't even in my plan since I pretty much lived on Diet Coke, but by day 2 I didn't even want one. Just didn't taste right.

    In side by side comparisons to other shake mixes it is more nutritionally sound than any others I've looked at and I'm feeling great.

    I am just a customer and I love the fact that even customers can get their product for free just by referring others!

    That's funny, because I am not drinking Diet Cokes any more, and used to drink them all the time. I also don't need my morning coffee anymore - and I never intentionally tried to stop - just woke up in the morning wanting a shake not coffee. I feel sooooo much better now - second 90 Day Challenge starts next week... Not going to miss one day : )
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I lost 30 lbs in 90 days with exercising 2-3 times a day, really unimpressive because I was 230+ lbs. It got really expensive and I needed more protein so I switched to Designer Whey which is $20.00 for 31 days and less carbs & fat and significantly more protein.