Discouraged already



  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    WOW...so many great replies...nice group!
    You are all spot on and I am not giving up, was just really mad when I got on the scale and feeling low.
    Feel better already, many thanks.
    I think I may have a sodium issue that is behind this.
    I LOVE salt and put it on everything.
    My biggest problem is diet coke and not enough water.
    When I drink to much of it my hands swell up as they are right now so that is probably the culprit here.
    I am switching over to Diet Rite (no sodium) and will try to drink more water and lay off the soda all together.
    That should probably help.
    Also, I need to start hitting the weights and get out and start walking.
    Excercise is key and so far I have not been doing anything, just concentrating on the diet aspect.
    Thanks again everyone!

    It's so good to "hear" the enthusiasm! Good luck and keep it up! This month I've chosen basically just to try to not gain anything… too much going on right now to sweat over whether I lose a pound or two!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    This is a journey not a sprint!! You need to be patient, drink lots of water and burn some calories in addition to lowering your calorie intake. If you want to make drastic changes to your diet that's ok, but for me I am eating most of what I did before in smaller quantities. I have cut down on sweets almost 75%. My husband and i are very social and I even have a booze category on my diary.....I have changed my body completely by working with a trainer and doing strength workouts in addition to the cardio. If you need another friend feel free to add me :-) Good luck!
  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    I gained too....but, I'm trying to keep my chin up! Its a life style change, right??? :wink: It's easy to get discouraged..that's when I consult the message boards and realize, I"m not alone! Friend me if you need support. I started around that weight!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    i went from drinking a 20oz diet coke a day, to drinking about 1 every two weeks. i used to use it as a pick me up at 3pm. i read somewhere that one apple has the same amount of energy as a soda, and i just swapped my coke for apples. i'm not dragging *kitten* in the afternoon either.
    oh this is a great tip! i stopped drinking my coke zero and it is tough to do!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Don't weigh every hour. If you do you'll find that your weight will fluctuate depending of what you consumed and water intake.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Don't give up!

    1. You have already lost weight. AWESOME!!
    2. Be patient with your body. It takes some time for it to change from consumption mode to burn mode.
    3. What everyone else said about fluctuation
    4. Its just a number. If you lose any body fat, waist size, etc then you are becoming more fit.

    Add me if you want.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Hi Don, I've read your food diary and have to say that you are neither eating enough or eating healthy and it is no surprise you are gaining weight! Eating 800 calories and washing it down with a diet coke doesn't equate to eating healthy, you are going to have no energy to do anything! But please do not get discouraged, you can do this and there is lots of help out there to assist you on your journey! Obviously it is Christmas Eve and I can't spend time helping you out over the next couple of days but if you want some help to putting together some real meal plans and work out schedules I would be more than happy to help you out. My advise to you would be to enjoy yourself over the holidays and do some research and planning into what you can do to make 2012 your year! Sorry for the tough love but your diary screams I need help to me! :drinker:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    ok, i just looked at your diary. you are 41, 230lbs, and at 1,620 calories? wtf mate? that is waaaaaay to low for you to be eating. how tall are you? i bet you have your diary at 2lbs a week loss (or more) and you have your activity level set at "sedentary" don't you?

    unless you really are an office drone and sit at a desk all day, you should not be at sedentary. and your weight loss, especially in the beginning, should be geared at 1-1.5lbs loss a week. it will help ease you into this, and to avoid any crazy pleatues or loss of motivation.

    i hope you've also looked at other information, such as TDEE, and body fat percentages, and what is healthy weight range and BF% for you.

    but bottom line is that you are eating way too low. go to the the tools menu and take a look at your BMR. you should not eat less then this.
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    If I were to listen to the scale, it would tell me that between yesterday and today I lost 2.5lb. I'm here to tell you that's a load of crap.

    In my case it's because the night before last I went out to a dinner party, and I consumed WAY too much sodium. I was still holding on to a lot of water at weigh-in.

    Just look for trends and don't let one bad scale reading get you down. Don't give up; you're doing great!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    Hi Don, I've read your food diary and have to say that you are neither eating enough or eating healthy and it is no surprise you are gaining weight! Eating 800 calories and washing it down with a diet coke doesn't equate to eating healthy, you are going to have no energy to do anything! But please do not get discouraged, you can do this and there is lots of help out there to assist you on your journey!

    -this. you have limited fruits and veggies and sometimes are not even meeting the min of 1200 a day! I do not know how you are not eating more! I would be starving! Also try to work out- even a 15 min walk at a slow pace is better then nothing.
  • TempeB
    TempeB Posts: 43 Member
    My weight fluctuates a great deal, and I can see it on a graph because I weigh myself daily on a Wii Fit board. But, I am not beating myself up or giving up, because I am definitely seeing results over time. I'm also "falling off the wagon" for holidays, but then I just wait until the next day and start over again eating healthy. Keeping a food diary is the greatest tool. You can do it!
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Also, just looked at your food diary, and you're not eating enough. Your deficit is already built into your calorie budget, so your goal is to hit that number, not try to stay under it. Good luck with your journey :D
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    LOL...6' tall and I believe I set the goal as 2 pounds per week. Not sure about the other setting but definately nor sedentary. new to this and need to figure out the setting I guess. Thanks for the advise!
  • Hang in there! You can do this:)
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    i dont know where you found a meatball sub for 269 calories, but i think everyone wants the number to that place................

    a lot of problems stem from not knowing and not logging calories properly..............no idea what a "sammich" is, but i think you problem stems from not logging your food properly, or knowing what you are eating.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    Please try eating more and drinking water. Your weight may go up when you do this before it stabilizes. Try walking 15-30 minutes each day. Try this for two months. Then you can have an honest baseline and healthy metabolism to start eating a calorie deficit and regular exercise.

    If you give yourself this time, it will come together for you. This is a time of adjustment, change and education. It will get easier and easier as you learn more about what foods work for you and what portion sizes are good for you.

    Take this slow path! It will help you ease into a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Six months from now, you will weigh less and feel stronger. One year from now, you may be at your goal and enjoying regular exercise.

    Don't give up on your future! I started a year ago and while I'm not some amazing hardbody, I'm very happy, healthy and strong. Last Christmas I was hiding from the camera and deleting pictures. Not this year! You can do it too!
  • Hello Don, I also second what all the others said. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! (repeat as necessary) It is slow going at first and there will be setbacks, we're only human after all. There is tons of information out there, and lots of good feedback on this site, all with the intention of helping people. I don't know much, but I do try (as time and budget allow) to work in different things I've read on here to help me on my personal journey to being healthy. I guess the point is to read and learn what works best for you. That being said, I am from Wisconsin, home of the REAL AMERICAS TEAM, so GO PACKERS!!!!!! I do hope it's a good game tomorrow, but the Bears are going to lose.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Dont be so discouraged already. I have been at it since March 8, 2011 and only have lost 28 lbs. When you figure the average weight loss with gains and losses I have had, it is only 0.7 lbs a week loss. In other words, give it time. You will have hills and valleys. Anyone can add me as a friend. Check out my story. You will find that giving up is NOT an option. I hope its not an option for you either.
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Hang in there mate we all fluctuate at times. If you do the right thing, watch what you eat, get exercise then the weight will sort itself out over time :)
  • kjsaine
    kjsaine Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be discouraged! My daughter has been doing this for almost a year and has lost 102 pounds!!! She just keeps working on it and never gives up...some weeks are better than others. You CAN do it!