
Hi I'm new to MFP but have been journaling my calories and exercise for almost 2 years straight now (since Jan 2010). I've been struggling with severe weight gain for the past 10-11 years...and feel like I'm in my own personal prison...or a nightmare from which I'm desperately trying to wake. I try to remain hopeful but it gets more difficult by the day because I see the damage that has been done and that just sets me back in my weight loss journey. I know I'm past the point of ever getting my old body back so now it's all about health for me. I've been incredibly fortunate to not have had any health issues so far but am terrified of getting diabetes, heart disease, etc. I could really use the support of others who are going through the same thing...


  • sailorsiren13
    Hi i have struggled with my weight since my teens i'm not what people would call obese but it bothers me. i have done damage to myself and also struggle with things i would be more than happy to friend you on here if you would like i just joined myself. I have a teenage daughter and i am just trying to be at a healthy weight and have a good self-esteem. I also worry about diabetes and different issues as well. Good luck in your struggles! i am brutally honest about my diary and exercise and don't sugarcoat because that won't get me anywhere. I have also joined a 30 day shred starting on the 1st of Jan. so if you want to friend me thats cool if not that's cool too!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    The fact that your trying is great. When I started my diet it was all about health. I had horrible blood pressure, I was out of breath climbing 10 stairs, had knee pains, I could not carry anything over 10lbs without back pains and I slept all the time. All this at the age of 20. When ever you feel like failing remember you are doing this for your. Remember all the people who would miss you and all the people you would miss if you were not around. Remember all the things you like to do and would miss if your health got in the way. You can do this! I tried to start my diet for a whole year and one day it just clicked. I realized why I was doing it, I was doing it for me. Wake up every morning and plan like this is the first day of your new lifestyle and if you fail just start over again. I sent you a request, this is the right place to be for support. YOU GOT THIS!
  • retrogal76
    retrogal76 Posts: 40 Member
    thanks so much!
  • retrogal76
    retrogal76 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks sinjin13! May I ask..what is a 30 day shred??
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    Hello, I have struggled with my weight all of my life as well:grumble: ....however since being part of this wonderful place I feel better both inside and out.:bigsmile: Please add me if you would like another friend :):flowerforyou:

    Merry Christmas :drinker: :happy:
  • retrogal76
    retrogal76 Posts: 40 Member
    Merry Christmas to you as well...just sent a request..thanks!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Many of us have struggled -- stay positive and focused and don't let food rule your life!! Merry Christmas and welcome to Myfitnesspal!
  • ladydandelyon
    I'm new too! I've been overweight the majority of my life. I've been yo-yo dieting for the past 16 years. Last year I finally figured it out and I lost almost 100 lbs in a year. But personal troubles caused me to give up and I gained back about 20 lbs. So I'm here looking for support too. I want to get back on track and finally reach my goal. First to 175 lbs and then to my final goal of 150-160 lbs.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I, too, have felt the way you do right now. In fact, I still do on some days. I have to lose 195lbs and some days it just looms over me, but I've decided to get back on the band wagon and just take one step at a time, even if it's minute by minute. I'll be starting tomorrow with logging again and doing the 17 Day Diet as a tool to teach me how to eat more healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like and we can do this together!! If you ever need to talk, just send me a message :0) Good luck!!