
It's Christmas Day and I had to go for a run! I ended up doing 3.5 miles of running on treadmill mixed with some interval training. I jogged at 4.0(as my walk) and ran at 5.5 for my interval. I feel great! A year ago I could barely walk around our little block. I feel accomplished!

Most of all, I'm happy that I don't view exercise as a chore. Its simply part of my day:) Happy Holidays friends!



  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Great job Dawn! Congrats on becoming a runner!!!

  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    Great Job Dawn....Way to make a great lifestyle change!

    Cheers, Joe

    Merry Christmas
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    that's awsome! way to go! it's a great feeling!
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Great job! 5.5 is still a little too fast for me so great job! :)
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments and kind words! On days I get down on myself because the scale doesn't say what I want it to..I have to remember moments like this.. seriously, a year ago I could barely walk and now I'm running. I average around 16 or so miles a week of fitness..I feel great..the more I do..the more I want to do..Crazy huh?
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments and kind words! On days I get down on myself because the scale doesn't say what I want it to..I have to remember moments like this.. seriously, a year ago I could barely walk and now I'm running. I average around 16 or so miles a week of fitness..I feel great..the more I do..the more I want to do..Crazy huh?
    thats awesome for you! i feel the same way, i am glad i am hooked on the gym now and want to be there more often than not!
  • It's an awesome feeling! Congrats to you on your accomplishments this past year! MERRY CHRISTMAS! :smile:
  • That's AWESOME! What a wonderful Christmas present to yourself :)