Give Me Your Best Excuses

During the time I have been here I have heard some extraordinary excuses for gaining weight but not quite as good as the ones I've been hearing in my day to day life this time of year.

I think in the spirit of getting it out there lay out your best excuse you have for gaining weight this week, this year, this decade and move on. I dare you after that to stop using that excuse. I double dare you to disprove the excuse yourself.

I can tell you, I didn't gain muscle this week. I gained booze, fatty foods, sugary foods, and sodium. The scale is probably going to tick up this week. I have nothing to apologize for. At the end of the week I will have worked off all of my transgressions and I will be back on track.

This is an excuse zone...


  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I've blamed breastfeeding on my inability to lose weight. I've been able to prove myself wrong, though, so no more excuses. ;)

    This week, it's been parties, goodies and fudge. Eek. Not good.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I'm just retaining water. No big deal.

    Ummmm, maybe it's water. Maybe it really is fat. I've been way over my calories this week. If the only thing that can get the weight off is burning an extra 5000 calories this week, it was probably fat.
  • jimmyslady
    My excuses this year have been that hubby and I ride together to work so we are out of the house by 6:30, get home around 6:00, fix dinner, clean up, and then I'm beat. But... I always fail to remind myself that I also sit in front of the TV several nights a week and I could be exercising during TV time, or cleaning the house (because that counts too!!). So.... that's my lame excuse - no time!!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    My excuse is that i still have my post triplet body.........................3 years later...................urm yeah, planks it is then!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    My favorite?

    "I just don't have the time"

    The only living people that "don't have the time" for a proper diet, and proper fitness are the terminally ill. Literally everybody else has the time.

  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    My excuse for the last 8 years was giving up smoking. I never had a problem with my weight until my dad died due to what I think was his smoking - it may not have been and could have been genetics, but it is the only thing he did wrong in his lifestyle. I gave up smoking (30 a day....) a couple of months after and ballooned. All this time I've blamed cigarettes. Didn't occur to me that I had lost my dad suddenly and there may be some comfort eating mixed in with all those emotions. Didn't occur to me that I had to take some responsibility for my weight. But it has occurred to me now and I am trying. I know I'm big because I'm greedy. When I was smoking and being really active my greediness never caught up with me. Mix that with using food to make myself feel better and it was a recipe for disaster.

    My excuse these past 3 days are that it's Christmas and i went overboard buying enough food for a small village!
  • lynnmarie60
    I like the Wii:

    Dance Party 3
    Zumba 1 and 2
  • terrig0585
    My excuse......well I've just been lazy. That's it. Its simple. Been too lazy to eat right, been too lazy to get off the couch and exercise.
    I feel it both mentally and physically. I've gathered my dog and my sister together and I'm headed out right now to go for a walk. Leaving quick before anyone gets up or calls and gives me a lame excuse not to go.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I LOVE the don't have time excuse. It's typically the same people that stand around the water cooler the next day talking about last nights prime time tv shows.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I used the "don't have time" excuse for years - as well as my three kids, my full time job, my boss, my traveling, my house to clean, my kids activities, yada yada yada. Then I used going back to school. Truth is, there is always time to work out. It can be done in 15 minute increments three times day if necessary. Not convenient, but doable. So, now I don't make excuses when I don't do it, I just know I am not doing it.

    Anytime someone says, "I don't have time for that," my boss says, "What are you doing between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m.?"......and its true. Working out in the mornings, before anyone is up, before work, has worked wonders for me over the past year. I am going to continue it because it really works and its done before my stressful day starts, and I don't have to miss anything after work if I don't want to! Yup, I am wiped out by 9 pm and ready for bed, but so what?
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    So, now I don't make excuses when I don't do it, I just know I am not doing it.

    Too right! This statement is the secret to success!
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    This is so awesome. I love reading your excuses and better yet, the reasons why the excuses aren't good. You guys rock.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    My excuse was my job, which including going out to eat a lot, and a lot of stress eating, and no time for exercise. Now I have a different job, so now I have no excuses for gaining weight back!