Does Anybody Sleep With A Snorer?



  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    bump for later!
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I snored for years, until I lost all my weight this past year. I stopped snoring at about 50 lbs lost. I never had a CPAP, but I feel bad about my poor husband and all the years I snored. Luckily, he's a very hard sleeper and as long as he fell asleep before me it wasn't a huge issue.

    I know that for me, when HE snores, I poke him somewhere and he turns over and stops for a bit. Tylenol PM helps me with that - I just take it so I won't wake up, lol.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wow, so good to know I am not alone. Sniff Sniff. I love my husband to death but yes, this is our issue. Feeling good abour reading other posts.
  • bigbugboo
    Ask him sweetly to sleep facing away from you on his side, and pop a couple of pillows behind his back to stop him rolling onto his back (often when the snoring is at its worst!). You face the opposite direction with your back to the pillows too. That should give you long enough to nod off before he inevitably starts to shift around in his sleep. It also helps if you can ensure his chin is lifted away from his chest (so head inclining backwards) to 'open up the airways'. Works for me.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My hubby also snores loudly (and no, he doesn't have sleep apnea).
    I also have tried every type of ear plug out there and they all hurt my ears and none of them block out the sound well enough, nor do medicines to help me sleep make me sleep deeply enough to not be bothered by the noise. I sleep with a fan blowing on high for the white noise, but that doesn't do much either (although I am such a light sleeper that I suppose it probably helps drown out any other outside noises like cars going by and things like that).

    Here's what my hubby has tried:
    * Surgery to correct his deviated septum
    * Breathe Right strips (all variations)
    * Z-Quiet (it's a mouth guard type thing)
    * Something I cant remember the name to that you actually put IN your nostrils and it opens them up more
    * Mentholatum (under his nose)
    * Throat sprays (every brand available)
    * Humidifier next to the bed
    * Sleeping on his side

    What has worked?
    NOTHING - absolutely nothing. A lot of times he'll lie down next to me for a while and then, after the third or fourth time I kick/elbow/punch when he snores (gentle nudging doesn't work), he will just go sleep in the spare room.

    He does need to lose some weight and I hope that, if/when he does, this helps. Nothing else has.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Will somebody please try cutting out dairy???

    If anyone is willing to try cutting out dairy for about a week, please friend me and let me know if you see any results.

    I'd love to see if cutting out dairy will work for anyone else, like it did for me.

    Good luck to you all!

  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    My husband and I sleep in different rooms. He snores, and I'm a very light sleeper. We decided that it was better to sleep alone than for neither of us to sleep.

    That's what me and mine did too. He's had the tests and the nose strips and the thing that goes in the mouth to help keep your jaw in a certain position.

    Nothing worked.:sad: So separate rooms for us is the only answer.
  • sayfay
    sayfay Posts: 90 Member
    I used to, but made DH go to a sleep clinic and he was diagnosed with sleep apnea. He uses a c-pap machine now and no more snoring (well, except when he "forgets" to put it on but that's another issue, lol).
  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    I am a snorer, well I was. Every night I would get a knee in the back or an elbow to the head. Plus my mouth would be dry like a desert from sleeping with my mouth wide open. At first I thought it was from my allergies but soon realized it was because I was over weight.

    After I started my diet/exercise and I lost 20 lbs, the snoring stopped. I haven't snored and I have been able to get a good night sleep with dreams, which I hadn't had for a very long time.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    My husband snores like a freight train but it only bothers me if I am having trouble getting to sleep or if I wake up and he is doing it at that moment.

    He is thin so it's not a weight issue. He has really bad allergies/sinuses so I am thinking it's that. I elbow him and he moves and it "sometimes" helps. But usually it's not an issue as he works third (night) shift so he is rarely in bed when I go to sleep so I deal with it.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I have no advice, only commiseration. My husband snores at night and if I don't stop him early in the night, he ends up sounding like he's sawing logs. I've kicked him out of bed a few times because of it. I developed a serious aversion to him snoring while I was pregnant this last time and there would be times that I'd lay there fuming, when I'd gently shake him awake enough to get him to stop, only for him to return to snoring again.(it would go on for HOURS!!!)
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I used to snore a lot. I also had a hard time getting to sleep, maybe because my wife snores. We both took Ambien and it was a race to see who could get to sleep first before the other started snoring!

    Having lost as much weight as I have, I no longer snore and quit taking Ambien 10 months ago. I don't have a bit of a problem getting to sleep, especially on days I work out! I can be asleep in seconds. My wife still snores, but I sleep so soundly I dont hear her. Now the talking in her sleep and night terrors, that's a different story... :noway:
  • myla57
    myla57 Posts: 11
    You're going to find this funny. My hubby snores like crazy. I use ear plugs and try to go to sleep before he does. He's not overweight, but I am. lol What's funny is that when I went for a check-up the doc decided to give me a sleep test and I am the one who has sleep apena. So I have a C-Pap machine which makes me sleep so well I don't hear him snoring.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    No tips but I can certainly commiserate. No human being should be able to produce that volume of noise simply by breathing! We live a half mile from the airport and get calls from the tower telling me to roll him over because he's interfering with radio transmissions! Ok..maybe I exaggerate but you get the idea. I have lay awake at night and considered all sorts of smothering him with my water pillow, stuffing peanut M&M's up his nose or stuffing my foam earplugs up his nose. I have pondered whether or not I could get off on a temporary insanity defense. The couch makes my back hurt and there have been nights when I have closed the bedroom door, gone down the hall into the living room and still had the noise wake me up. It is truly an unbelievable sound. I get night time cardio by kicking him till he stops. I figure with all the leg movement I get, I'm running a mile every night in bed.
  • geraldm55
    buy him some unpasturized honey and have him take a tablespoon of it 1 hour before bed. when I did this it did 2 things for me I lost more weight and I sleep like a stone. he will wake up feeling great also.

    oh yeah and according to my beautiful wife I quit snoring :)
  • carriedavis77
    carriedavis77 Posts: 141 Member
    oh my heavens you poor thing... I *raises hand* also am married to a snorer! :grumble:

    Great news is... and yes I know that each person is different... his snoring has almost VANISHED from him losing weight! He was at a high of 380 2 years ago and is down 278 today! His goal is 220... baby steps ;) but I tell ya what... that 100lbs made a HUGE difference in his snoring.

    I used to make him sleep on the couch... sorry... love you babe but I love our bed too... haha! He tried the breath right strips and they did help... but we'd run out and I'd forget to get more.

    Today the only time he snores is when he lies flat on his back... and its a soft and quiet bearable noice... nothing gutteral and train sounding like before! haha

    Good luck to you and yours!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I don`t think I snore but if any ladies in the interest of research want to test this...
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I don`t think I snore but if any ladies in the interest of research want to test this...

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Yes! But I sleep alone and I suspect it's either coming from the attic or the basement. :ohwell:
  • BrandNewMia
    I was the bad snorer in our relationship. I snored really loud and all night long. I did have a sleep study done and I had sleep apnea, but it wasn't so bad that my insurance would cover any treatment.

    Before I lost weight, I got one of those mouthguards, mine was the Pure Sleep System. It's costly but let me tell you, it works like a charm! It was uncomfortable for me because I have TMJ and eventually I had to stop using it, and the snoring came back.

    Within 1 week of exercising daily and eating clean, the snoring completely, and I mean TOTALLY, stopped. I haven't snored in almost a year. I sleep so much better! The only bad thing is now I realize how much my husband snores and it keeps me up sometimes, lol.