New to MFP again (after losing my data)

Hello folks, my name is Becca and I am back. I had an MFP page and lost the data when I inadvertently deleted my acct while trying to clean up some files.
I am committing myself to a better 2012 regarding my health.
I just passed my state exam in practical nursing so I am officially (as of Dec 15, 2011) an LPN. It is my greatest personal accomplishment in quite some time and I am very excited to be working in the field of nursing; however, I NEED to lose about 80-100 pounds in order to be in better health for myself, my family and my patients. I do NOT want to be the fat nurse that everyone feels sorry for.
Hoping to find some MFP friends during this journey and I hope you all have a blessed new year.

ps.....I plan on spending a LOT more time on MFP and a LOT LESS time on That alone will increase my odds of success, I believe.



  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    Congrats becca on the boards... i am starting to study for my LCSW... I know how hard it is... well you have a lot of people here to support you on this journey too :) we can do it!! :)
  • thestillwitch
    thestillwitch Posts: 8 Member
    My sister is an RN, and she's STRONG. I think you'll get plenty of working out from your job alone! lol. Best of luck!