Beginning Again...

Hi All...
Today is Day 1 for me of Starting Over... About 5 years ago, I lost 55 lbs with weight watchers - since then - I graduated college, got married, dove into my career, bought a house and a car, and somewhere along the line I stopped exercising as much and began eating again due to the stress in my life. I used to be obsessed with exercising - and now Im finding it so difficult to get motivated to get to the gym!
I signed up for sessions with a personal trainer I have used in the past and I've motivated my friends to get their butts to the gym with me - so I'm going to put my all back into this.
Yesterday at Christmas - my brother-in-law actually asked me if I was pregnant (so did his sister) - Needless to say - I was horrified - so I'm giving this an all or nothing go.
I've gained 15lbs this year since June - and I would like to see them melt off pretty damn quickly - and get back to 125lbs.

The trainer helped me with a nutrition plan, which I am anything but excited about... 1,200 calories a day (FML) - and it goes something like this:

1/2 c Egg Whites
1/2 c Organic Berries

Protein Shake
5 oz Almonds

3 oz Chicken
Veggies (apparently unlimited)
1/2 c Brown Rice

Protein Shake
1/2 Apple

3 oz Chicken
1/2 Sweet Potato

Anyone have any suggestions so I don't lose my mind? Looking for a way to stay motivated - and to feel good about myself again...


  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    yes it is so important to find time for exercise so good on you for wanting to get back into it. your personal trainer will def help motivate you. feel free to add me as a friend. the more friends on here the more motivation.
    in my opinion that eating plan sounds pretty intense (sumthing i definately couldnt commit too). but good on you if you can do it. how do you feel about the nutrician plan?? i would suggest logging foods on here as it allows you eat anything but you are in control and if you really feel like a glass of wine you can have it.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I recommend that you try to determine the most important reason to YOU for wanting to lose the weight and that you write the reason down. When you find you're losing your way (not weigh) or feeling unmotivated go back and look at what you wrote. Knowing your "why" for wanting to lose, being mindful and maintaining focus will all help get you through. Good luck!
  • mcovillion
    i'm no expert like your trainer is, but i've lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks since i joined. i still eat whole eggs, not just the whites, i make a protein shake sometimes for breakfast or snack, i eat red meat, and i est dessert oo, just alot less than i used to. don't deprive yourself cuz you'll end up quitting.