Getting Ready For 2012 Weight Loss

Hi its the new year!! 2o12! Just wanted to know what are some of you guys goals and plans for your journey in 2o12?

My plans are to significatly reduce my carbs and reduce sugar intake by alot. I also have made out my short and long term goals as well, Im working on my vision board this week so that I can see them everyday.

2o12 is my year...Im claiming it and and here goes!!! G/L to everyone...happy losing in 2012!!!


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I'm with you ...2012 will be our year!! We can do it!!
  • JAAD
    JAAD Posts: 21
    got a treadmill for christmas so no excuse to not walk, cut way down on sugar (soda) and drink more water. 65 pounds to goal weight. I want to do it so bad this year. I've lost 93 pounds in 6 years. been slow but my weight has never yo-yo'd. hope everyone reaches their goals this year
  • jmaniex
    My goal is to lose 40lbs for 2012. My lont term goal is 150lbs bbut if I lose the 40lbs I will be 15 pounds within my goal.
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    I am ready to get all my weight off this year.
    Mostly I want to change my lifestyle so weight and food and exercise become a no-brainer and I can just live life!
    Count me in for 2012 being THE year it happens!
  • FitbyFaith
    Sounds good ladies.....if you need any more support feel free to join my 2012 support group!
  • Slaying_All_Day
    Slaying_All_Day Posts: 12 Member
    My goal for 2012 is to lose the remainder of the weight :) Gotta stay focused and not break my stride!
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    My goal is to lose my 40 pounds and be at my goal before the end of the year. I want to exercise more try new food ideas and get this show on the road! We can, & We will!
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Got some crazy ones for 2012

    -No alcohol
    -No Fried Foods
    -No potato chips (yes I know they're fried but they deserved their own category).

    It will be an interesting year!