What to do when my medical condition keeps me from exercisin

[Apparently there wasn't room for the g in the subject line.]

The only cardio available to me is my stationary bike since I can't afford the gym and my neighborhood isn't the safest for outdoor exercise. I'm on medication that does a good job controlling my seizures, but sometimes when I get on my stationary bike the right side of my body will start to go numb and become less responsive after a few minutes. I haven't been able to tell a neurologist about this yet because I'm still jumping through hoops trying to get an appointment.

So my question is, when this happens and I can't ride my bike, what can I do instead? It's so frustrating because I haven't been working out recently because my medicine makes me really tired, and sometimes when I do actually try to work out this problem stops me. (It's only happened 3 times so far, and it doesn't happen every time I get on the bike.)

I'm at the mercy of a lot of medical issues, and I've lost control of my weight as well. My weight should be something that I actually have the power to fix. What can I do for exercise when that problem happens? It fades after a little while, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to get back on the bike the same day.


  • Vmsunderland
    Welcome to my world! I'm in the same boat as you were my medications literally could knock a horse out. What I do when I can't do my bike (ironically thats what I have at my home too) is dance (it's such a good workout and you literally can do the simplest moves) or some good old fashion yoga. If anything else when i literally can not get off the sofa I only eat my calorise that are given to me and nothing more even if that means I feel like I am starving to death...
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    are you able to get yourself a walking dvd? I think I got mine on Amazon for under $10. I started my exercising 100lbs ago with doing Leslie Sansome walking dvd. She has a bunch of them and that would help get your heart rate up without having to spend a bunch.
    I hear where your coming from with having a medical condition. I don't have seizures but need a hip replacement and some days its painful just to function normally let alone do any exercise.

    Good luck and if you cant find one in your price range message me as I will send you mine as I am not using it anymore.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    to be honest I think you have a lot of excuses going for why you can't exercise. Sure you can't afford a gym, but going to a public swimming pool is usually very cheap and easy to get some low impact good exercise in.
    You may not like to walk around your neighbourhood but surely you can drive/bus to a safer better place to go walking.
    exercise DVD's are fab.
    buy a cheap bicycle and go cycling, even use it as transport and a way of life.
    find some good classes, yoga as suggested or zumba or something in a the local community hall.
    I really don't see why your situation is much differnet to anyone else on a low budget.
    join or start a walking group or find a friend to go walking with you.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    to be honest I think you have a lot of excuses going for why you can't exercise. Sure you can't afford a gym, but going to a public swimming pool is usually very cheap and easy to get some low impact good exercise in.
    You may not like to walk around your neighbourhood but surely you can drive/bus to a safer better place to go walking.
    exercise DVD's are fab.
    buy a cheap bicycle and go cycling, even use it as transport and a way of life.
    find some good classes, yoga as suggested or zumba or something in a the local community hall.
    I really don't see why your situation is much differnet to anyone else on a low budget.
    join or start a walking group or find a friend to go walking with you.

    Surely if she has seizures cycling isn't going to be a very safe way of getting around! Just saying

    To the op I would say dvds are a good way to go hope you find what works for you
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Exercise DVDs are great. I lost the majority of my weight using them. Even Jillian Michaels ones have beginners moves until you can build up. You can even get them on ebay for cheap. I have a huge library of DVDS so I can mix and match so I dont get bored. Could you go out walking during the day so its safer?
  • kattydid65
    kattydid65 Posts: 65 Member
    What about a WII, there's lot of different games you can get at a low cost. Sometimes craigslist has WII people are trying to sell or even gamestop has used ones too. Just an idea, that way even the hubby can play too! Best of luck to you!
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I have medical issues pressing on my desire for fitness all the time! Don't let it get you down or stop you. Just go around it, through it, uphill against it's wind, whatever it takes. But I could kill myself with my attitude, so don't take it as medical advice. It's just my personal opinion that living life the way I WANT to is what makes my life worth living to me. So just my personal opinion and philosophy.

    But I would avoid the pool. For me, if I have a heart issue in the pool, even if my ICD fires and "saves me" by restarting my heart, being in water would be a problem... a big one. Probably would be for a seizure disorder as well as no matter what goes wrong, if you're out cold and not breathing or out and under water, you'll drown either way.

    I'd love to get the built-in resistance training along with my cardio that swimming provides, but it's just not safe for me to go in a pool and raise my heart rate up. Probably not for you either. I'd for sure stick to my daily calories and start a walking program though, and dancing and DVDs are also great things to try. Sorry you have to jump through so many hoops just to get your medical care that you need, hang in there and don't forget to live your life in the meantime!