
Hi 28 yrs old here and I'm starting my weight loss journey. I'm really serious this time and was wondering anyone have a good fasting recipes to help cleanse my body??? Thanks


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Fasting... recipes?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member

    Don't waste your time, money or health. The body does an excellent job of "cleansing" itself. Just treat it right and it will treat you right. There is no "clease" as effective as simply eating well.

    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say.

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."

    According to Chau Che MD, with New York University:

    "Despite evidence to the contrary, the idea that colon cleansing is therapeutic by removing impurities, lives on. However, these claims largely fail to consider normal physiology. The digestive tract has inherent properties that work to clean our colon. After food ingestion, the small intestine absorbs nutrients and contracts to move indigestible residue into the colon. The colon continues the digestive process by absorbing and secreting electrolytes and fluids while its resident bacteria ferments the undigested food products. These are just some of the many mechanisms in which the digestive tract works in order to ensure that the colon does not become encrusted with fecal matter as some products claim. The black, rubbery material passed on a colon cleanse is actually a byproduct from the supplements and fiber in the colon cleansing product as opposed to old fecal material, in which consumers are led to believe."
    Reviewed by Michael Poles MD and Fritz Francois MD, NYU Division of Gastroenterology
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member

    Don't waste your time, money or health. The body does an excellent job of "cleansing" itself. Just treat it right and it will treat you right. There is no "clease" as effective as simply eating well.

    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say.

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."

    According to Chau Che MD, with New York University:

    "Despite evidence to the contrary, the idea that colon cleansing is therapeutic by removing impurities, lives on. However, these claims largely fail to consider normal physiology. The digestive tract has inherent properties that work to clean our colon. After food ingestion, the small intestine absorbs nutrients and contracts to move indigestible residue into the colon. The colon continues the digestive process by absorbing and secreting electrolytes and fluids while its resident bacteria ferments the undigested food products. These are just some of the many mechanisms in which the digestive tract works in order to ensure that the colon does not become encrusted with fecal matter as some products claim. The black, rubbery material passed on a colon cleanse is actually a byproduct from the supplements and fiber in the colon cleansing product as opposed to old fecal material, in which consumers are led to believe."
    Reviewed by Michael Poles MD and Fritz Francois MD, NYU Division of Gastroenterology

    Yes, unless there's some underlying medical issue the body is very good at regulating hormones and blood sugar. I intermittently fast, but I eat normal when I don't.
  • ShanBam143760
    thanks guys. I'm new to this is people just have been putting it in my head. I'll do just that EAT HEALTHY!!! :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Healthy fasting info:
  • frugalmomsrock
    I just finished a water-only fast to help undo the sodium laden and garbage days I had during the Christmas holiday (which was also my son's birthday celebration, so lots of cake).

    I have been known to do apple fasts. Where all I eat is apples for a day-breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, snack.

    I have been known to do detoxes also. On those days, I eat nothing but fresh fruits/vegetables in whole form or smoothies for three days at a time. I'll also add in a serving or two of raw nuts on those days (almonds or cashews for me-but just because those are my favorite). A typical smoothie will have: 2 c. raw spinach, 2 c. of various berries (fresh or frozen), 1/2 c. fresh OJ (not from concentrate), 2 TBSP flax seeds, 3 oz. baby carrots, and water for blending. I'll have one for breakfast, lunch, and supper.

    I make sure to drink plenty of water (12 cup minimum) during both a fast or a detox.

    After either a fast or a detox, I feel great. Both serve their purpose well.
  • Destinie589
    thanks guys. I'm new to this is people just have been putting it in my head. I'll do just that EAT HEALTHY!!! :)
    But dont just take everyone's word for it. Do your own research and make the choice after that. Some people say that there is no reason to cleanse while some say that it is very important. There are also many documentaries out there too. Try Fat,Sick & Nearly Dead. But yes they key is to eat healthy and be sure to eat your veggies. You will learn so much jsut by doing some research.. there arent many things in life they dont come with both pros and cons.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Feel free to do any of the number of whacky recipes folks may recommend here, but think about it...

    Have you tried these fads in the past, only to gain it back? Is it worth going through the hunger for nothing, when you could eat in moderation, following the site's guidelines and have a sustainable weight loss?
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I've done the Master Cleanse twice and I'm currently on it for the 3rd time. I have kept the weight off, and I've been free from the chronic illnesses that have plagued me for 18 years. I no longer have arthritis or migraines, and I've also seen a dramatic improvement emotionally - years I've been battling anxiety and more recently depression. Since the Master Cleanses, I haven't had these problems. A lot of my symptoms have attributed to the foods I eat. The arthritis and migraines are from dairy products, and the depression symptoms from gluten. If I eat something and feel awful after eating it or have the symptoms above for the next few days. I don't have health insurance so this is my thing I do to keep from having to go to the doctors.

    IT IS IMPORTANT TO EASE OUT - you can gain all your weight back or worse, damage your body further. I have done many fasts, juice fasts etc. I've found them easier to complete by easing in.

    You can buy the Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs for $6.50 or download the pdf for free here

    I have nothing but good things to say about it, but it may not work for everyone. Please read this book thoroughly, you can make certain adjustments to accommodate your body. I believe there is a group cleanse starting January 9th if you want to register for free to get support their website is here:

    They're also on facebook:
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Fasting is more of a spiritual journey, if you're fasting only for weight loss you may be disappointed. You must be mentally prepared for it. Fasting is to detox your body and mind from harmful things.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I've done the Master Cleanse twice and I'm currently on it for the 3rd time.
    I invite the OP to Google "master cleanse myth", and learn the truth.

    These threads tend to attract folks excited to sell you something you don't need.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    You don't have to buy anything from anywhere but the grocery store. Lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. the recipe is in the free pdf download
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Fasting is more of a spiritual journey, if you're fasting only for weight loss you may be disappointed. You must be mentally prepared for it. Fasting is to detox your body and mind from harmful things.
    Fasting is an ancient spiritual tool, but there is no evidence that it cleanses or "detoxes" one physically.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member

    These threads tend to attract folks excited to sell you something you don't need.

    I'm not selling ANYTHING
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    I don't recommend fasting for weight loss. Fasting for health is another story. I have an autoimmune disorder that leads to a rash on my skin. My dermatologist put me on Prednisone at the beginning of the year. Long story short it left me with HORRIBLE steroid acne. I tried everything to get rid of it and the only thing that finally worked was a 30 day juice fast.

    The weight comes back if you go back to your regular eating habits which is very hard not to do after a fast. Finding an exercise program you enjoy and eating right is the best for weight loss and health.

    I don't regret my fast at all and am thankful that it worked when nothing else did. But you have to be some kind of desperate to be able to fully tackle an extended fast like that.
  • djdelano
    Detox, Cleanse, purification.... rubbish. In MY OPINION.

    I ate fruits, veggies, and nuts, and drank only water for one week.

    Physically I feel no different than when I eat whatever I want, **in moderation**.

    Scientific truth (go look it up yourself) foods have crap that must be gotten rid of, the body does a great job of this, over burdening those natural processes CONSTANTLY, is a bad idea.

    But your body is a machine, like any other. Drive a car down a dirt road day in and day out. Then drive it on a nice clean tarred driveway for a week, did ya really gain anything when you went back to the dirt road?

    The answer is, take care of the road, the rest works itself out.

  • frugalmomsrock

    The weight comes back if you go back to your regular eating habits which is very hard not to do after a fast. Finding an exercise program you enjoy and eating right is the best for weight loss and health.

    That is not true. I typically drop a pound or two during a three day detox, but it never comes back. I also make sure I'm at a 1200 minimum calories. I usually am at 1500 or so during that time with my raw nuts added in. It isn't unhealthy if it's done properly.

    Also, a water-only fast is a good way to drop some water weight from having sodium overload. I dropped 7 pounds in one day because I'd gained 8 in only a few days, and I knew it was a lot of water weight. It isn't the first time I've rid myself of water weight this way, and as long as I get back on track with my water intake and normal calorie intake, it doesn't pack back on.

    And I'm not selling anything. Just answering a question.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member

    The weight comes back if you go back to your regular eating habits which is very hard not to do after a fast. Finding an exercise program you enjoy and eating right is the best for weight loss and health.

    That is not true. I typically drop a pound or two during a three day detox, but it never comes back. I also make sure I'm at a 1200 minimum calories. I usually am at 1500 or so during that time with my raw nuts added in. It isn't unhealthy if it's done properly.

    Also, a water-only fast is a good way to drop some water weight from having sodium overload. I dropped 7 pounds in one day because I'd gained 8 in only a few days, and I knew it was a lot of water weight. It isn't the first time I've rid myself of water weight this way, and as long as I get back on track with my water intake and normal calorie intake, it doesn't pack back on.

    And I'm not selling anything. Just answering a question.

    I agree, I've continued to lose weight after my fast by adopting a healthier lifestyle and learned a lot about my own body with how certain foods affect me -I wish I had known about this many years ago such as the dairy & gluten being the culprit for all my pain.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Detox, Cleanse, purification.... rubbish. In MY OPINION.
    Science agrees with you.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Detox, Cleanse, purification.... rubbish. In MY OPINION.
    Science agrees with you.

    Well, many in the medical/science profession don't want us doing much of ANYTHING without them. They don't want women to give birth without hospitals and medical intervention; they don't want us using all natural, holistic remedies, etc. They want us to rely on them instead of nature. Otherwise, they get no money. Of course they aren't going to say that detoxing your body with a simple fruit/water cleanse is what you may need to get yourself going. They are going to try to sell you a pill!

    Holistic medicine (you know-that field of health professionals that don't get government kickbacks) fully support natural detoxification. They have no reason to lie-they aren't making money off of it (like doctors shooting down the natural remedies are)... *shrug*