How to train for a half marathon



  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Good stuff!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I used a variation of the Jeff Galloway run/walk interval plan...heard great things about Hal Higdon as well.

    Finding a running group or club really helps with encouragement and motivation, if you have a running store or such a group in your area.

    Use your long runs to experiment with fueling, hydration, gear, etc...don't do anything new on race day.

    Don't skip long runs if at all possible (I learned that the hard way, skipped some long runs due to illness and really struggled on my last couple of training runs)

    Get lots of rest!

    If you run with music, put together a special playlist for your half marathon, I love running with music so that was really motivating for me.

    Keep a training journal so you can track what went right/wrong on your runs.

    Don't increase mileage or speed too fast or too soon.

    Most important: have fun!

    Feel free to add me, I always like talking to other runners :)

    Good stuff!
    Remember to cross train. Simple strength training does wonders for your running! Core strength plays a big role in maintaining stamina and preventing injuries.

    Thanks! I completely forget to mention cross training...I did not do enough of it while training for my first half, and I am starting to cross train now...definitely recommend it!
  • Rachaely
    Rachaely Posts: 113
    Hal Higdon is great! Just remember to listen to your body; don't overdo it!

    Also, if you have access to a treadmill, hop on it from time to time. It'll help you evaluate your pace (if you are unsure of it). I also recommend speed bursts (AKA fartlek) and light hills.
  • bsavage13
    bsavage13 Posts: 22 Member
  • jlprovost
    jlprovost Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you for all the great tips! I I am excited to begin training on January 2nd!
  • Interesting to see what other use for training. I've never followed a set plan with my races (Goofy Challenge). I'm sure I'd have a better pace if I did. Actually I know I'd have a much better pace if I did but at least I finish!
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Just run!