I can do this..

I only have about 4 more lbs to my before kids weight of 135 lbs and I am super excited but I need to tone everything up!! When I weighed in right before having my 3rd child 13.5 months ago I weighed 186 lbs (note I do have 9lb babies!!) Today I weigh 139- that is 47 lbs lost in a year and 19 of those pounds I have lost in the last 4 months!!!! I am starting to like my body again but still need a little more work!!

Today I started Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 and took before pictures and measurements so I can track over the next 30 days to see if I can actually see a change!! so here are my stats and pictures. dont mind my farmers tan and stretch marks!!

SW- 139.4
GW- 135 (I wont mind if I go lower but only trying for this weight)

Waist- 34 inches

Hips- 36 inches

Thighs- (L) 22 inches (R) 22 inches

Arms- (L) 10.5 inches (R) 11 inches

i dont know how to make these show so here is the link to my pictures

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i357/apriltrev04/Weight Loss Progress/IMG_4627.jpg

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i357/apriltrev04/Weight Loss Progress/IMG_4625.jpg

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i357/apriltrev04/Weight Loss Progress/IMG_4624.jpg

http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i357/apriltrev04/Weight Loss Progress/IMG_4623.jpg


  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I would love to know how you like the ripped in 30 and your results. I am planning to start this as soon as I finish the 30 day shred. I hear a lot about 30 DS, but not much about ripped in 30.
  • Apriltrev04
    Apriltrev04 Posts: 23 Member
    i will certainly let you know!! I plan on taking pictures and checking my measurements in 2 weeks and then again at the end! Good luck with 30 day shred!!