Looking for Success Stories for new Blog :)

Hi guys,

I'm looking for anyone interested in submitting a weight loss or fitness success story for my new website that will be at weightloss-success-stories.net. You could have lost anything from 5lbs or more. Since I'm looking to lose 70+ pounds, I haven't been able to find any websites dedicated with *REAL* weight loss success stories.

Send me a message on here if you're interested and I can send you the info I'm looking for.



  • aaronburgess
    aaronburgess Posts: 13 Member
    Lisa: I have lost about 65lbs. over the last 7 years. I did it slowly and incrementally with a long term perspective. I was 30 and am now 37 years old. Weighed about 235lbs with about a 40 inch waist and am now about 171lbs with about 11% body fat and I wear a 31 inch waist jean. In the last year I really started working out with weights and have gained about 20lbs lean muscle mass so I've leaned up quite a bit.

    I believe that slow incremental changes are the key to long term weight loss. If I were working with a person who needed to lose 70lbs I would recommend that instead of hitting the gym or doing P90X that they just start walking for about 30 minutes a day. A person who is 70lbs. overweight is not in the shape to go too extreme and they are not prepared for it. They also go too extreme with their diet at first. I would recommend that they not over do it at first and not "over shock" their body because it will rebel and revert back. If you want long term weight loss I would recommend incremental lifestyles changes because too much change is often too hard to handle.

    If you want pictures I think I can probably find some to send to you.

    Aaron Burgess
  • shack1157
    shack1157 Posts: 97 Member
    Lisa I have lost 103 pounds in one year! I have been using MFP for 310 days.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Ive lost 100lbs since Feb. my goal is actually another 20 but if I can help let me know!
  • ginareejoy
    ginareejoy Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Lisa, I have lost 36 pounds so far and want to lose 139 pounds total. Feel free to message me.
  • MoneySavingLisa
    Thanks for the reply! These are some of the things I'm looking for, and yes I'm def looking for pictures! The more info the better. I have to work on the site, but I'm hoping to have it up and running soon.

    Starting Weight:
    Current Weight:
    Diet Followed: (example: reduced calorie diet, low carb diet, etc)
    How Long It Took To Get You There:

    ==story and any before/after pictures==

    Some things you can include if you like, or you can mention them in the story too!
    Current Workout Routine: (ex any videos you use, etc)
    Workout Essentials: (what you couldn't work out without example: iPOD)
    Any recipes, tips on hunger, etc you'd like to share.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i know a few great ones off the top of my head:


    i've lost 10! yay. working on 18 more...
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    namaste1983, she's lost a TON!
  • danmoffett
    The sudden death of my wife of 37 years prompted me into a study of diet, nutrition, and health. I've lost 145 pounds in the past 21 months. I tell my story on my blog. Feel free to use my story.
    It's all about helping others lose weight.

  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    i know a few great ones off the top of my head:


    i've lost 10! yay. working on 18 more...

    aw, shucks!
  • summonfire
    summonfire Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya, I've just posted on the success stories thread - I've lost 21lbs - nothing like some of the incredible achievements I've seen on here! but its quite a change for me. Take a look if interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/436225-21lbs-lost-with-photos
    CJ :)
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