Eat before a run?



  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    For a run less than an hour, no, but if I'm going longer I'll eat an energy bar before and might have a gel or two on the run.

    I also use an electrolyte solution for fluids and that has a small amount of calories in it.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Nothing for me... maybe a sip of water after brushing my teeth...

  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    Omgggg. So I am used to running on an empty stomach, but today I was running around 2 pm and ate at 12.30 a small breakfast and a few pieces of pineapple. Now I know not to eat before I run. The whole time I felt like I was about to throw up. Couldnt even run normally. Ugh and kinda felt like a burn in my stomach.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    My longer runs are always early morning. At first I'd eat a "regular" breakfast: egg white omelete or some oatmeal and a cuppa coffee. I was ok for the first mile or two but then hit a wall.

    Now, I'll have maybe a whole wheat bagel with some peanut butter on it and a cuppa coffee about 30 mins before a run.

    Everyone is different. You just need to find out what works best for you.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Any possibility it was the pineapple?

    Omgggg. So I am used to running on an empty stomach, but today I was running around 2 pm and ate at 12.30 a small breakfast and a few pieces of pineapple. Now I know not to eat before I run. The whole time I felt like I was about to throw up. Couldnt even run normally. Ugh and kinda felt like a burn in my stomach.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I eat before, when I was younger, twenties and below, I could not eat before, because of cramps, but I don't seem to get it anymore and I run better now with some energy (and hydration) : I eat and drink!