January 2012 Challenge

Hey All, I am looking for 10-20 people to join the "Let's Kick off the New Year right" challenge with me. I'm looking for anyone with 5, 10, 15, 20+ pounds to lose and ready to kick some butt. The challenge and first weigh will start on Jan 1 and end Jan 28 with final weigh in on Jan 29.

How it works:
Every day, I will post a new challenge (on our forum) to do as an addition to your normal workout. At the completion of your extra challenge, send me a note letting me know and I will keep track. As the weeks progress, the challenges will become more difficult but I am sure everyone will be kicking butt by then.

Send me an email if you are interested, time and space are limited :)

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!

