frustrated newbie, needs advice....

bettiep13 Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
okay this is going on my second week, i've been exercising min 3x a week for at least 40min, my calorie intake should be 1200/day, my bmr is 1374, and i'm gaining weight. i gained 2lbs in between my weekly weigh in. i've been brutally honest on my food diary and exercise. i know some days i've not gotten close to my 1200 cal. and other days i get right on. any suggestions on what i might be doing wrong, or i could do differently. thanks a million:ohwell: :smile:


  • bettiep13
    bettiep13 Posts: 3
    okay this is going on my second week, i've been exercising min 3x a week for at least 40min, my calorie intake should be 1200/day, my bmr is 1374, and i'm gaining weight. i gained 2lbs in between my weekly weigh in. i've been brutally honest on my food diary and exercise. i know some days i've not gotten close to my 1200 cal. and other days i get right on. any suggestions on what i might be doing wrong, or i could do differently. thanks a million:ohwell: :smile:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sounds like you need to eat your 1200 minimum.
    How much do you burn each week total?
    Give it two more weeks, make sure you're measuring INCHES as well as POUNDS, and then make a decision from there.
    Are you weighing in at the same time, same scale, and are you on 2lbs a week?
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Are you getting in enough water? The pee test is a good way to determine if you're getting enough. Food choices could play a role...many frozen entrees and soups, while low in cals/fat, can be really high in sodium. How much are you exerting while exercising? If you're new to it, just go easy at first and work your way up in intensity. The talk test is a good method to determine how you're doing...although people may look at you funny if you're alone.:laugh:

    And I suggest not going below 1200. It's just not a good habit to get into.

    And good luck! Stick with it!
  • jeterbeater
    jeterbeater Posts: 22
    Are you eating your exercise calories? You may not be eating enough.
  • rocknrolla2009
    rocknrolla2009 Posts: 63 Member
    Stay the he!! off the scale between weigh in's! Your body is adapting to changes and your weight WILL fluctuate from day to day.
  • bettiep13
    bettiep13 Posts: 3
    thank you for all your suggestions... i'm not eating my exercise calorices and no frozen foods or soups, i don't weigh in between weigh ins and i'm using the same scale same time and everything. i probably could drink more water and increase my exercise but i jog and walk at a very brisk pace alternating bewtween those for 3 miles at least 3x a week. i am new at loosing weight the right way and instant gratification is unforunately my worst friend, but i'm gonna keep on truckin' through it. thank you for your help and support.
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