So hungry...Encouragement please?



  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    If you're feeling deprived you're probably trying to do too much. My sister in law has hers set at 1/2 lb per week and still has lost 5 lbs a month (close to 17 total).

    However, you'll also need to make better choices. If you have fruits and veggies available you're more than likely to eat them vs. a biscuit. You'll feel better, too!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I was looking over your food diary and based on only 2 days of information I would suggest you get away from eating only processed foods and make yourself REAL food. AND if MFP suggests eating 1700 calories you should be eating very close to that number or your body will think you are starving and will slow metabolism (self preservation) and it will take you a lot longer to lose weight and then once you do start to eat it will back-fire {this is what I have researched...I don't know everything but I have had some time to digest my own trial and error). If you learn to eat only from opening a package you will never learn how to identify visual what portions are appropriate and when you make them from scratch you'll have more control over things like sodium intake. The frozen meals (WW, Lean Cuisine, Lean Pockets) are a trap. You are much better off buying a set of storage containers, measuring, and making your own. Your sodium and bank account will thank you. Look for items to increase Fiber and Protein which will take longer to digest and will make your feel fuller for longer periods -- fish, whole grains, pieces of fruit. And drink your fluids!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Just as other people have mentioned, you could eat as much as you want if you are eating lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Just try to surround yourself with healthy options and eat when you are hungry.
    I know when I tried just eating 1200 cals per day I was really hungry too, but I find if I get 100 grams of protein each day, I am not hungry and my cravings are lessened.
    I have been doing the Jamie Eason plan and I think the diet has a ton of food, check it out if you are interested:
  • I've found eating an apple and drinking water helps when I'm really hungry. I try to keep an apple in the car and have it on the way home from work so I'm not starving when I get home and will eat what ever is in site. I think the apple helps because it has a lot of fiber and it takes a little while to eat you can't gobble it down like cookies. Hope this helps:smile:
  • thank you all so much for the support...

    I need to just start kicken up the veggies and fruits some more...its just hard to get adjusted to all of this bc all I have eatn is processed food for years...*which is why i look like a beached whale*

    My step-kids are very picky eaters and I'm tryin to get my bio-son to alot of different foods but the only things my steps eat are processed and packaged foods so that really all I buy. I need pick my butt up and listen to u guys...thank you for being so awesome. I have the biggest supporting family ever =)

    Looks like I"m going shopping tonight to get some healthy *and full-fillling* foods.. lol
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I find that certain foods (like the ones you mentioned-- salad, biscuit) do NOT satisfy me for long. I do better when I up the protein, or even the fat (I try to keep them healthier fats).

    One meal that does keep me full for a good while is a one egg/two egg white omelette. I add fresh basil, a whole green pepper chopped up, a whole chopped tomato, and a half chopped onion. I also add about 1 ounce of light cream cheese. Super nutrient packed, delicious, and very, very filing.
  • It can be really tough. I believe a lot of it has to do with your bodies digestion hormones. Read "YOU, on a diet" It has some great insight on how your body works and how to make it work for you. Good luck!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Eat protein foods or drinks. It will help alot.

    Also, you have to get used to eating less. It will feel like you are starving but you just have to hold out, it gets better. The more I eat, the more I am able to eat! I can't consume large meals anymore like I used to unless I build up to it again.
  • I feel like constantly thinking about and being conscious of the fact that you are now eating less makes you more hungry. Eventually those hunger cravings will go away (trust me, I know) & it will get better. You just gotta tough it out during the first bit.

    Here are some hunger curbing tips:
    - Drink more water (more than the reccommended 8oz a day)
    - Double the MFP reccommendation for protien
    - Eat 6 SMALL meals a day versus 3 big meals a day, so that you're eating all day and not waiting for the next meal
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    No wonder you're hungry you're not eating enough calories! Do you input everything including food and exercise because there is NO WAY someone your weight should only be eating 1200 calories. You need to recalculate that.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    :frown: I don't know why but its like my body isn't getting anything to eat...I'm constantly hungry even if I eat a huge salad or a say a buscuit...I just wanna eat! I'm 287 today, in 3 days I've lost 4 pounds...but I dont' wanna feel like i"m starving

    I also have an eating disorder...its not psychologically labelled as a disorder yet but I am an over eater, any emotion I feel I want to eat..could this be whats goin on? like I just at a sausage buscuit and am drinking a cup of coffee but I feel like I havne't eatn all day..

    I"m alreayd u to my limit for the day and need to excercise so I will be able to maintain my net cal of 1200. Please give me some words of encouragement.

    If you know you have an eating disorder why not seek help. You need to get to the issue in order to lose. I am sure you are aware of this
  • My daughter says shes hungry all the time.

    So there are tons of foods that are almost zero calories.....

    Cucumbers, Celery, Carrorts, etc etc

    Eat a whole me you wont feel hungry anymore and you'll feel good about the choice you made (btw I think a whole Cucumber is only like 50 calories but is very fulling)

    I eat when I'm hungry. If I feel like I am going to starve I wont stick with this. Just make sure you make the right choice.

    I stopped buying things that I'd feel guilty if I ate so theres nothing in my house that I could eat and I'd feel bad about. If I over eat on grapes let me tell you they have sugar but I would never feel as bad if i ate grapes compared to cheetos.

    Remember this is a life change. Not a diet. When i indulge and eat healthy things I usually stop myself from over eatting anyway.

    Just my two cents
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'm confused, you say you're already at your limit for the day but your diary says you have 530-something calories left. If you're hungry, eat those calories!

    Preferably, get your calories via complex carbs (lots of fiber helps), protein and fat. Simple carbs like sugar and foods with fillers won't satiate your hunger nearly as well or for nearly as long.
  • I have to watch what I eat or I get the starvation effect. Everyone is different, but for me I cannot eat white flour, pastas, ANY fake or real sugar, basically anything that causes a great upset to my blood sugar levels. These cause a spike in blood sugar, prompting a spike in insulin which brings on a blood sugar low...and then HUNGER. Control for me has come with lean proteins, veggies and fruits.
  • I have to watch what I eat or I get the starvation effect. Everyone is different, but for me I cannot eat white flour, pastas, ANY fake or real sugar, basically anything that causes a great upset to my blood sugar levels. These cause a spike in blood sugar, prompting a spike in insulin which brings on a blood sugar low...and then HUNGER. Control of hunger for me has come with lean proteins, veggies and fruits.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I'm pretty much on track with you weight-wise. My starting weight was 290. The first thing i did was see my doctor who referred me to a nutrionist. At my weight, she set my goal at 1500. We may lower it later but for right now that's what I try to stick with. I see my dietician once a month and can always call her for help/assistance.

    I think a lot of people have already suggested that you are not getting enough calories and I agree with that too. Also, when I started 9 weeks ago, I became pretty obsessed with ready food labels. It took me a while to get used to shopping this way but now I know what I can work in my daily intake and what I cant.

    I started trading my regular salad dressing for a lo-cal or fat-free dressing. If I went out to eat, I made sure to check the menu online for the restaurant and having my meal planned out so I wouldnt even have to be tempted by other things on the menu. I even carry my dressing with me in case they dont have something I can use.

    I traded a lot of beef/pork products for turkey. Turkey bacon, turkey sausage links, turkey burgers, turkey chili and on and on. I also checked out and use some Healthy Choice meals that are delicious. You dont want to totally rely on them but when I have a pizza urge I eat Lean Cuisine pizza for about 340 calories. They are about the size of a personal pan pizza.

    Per my dietician, I should be eating at least one fruit per day (not juice as it is not as filling), a least one vegetable per day, and meat portions should be 3-4 ounces. According to my dietician portion size should not be larger than the palm of your hand.

    I love salads too, but you have to be careful what is in them. Trade the crispy/fried chicken to grilled chicken.

    For snacks I traded movie theater butter popcorn to light butter. I carry granola bars around. And I love dill pickle spears at 5 calories each. That gives me a great crunch and can take away my hunger by eating 2 or 3.

    Become calorie conscious when shopping or looking for lo-cal recipes.

    Laughing cow cheese is great at 35 calories a wedge and comes in several different flavors. I eat them with reduced fat Wheat Thins or fresh veggies like celery or carrots.

    A lot of the food you are eating are calorie empty foods and eliminates hunger only for a short time. You need to start trying to find ways to reduce the calories in food you love so you can actually have more food.

    And one very important thing is surrounding yourself with a group of motivational friends here on MFP. You will learn so much and be inspired and motivated by their stories of success and how they are doing. I love reading my friends diaries, you get so many ideas.

    If you are looking for new friends, please feel free to check out my profile/blogs and if you think I can help, please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Fill up on things that are low calorie, high protein, filling and healthy. And drink LOTS AND LOTS of water! I find that apples and bananas are two things I can't finish eating because it makes me feel SO full. I also make a protein shake and make sure it's nice and thick so it's filling. I use peanut butter, banana, ice, a little bit of milk, cinnamon, whey protein and ice.

    Exercise or keeping busy also make me less hungry. You could also be dehydrated making you feel hungry. There are a lot of reasons for this. Just keep at it and fill up on healthy items.

    Good luck to you!! You CAN do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • TaraBeFree
    TaraBeFree Posts: 456 Member
    I would have to concur with those that have posted that you should eat more. I started at 310lbs and have lost 15lbs in 5 weeks here on MFP. I eat around 1,500 calories / day, and that is with my weight loss goal set at 2lbs per week and having a completely sedentary lifestyle. I try to eat really filling foods like whole grains and protein, but don't like to prepare food much myself. I try to have protein with each meal/snack, but have not dropped carbs altogether. So for now I have some short-cuts and grab 'n go's that have been helping with the hunger. Eg. Instant brown rice, turkey/chicken everything, whole wheat pasta, cottage cheese, eggs, greek yogurt, frozen meals with mostly only whole grains, and fluids including flavoured teas.

    I also try to fit in 100 calories or so for something sweet like a low-fat fudge bar or a 100 cal chocolate bar everyday. When I have these, I try to stop everything and be mindful while I am eating it - to really enjoy it.

    I have not been exercising much yet as my knees hurt, but will get there. When I have done some walking, I have eaten some of my exercise calories as well, and sometimes I have eaten them all. During the holiday days, I allowed myself pre-planned extra calories for 3 days on top of the 1,500 / day and still lost weight.

    If you are looking for a buddy to support you, please feel free to friend me. Good luck on your journey!
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    If you weight 287 you should probably be eating more than 1200 per day. Is that the goal MFP calculated for you or si you put it inmannually?

    hey no they calculated 1718 cal a day I try to get a net of at least 1200...That my excercise calories included.

    You definately need to eat more...even if you don't want to eat the full 1718, you HAVE to have more than 1200. It's no wonder why you feel like you are starving, because you ARE.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You can eat more if you really feel you need to. I was that weight and at 1200 calories a day per my nutritionist.

    By the few days you have logged in, you do not drink enough water, 64 oz a day and low on your protein. Those alone will make you feel hungry.

    Limit the processed food to keep the sodum down, add some water, lean protein along with veggie for fiber and you should see an improvement. Fruits are fine but they don't need to be a huge part of the diet.

    Mix up the exercise so your body doesn't get bored and never go below the 1200 net, that means after exercise!

    You can do it!!!