My weight won't go down :( help!

Hi, I've seem to hit a rut.. I've been working out and trying to eat rightfor awhile now but my scale won't really budge.. I'm currently 141 lbs and I want to get to my goal of 132 lb.. I think it has to do with muscle mass more than anything and I know that weight is only a number.. but I really want to progress with my weightloss!

Does anyone have a better idea of what's going on & is there anything I can do??


  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193
    I'd up your calories by 200-400, increase your protein intake, and although I can't see your sodium intake it looks like you eat processed foods a lot and they are generally high in sodium which can hinder you a bit too. Maybe try eating some cleaner foods as well?

    Good luck!
  • Have you heard of the new PINk diet? I guess on day seven they do something to shock their bodies ??? Wish I could help ya ,But I don't know anything on what your going threw right now.
  • I'd up your calories by 200-400, increase your protein intake, and although I can't see your sodium intake it looks like you eat processed foods a lot and they are generally high in sodium which can hinder you a bit too. Maybe try eating some cleaner foods as well?

    Good luck!

    Thanks! wouldn't upping my calories give me the opposite results?? i already slip up a lot =/
  • i'd say you need to up your cals 200-400 and decreasing your breads. What about exercise?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I've been working out and trying to eat weight for awhile now

    Please define "A while", and during this time have you lost anything? Have you been tracking calorie intake this whole time?
  • I work out 4-5 times a week and have been eating roughly 1200 cals.. I've been trying for 5-6weeks and i lost 3lbs
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I would definetly eat more protien. At least 100 grams a day. Try eating cleaner. No processed foods. And if you wanted more info on eating more food to loose you could search on the forums a bit and find PLENTY of info. But you do need to eat to loose
  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193

    Thanks! wouldn't upping my calories give me the opposite results?? i already slip up a lot =/

    No, in short your body needs more calories. You aren't losing because you aren't eating enough.
    I mean, this may not work for everyone, but it worked for me and many people on here.

    If you have time or are really interested, search the forums, there are a lot of topics on this kind of stuff.

    Also, be diligent about what you eat and log every bite, you are only cheating yourself if you don't.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I work out 4-5 times a week and have been eating roughly 1200 cals.. I've been trying for 5-6weeks and i lost 3lbs

    What is your current weight please and how active are you OUTSIDE of the gym (desk job)? You can PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting your weight. Can you also tell me whether or not the 3lb loss occurred immediately in week 1 or was this a gradual loss over 5-6 weeks?
  • I took a look at your diary - I think you should up your cals to 1390. Might sound crazy, but eating more actually does work! When I upped my cals from 1200 to 1390 (1.5 pound loss/week to 1 pound loss/week), I lost 5 pounds in a week and a half! Especially if you're building more muscle via strength training, your body needs more calories (aka. energy) to maintain those muscles and repair them after a lifting workout. If your body doesn't get enough cals to maintain your muscle mass, then you will actually start to lose muscle, as your body will figuratively "eat" your muscle to gain more energy for normal bodily functions.

    Also, I noticed you don't eat breakfast and don't eat alot of whole foods throughout the day. Although its not a proven FACT that breakfast aides in weight loss, there are very strong correlations that suggest its benefits on metebolic rate and function. As for WHAT you are eating: I think I would suggest eating at least 2 servings of fruit (even if its just an apple at breakfast and an orange at lunch) and 2 servings of vegetables (easy to get in at dinner time). Up your protien from 45 to 100g - the body uses more energy to digest protien and burns more fat this way. Eat whole grains, instead of white bread or plain bagels. I can't recall if you did, but track your sugars (those coffees might add up!); if sugars are not used fairly quickly, they turn to fat.

    Any other questions, feel free to message/add me!
  • What is your current weight please and how active are you OUTSIDE of the gym (desk job)? You can PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting your weight. Can you also tell me whether or not the 3lb loss occurred immediately in week 1 or was this a gradual loss over 5-6 weeks?

    outside the gym I'm pretty sedentary (always studying in the library.. the life of a nursing student) and i'm 141 lb! I think I loss the 3lbs within the first couple weeks and my weight has been consistent since!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Thanks! wouldn't upping my calories give me the opposite results?? i already slip up a lot =/
    Then this is the issue. CONSISTENCY is what you need especially on the last 10lbs. Be consistent for a week then check back.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Thanks! wouldn't upping my calories give me the opposite results?? i already slip up a lot =/
    Then this is the issue. CONSISTENCY is what you need especially on the last 10lbs. Be consistent for a week then check back.

    Considering that you've lost 3lb at your current weight, I agree with the above. I wouldn't change anything at this point. Execute the plan for 2 more weeks, consistently, and see what happens.
  • thank you all very much! I'll try to incorporate more protein and stay consistent with my calories and work outs! Hopefully it will work! :)
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Make sure you are measuring/weighing your foods and checking labels. Most people underestimate calorie intake and overestimate expenditure.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I work out 4-5 times a week and have been eating roughly 1200 cals.. I've been trying for 5-6weeks and i lost 3lbs

    What is your current weight please and how active are you OUTSIDE of the gym (desk job)? You can PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting your weight. Can you also tell me whether or not the 3lb loss occurred immediately in week 1 or was this a gradual loss over 5-6 weeks?

    Side, i commented about the hormonal issues in my topic, mostly on thyroid function.

    Saw that, also let me apologize as I wasn't trying to come off aggressively on that thread. I just didn't think the hormonal issue was well covered prior to that, but I should have PM'd you about it. I would still recommend that Leptin series if you've not yet read it.
  • maraschinoleo
    maraschinoleo Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also suffering from the same problem :(
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    You need to make sure what you are currently loggin is 100% don't start upping/lowering calories before you have 4 weeks of solid login.

    When you say slip up, do you mean going over your calories our having something that you've decided to give up? If you are going over log it and move onto the next day, if its the latter don't restrict any food unnessarily