What would you think of YOU?



  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I always wonder. I think they would think I am too tall (5'11). People say I look unfriendly, but I'm not. I think I am attractive. I have 50 lbs to go, so I wonder if they think I am just too big.
  • december8teen
    Short and petite. That's how people describe me. This is exactly why I shun skinny jeans. People will change their mind in 2 secs.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I would think she looks alright but she got some piercing blue eyes and seems happy. Hopefully I would get to know me then realize what a gem I am.
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I wonder this too. I have had several people tell me they wished I could see myself through their eyes. But I know I don't like what I see physically through my own eyes.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    This is interesting, and very hard to answer.. Hmm..
  • Hecnotha1
    ”that guy right there ? he kicks *kitten*” lol
  • silvercold9
    silvercold9 Posts: 11 Member
    One thing I think a lot of people notice about me right off the bat is that I'm tall. I'm just 5'9 which is really on the lower end of tall for girls, but since I got to this height when I was about 15 or 16, it's the first thing people comment on:

    An example would be when I went to tae kwon do with my dad a couple weeks ago, and the first thing his instructor said was "This is your daughter? She's very tall! Are you putting steroids in their food??" haha.

    Sometimes I see it as a blessing and LOVE my long legs, but other times (standing next to my 5'6, size 2 sister, or when my friends are comparing each other to animals and say I would be a giraffe) it gets on my nerves. Plus, it's always kind of difficult for me to find a guy who's taller than me along with being nice and liking me... Which is why I've only had one boyfriend. Woo, I'm rambling.

    So, they'd probably think, tall, average looks but nice smile, and I think they would notice my eyes when they got closer. I like myself quite a bit on a normal day :)
  • Hecnotha1
    This is interesting, and very hard to answer.. Hmm..
    here let me do it for you,” she has really nice eyes but I wonder what she looks like umder.... ” now you finish
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    A year ago, I thought about this, and I would have found myself damn boring, and chubby. So what to do? Honey, you change it. I joined some active outdoor groups (lots of new friends!), bought a kayak, signed up for events, started running, stopped waiting on things to fall in my lap and got out there. Now? I think people would find a happy, determined, goal-oriented woman who talks about kayaking a bit too much. :) Oh, and since I'm doing all this for ME, I care a whole lot less what anyone else thinks.
  • Lizzo91
    Lizzo91 Posts: 4 Member
    I wonder this too! I'm always looking and thinking about how other people look (not in a nasty way) e.g. she has nice legs, nice clothes etc. I wonder if I saw somebody with exactly the same figure as me I'd be so critical as I am when I look in the mirror.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I would probably think based on personality...... she is a strong, confident woman, matter of fact, decisive. At least that's what I've had others tell me of their first impression. Fact is.... I would be wrong. I don't wear all my insecurities on the outside but I am tormented inside over every move I make. Fact is.... I really WANT to do everything "perfect" but have little trust in my own judgement and ability. However, this forum has helped to change so many areas of my life that I find that one getting better as well.

    I don't know what my reaction would be to my physical appearance. I don't judge others as harshly as I do myself so I might be able to find a few good comments to throw in there...lol. I do know that I've caught glimpses of myself in mirrors and reflecting off surfaces lately and not even recognized the reflection as mine! After being overweight my entire life, that was pretty awesome!

    This exactly!
  • misssonyab04
    misssonyab04 Posts: 12 Member
    I'd think a hulluva lot better about me than I do in my own skin. I love people, and pride myself on not being judgemental. At the same time, I'm too hard on myself!! Great post, has me thinking now...
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    "daaaaym shes stacked"
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    first off your 43 Joycejoanne's wow your hot.
    and to answer your question i'd probley kick my own *kitten* because of confidence issues. but no i like myself even if no one else does.