Appetite is out of control.

I just wanted some advice. Ever since coming back from Chrismas Break and 10 days of vacation. I can not get my appetite uinder control again. I feel myself going out of control. The thing is that I am hungry or my mind thinks i am. Im not just eating out of boredom or habbit but like my stomach is churning and hurting. I have not gained any weight. Not even an ounce but i havn't lost any either which im fine with. Until I can get things back together im okay with just maintaining. I am leaving my job of 10 years to pursue a better opportunity with another company and i have been stressed plus the holidays. I quite going to the gym as well. I will be working in another town 40 minutes away from the gym I go to now. so I stopped my membership and will find a new gym later. I am just so discouraged right now. Im not giving up. 40 pounds and down 2 pant sizes no way am i giving up. Just having a bad day I guess... Thanks for letting me vent guys.....


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    get off the computer and do something active and have fun...N O W ! ! !
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I know exactly what you are saying. It is hard to maintain our healthy eating. Even though we want it so bad. Our brains are such strange creatures! We don't want to eat but yet we do. That is crazy! But look how far you have come. Wow, 40lbs lost! You are amazing. Just be deliberate today. Stand your ground. You can be a slender, healthy person.
  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
    i do need to get moving again. I just don't really know how. :( without the gym. I don't even know where to begin which im at work until 5 but then what?
    thank you for your support. I know its all in my head. I was so afraid of being hungry this afternoon like i was yesterday that I ate 2 yes thats right 2 veggie chicken patties on 80 calorie bun for lunch today. I have never eatin two of anything like that in my life even being fat.... my brain over the last 10 days or so of being off my routine, snacking on anything i want at anytime now i am hungry at all times during that day.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    What is you daily calorie goal and what kinds of foods are you typically eating? Your diary is private....
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There are all kinds of exercises you can do at home - check out some of the fitness DVDs at your favorite department store (WalMart, Target, etc) or even see if your library has some. You can also google "at home workout" and get all kinds of ideas.

    How about walking around your office building or up and down the stairs during your lunch and 15 minute breaks? It might not be as big a calorie burn as you got in the gym but it's better than sitting on your rear end all day, right? Keep reminding yourself that anything is better than nothing when it comes to activity.

    As far as your diet is concerned, try planning and tracking your days in advance. It's a hard habit to get into but it can help A LOT when you need to get back on track. Take some time this weekend to plan all your meals and snacks and pack only what you're going to eat that day each day. Make sure you're getting plenty of protein and fiber to keep you full.
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    I know 'diet pills' are usually frowned upon but I believe that if you're willing to put in the work then something to help give you that little push to keep going is not so bad. With that said I want to recommend Lipo 6 Black for Her. I have no affiliation with the company, just a little experience. I've taken just about everything out there with no success. I read about Lipo 6 Black and figured it was just like the rest but figured what the hey, and tried it anyway. It's marketed as a fat burner and I'm not sure how much of that is true but what I do know is that is suppresses your appetite. So much so that sometimes I forget to eat! I've lost 5 pounds in a week with virtually no exercise! I know I sound like an infomercial but it's just my experience and I wanted to share. I do worry about what happens when I stop taking it and my appetite comes back but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Anyway if you need a little something to help control your appetite it may be just the thing!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    One thing that often works for me is a hot cup of tea or coffee. It sounds a little weird but for some reason especially at night when I get the munchies it really helps calm down my desire to snack.
  • jdavio
    jdavio Posts: 6 Member
    I am starving too. I could eat all day. It might be nerves over your new job. Good luck and know I feel the same way
  • jdavio
    jdavio Posts: 6 Member
    I am starving too. I could eat all day. It might be nerves over your new job. Good luck and know I feel the same way
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I would be hungry a lot also except I have a HUGE salad every day for lunch and throw everything but the kitchen sink in it - sunflower seeds, walnuts, avocado (great fat), olives, spinach, cucumber, romaine, celery (love the crunch), broccoli, etc. Some low calorie dressing and you can chew and eat for a long time. Have it with a piece of chicken or salmon and trust me you will not be hungry for hours. These green veggies take a long time to break down -- they aren't the instant carbs that your body is craving, but they will do you a lot more good than an apple or some processed protein bar.
  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
    calorie goal is 1330
    i eat cereal or oats for breakfast, sandwich or frozen meal for lunch
    luna bar for snack
    then a portion control of what ever i cook for dinner.
    this would be my normal on track way of eating. the last couple weeks. its more like skipping breakfast, bad food here bad food there. no routine no set food. I do better during the early day then the evenings its all over with.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Try eating more often - for example, instead of having 3 meals a day, have 4. Just divide your calories out a bit so you don't go over your daily total. Eat a protein, and a complex carbohydrate with each of the 4 meals. Works for my husband.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    One thing that often works for me is a hot cup of tea or coffee. It sounds a little weird but for some reason especially at night when I get the munchies it really helps calm down my desire to snack.

    Hot tea always works for me! Its always been one of my favorite drinks
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    calorie goal is 1330
    i eat cereal or oats for breakfast, sandwich or frozen meal for lunch
    luna bar for snack
    then a portion control of what ever i cook for dinner.
    this would be my normal on track way of eating. the last couple weeks. its more like skipping breakfast, bad food here bad food there. no routine no set food. I do better during the early day then the evenings its all over with.

    Well you need to get back on track then! One thing you can do to stay fuller longer is eat more protein. Every meal and snack should have some. The default protein on MFP is very low so don't worry about going over. Fat and fiber will help to to stay full longer too.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Options will do all of this.

    Try and relax, all will be just fine and what you need to do is consider buying a couple good workout DVD;S. I am going to forego a workout class this term as I want to do some more of Jillian's DVD's. I love her kick *kitten* attitude and it works. After only 2 workouts of 30 day Shred and 1 workout of Yoga Meltdown, my abs are once again starting to define.

    I believe that your food obsession is going to subside once you are again well organized at your new job! Congrats on the new job and congrats on your weight loss.
    yeah christmas caught me sooo off guard. getting back to my calorie restriction the first part of the week was TOUGH! i thought i would eat my damn arm off i "felt" so hungry. but i hung in and all is fine now. the same will happen for you:smile:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    get off the computer and do something active and have fun...N O W ! ! !

    Says the man with >5800 posts
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Since you know you want to eat more at night, save the bulk of your calories for dinner and later. You can find a ton of free cardio workouts on YouTube.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    A glass of water and a teaspoon of fiber supplement before a meal will help you feel 'full' for longer. Just Don't overdo it, or you'll spend your quality time in the bathroom...
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    Drink at least half your body's weight in ounces of water. Example: 180 lbs. drink at least 90 ounces of pure water a day. Sounds like a lot but a half a glass every waking hour will get you way over the 90.

    Also get rid of any white foods and all junk or processed foods and sodas. They are addicting and full of simple carbs which spike blood sugar levels and make you feel hungrier. Within a week of taking all this out you will stop the cravings. Remember our brains are so smart they crave what we feed them :) It's amazing :) Choose high fiber foods, oatmeal, pears, beans, they make you feel fuller and are slower to digest keeping you full longer :)

    Congrats on your successful weight loss and new job !! Get out take a walk several times a day if you can, even 10 minutes can clear your brain of cravings. Walking or biking is wonderful, all that fresh air and beautiful scenery.

    It's easy after the holidays to get back into old habits, look back at your journals when you first started. Write down your reasons for wanting to lose the weight & a new goal date. Writing it down makes it happen. Good Luck we're all here to help each other :))