Is this normal???

Today is only my second day. It is 3:30pm and I have 300 calories left for the day. Right now, I am so hungry, I am actually shaky and my stomach is rumbling. There is no way that the remaining 300 calories is going to fill me and keep me full until supper. Did anyone else experience this when they started??


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    What's your daily goal? If it's 1200 I would suggest upping it a bit, at least until you get used to logging and controlling portions. As for today, it's your second day, so give yourself a break and eat if you're hungry. Eat something calorie dense that will fill you up-- protein/healthy fat will do the best to keep you going. Maybe some low sodium/low sugar peanut butter, some greek yogurt, or lean chicken breast?

    Going forward, the biggest thing is planning. You'll get the hang of it and figure out how well certain foods work for you. In the beginning just focus on logging everything and noticing how what you eat affects your body. And feel free to add me if you need some support. :)
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    yes i did all i did was work out before i ate dinner giving you extra calories to eat really you shouldnt because it is cheating but @ least FOR NOW it helps you with the getting started because going from complete crap food to work down to only 1200 is hard as hekkk
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    dude, if you're something. Yeah we are all counting calories but don't make yourself sick over "numbers."
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    What's your daily goal? If it's 1200 I would suggest upping it a bit, at least until you get used to logging and controlling portions. As for today, it's your second day, so give yourself a break and eat if you're hungry. Eat something calorie dense that will fill you up-- protein/healthy fat will do the best to keep you going. Maybe some low sodium/low sugar peanut butter, some greek yogurt, or lean chicken breast?

    Going forward, the biggest thing is planning. You'll get the hang of it and figure out how well certain foods work for you. In the beginning just focus on logging everything and noticing how what you eat affects your body. And feel free to add me if you need some support. :)

    This sounds like exactly what you should do. You have probably significantly decreased your food intake, your body is trying to get readjusted. If you are shaky, then you should definitely eat.
  • Drink a big glass of water, it will knock the edge off your hunger pains !!!!!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 614 Member
    I agree with everyone and I had the issue; still do on some days. (I have 1200 calories per day) I love microwave (light or 96% FF) you get a lot for the calories so it tends to help. Drink lots of water. For 300 calories you can have the popcorn, a good size chicken breast and large salad (watch the dressing; it can be a killter)

    Good luck and welcome.
  • i find that protein shakes help, i mix my strawberry protein powder with ice, fat free milk, frozen strawberries and splenda and make a smoothie. you feel like your getting a treat with a milkshake but its high in protein and low calories and very yummy! :)
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    First, this happens so don't feel like you're alone.

    My husband joined the site back in November and was fine for the first month, and then began a period where he was simply ravenous. When he looked through his diary and actually considered the time of day he was eating, he noticed 2 things:
    1. Small snacks, nutritious or not, spurred his hunger more than helped.
    2. He does better eating 4 meals a day than 3.

    Also, I haven't looked at your diary, but are you eating protein with every meal? Protein and complex carbs are really good to keep you full longer.

    Last, as DeatisMyGift said, if you're hungry, eat something. Tracking calories shouldn't be a punishment - this is about becoming healthier and you won't do that if you make yourself miserable. Just make sure that what you eat is relatively good for you. A piece of toast with peanut butter. A hard boiled egg. Basically, something with some protein. And then, eat a reasonable dinner. If you eat over your calories today, don't sweat it. We all go over some days.
  • ChanlynMay
    ChanlynMay Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you everyone! This is such a learning curve for me. I appreciate all your advice and feedback!!
  • marialynnporter
    marialynnporter Posts: 95 Member
    that never happend to me. i don't know what you ate today all ready so it's kinda hard for me to really help you because i can't get into you food log. but what helped me stay full and stay in my calories is drinking LOTS of water! people get mixed up with being hungry to you need water. you seem like you are hungry. try drinking two glasses right now and wait for a few mins. let me know if that helped you some for a little while. all so plan a head. i do this still! but i plan out my next days food. so i stay on track. protein will make you full for a long time, so if you can eat peanut butter do that. have peanut butter and an apple. it's less calories than a peanut butter sandwich and an apple is much MUCH better than bread. grilled chicken is good. just watch what you eat.
    the other thing that i try to do is i try to eat less calories during the day, if i know i will be going out to dinner or having something that has a lot of calories in it. if you want you can check out my food log. i do have my bad days and good days. but i am sure you can check mine out. it may help you.
    I hope this helped you some. :)
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    That happened to me too. The first couple weeks is just to get used to logging everything and to become more aware of the calorie and nutritional content of the foods you eat on a regular basis. I ended up cutting some things out because I never realized how many calories they "used up" from my day for a very little amount of food and/or enjoyment. There are also things that I do still eat but I make sure I budget them into my calories for the day. I know for me, 1200 calories, or even 1500 a day was a drastic difference but now it seems doable.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    I agree with most of the other posters... It takes while to get the hang of this eating a certain number of calories business, but it is all about planning. You have to plan for when you get hungry and make sure you eat at those times ( getting over hungry leads to over eating), but only give yourself good stuff to eat. Start planning some daily meals with snacks in between that meet your calorie goals so you're not eating on thy fly.

    These three things are also key for me:

    1. I often feel hungry when I am thirsty
    2. Refined sugars give me a big peak and a noticeable drop in blood sugar which can cause the shakes (so I avoid those for snacks)
    3. High fiber food = feeling full longer.

    EDITED TO ADD: If you are starving right now you need to eat something! Take a couple days of tracking your regular diet so that you can see what your normal calorie intake really is (most of us had no idea!) - i would recommend this to everyone. You need to see what you are working with so you can be educated enough to make the cuts in your daily food intake. I found some easy things I could cut, some modifications I could make to some of my favorite things, and that eating appropriate portions made all the difference. This is going to be a long journey - start out on the right foot.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Today is only my second day. It is 3:30pm and I have 300 calories left for the day. Right now, I am so hungry, I am actually shaky and my stomach is rumbling. There is no way that the remaining 300 calories is going to fill me and keep me full until supper. Did anyone else experience this when they started??

    I actually read that thirst can be mistaken for hunger so if your stomache is growling to drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes and if your stomache is still growling, eat! This helped a lot with me at first.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Today is only my second day. It is 3:30pm and I have 300 calories left for the day. Right now, I am so hungry, I am actually shaky and my stomach is rumbling. There is no way that the remaining 300 calories is going to fill me and keep me full until supper. Did anyone else experience this when they started??
    Yes, so I just ate.

    I did not go pig out crazy, but I ate. And so should you.
    We must crawl before walking, walk before running and run before we soar.

    Cut yourself some slack, and go eat but keep it healthy.
    Also, your diary is private - make sure you are eating back you exercise calories and that you have your settings for 1 [ONE] pound of weight loss per week.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    yes i did all i did was work out before i ate dinner giving you extra calories to eat really you shouldnt because it is cheating
    What are you talking about? That's not cheating, it's the way you are supposed to do it.

    You might want to reduce your calories more gradually if you're having trouble with hunger. You will get used to eating less but there's no need to get overly hungry.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    What's your daily goal? If it's 1200 I would suggest upping it a bit, at least until you get used to logging and controlling portions. As for today, it's your second day, so give yourself a break and eat if you're hungry. Eat something calorie dense that will fill you up-- protein/healthy fat will do the best to keep you going. Maybe some low sodium/low sugar peanut butter, some greek yogurt, or lean chicken breast?

    Going forward, the biggest thing is planning. You'll get the hang of it and figure out how well certain foods work for you. In the beginning just focus on logging everything and noticing how what you eat affects your body. And feel free to add me if you need some support. :)

    Hey hey hey...who is to say its because of food intake!?!

    I'd just bite the bullet, go cold turkey and get used to it now. Drink water, and do something to take your mind off food. It's basically the same as withdrawl symptoms. But you could be ill. If you're going for a massive weight loss perhaps you should discuss this with a doctor before doing anything drastic.

    You could be just really agitated, or the food you have eaten has made you like this. Caffeine and other stimulants (found in many products INCLUDING chocolate). I think you sound just a bit nervy...

    This sounds like exactly what you should do. You have probably significantly decreased your food intake, your body is trying to get readjusted. If you are shaky, then you should definitely eat.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    What's your daily goal? If it's 1200 I would suggest upping it a bit, at least until you get used to logging and controlling portions. As for today, it's your second day, so give yourself a break and eat if you're hungry. Eat something calorie dense that will fill you up-- protein/healthy fat will do the best to keep you going. Maybe some low sodium/low sugar peanut butter, some greek yogurt, or lean chicken breast?

    Going forward, the biggest thing is planning. You'll get the hang of it and figure out how well certain foods work for you. In the beginning just focus on logging everything and noticing how what you eat affects your body. And feel free to add me if you need some support. :)

    This sounds like exactly what you should do. You have probably significantly decreased your food intake, your body is trying to get readjusted. If you are shaky, then you should definitely eat.

    ^^ this again. it's a learning curve, but don't make yourself ill. If you've dropped to 1200 cals per day that could be a significant deficit on what your body is used to. Eat some protein and don't worry too much in teh beginning until you know your limits
  • I feel like I am going through it right now too, but not to the point where I am feeling sick. I feel not full and wanting more because this is not what I am used to doing. I drink water this morning, I have had about four glasses so far and it helps me feel full without actually eating anything. Of course it is my second day and everyone here seems to have all good advice :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Today is only my second day. It is 3:30pm and I have 300 calories left for the day. Right now, I am so hungry, I am actually shaky and my stomach is rumbling. There is no way that the remaining 300 calories is going to fill me and keep me full until supper. Did anyone else experience this when they started??

    You should not let your body get in that condition. When that happens, your body thinks its starving. When it does that, it retains fat for survival. You are not getting enough calories. Don't go by what MFP gives you. It's way too low for most people. Don't let yourself get hungry. Go eat something that's good for you and that will take the craving away. Hunger is not good. It's never good and you should not let yourself get as hungry as you describe.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    I'm curious as to why you only get 1200 calories per day. Your ticker says you weigh 204 lbs, so 1200 calories seems quite low. What exactly are your goals? If your goal is to lose more than one pound per week, I'd suggest starting with a smaller daily calorie deficit and work your way down.