Is this normal???



  • jdavio
    jdavio Posts: 6 Member
    Me too. today is first day and all i can think about doing is eating. I have 700 calories left. i have no will power either
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    It'd be interesting to see your diary. As you get more comfortable with MFP, you'll learn what foods keep you fuller longer. Also, you only have 300cals left now, but you could add another 300 by working out.
    Maybe your goal is too ambitious for now and you should up your calories while you get more in tune with your body.

    Good luck!
  • goodrum2
    Don't forget the number one rule when trying to lose weight! You have to burn calories as well or your lifestyle will not change! If you only have 300 calories left, go do a workout and burn 300-400 calories! This will then let you eat an additional 300-400 calories giving you 600-700 calories left to eat and still be on your target calorie intake goal. Remember, its not just what you eat, its also what you do that gives you the results you are looking for.

    Always keep in mind, if you want or need to eat more, just make up for it in terms of working out somehow. A good 30-45 minute workout should help you burn this. If you want to get accurate on your calorie burn, get a watch like the Garmin 405 cx that will help you count your calories burned when working out so you have an idea on what you are burning in each workout. (or for more accuracy, get the Garmin Forerunner 405 and have it programmed to your personal Metabolic rate so you know exactly how much you are burning).

    I have restricted myself to 1200 calories a day and i too get hungry from time to time and its a motivator to me to hit the gym or go for a run so I can eat more on the days I struggle. In the end, I stay on track with my calorie intake goals and it works.
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    Try this nifty trick before eating: drink a 16-20 oz glass of water without ice. This will add 2 cups of water to your daily goal of water intake and perhaps make you feel full enough to chose a healthy snack or plan a dinner that has lower calories. When I first started out on here, the first week is the toughest. If you are anything like me, I was eating what I wanted when I wanted before starting this site. The amount of food I was used to consuming that had 'empty' calories was amazing! I find that planning meals ahead of time, and even snacks, helps a ton to stay on track with my caloric allowance. Try that water trick though. Sometimes you might feel hungry when your body is really just craving more water.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, but if you are actually shaky my guess is that you're actually hungry. Definitely drink plenty of water, but when you first start out it's okay to go nice and slow. I'm not saying 1200 calories is wrong, just that with that number you have to plan ahead so you get all your nutrients. Someone who has been used to eating a lot more than that may take a little while to adjust and learn the ropes. Also I don't think the OP said that was the goal, I just thought it might be because that's what MFP started me on.

    Bottom line: whatever changes you make have to be sustainable. If you're going to get the shakes every day at 3:30 you'll be unhappy and less likely to stick to your new lifestyle. IMO it's better to be fuller and keep your healthier lifestyle going long term, even if it means eating a few more calories.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm going to sound like a broken record by saying this, but eat if you're hungry. Just try to choose something nutrient-dense. I like mozzarella cheese sticks - my supermarket's generic ones are 80 calories apiece with 8g of protein. I also like a 100-calorie Greek yogurt (also tons of protein).

    I've been doing this since March 31st, and you can see how much I've lost. I have my meal planning down, more or less, but I still have days where I feel like I can never eat enough. I also have days where I am more than full and have only eaten 1000 calories. On the former days, I try to snack on protein-heavy things, like cheese and nuts (in appropriate portions) so that I can feel satiated, and sometimes I do go over 1200 calories (I actually set my "goal" at 1400). On days where I feel like I've eaten enough but haven't, I try to sneak in some quick calories by fruit or something else healthy that won't make me feel stuffed but will add in a bit more healthy calories and vitamins and such.

    Bulky foods seem to have a lot to do with the days when I am forcing myself to eat more. For example, I have a few sweet potatoes in the fridge right now - they are about 100-150 calories, depending on the size, and really make me feel full. Sometimes I can attribute it to my monthly cycle; other times it's boredom. If I'm busier, I tend not to notice that I'm hungry until I'm ravenous :wink: Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason as to why I'm starving on some days and stuffed on others.

    Every day is different. Resign yourself to that fact, and don't allow yourself to feel like a failure because you went 100 or 150 calories over your daily budget on one day that you were actually feeling hungry.

    The key is that what you were feeling was true hunger, and you were not wanting to eat out of boredom, anger, frustration, etc. When your body is telling you to eat, you need to eat!

    Best wishes on your journey!

    ETA that you can't, in fact, see how much I've lost. The tickers are acting up and not updating. Mine should read 74 pounds; I've lost 74.2, to be exact, since March 31st :tongue:
  • ChanlynMay
    ChanlynMay Posts: 37 Member
    My daily calories for the day is just over 1400. I work at a desk job so do not burn many calories during the day. I am going to have a look to see how to change my food diary so that everyone can see it. I'm sure that would help too!
    I must say, I am amazed at how helpful everyone is!!! I am so worried that I will not succeed again this time that I think I am being too hard on myself from the beginning. After reading all the responses, I am going to cut myself a little slack for a few days, while I get the hang of this!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Yep, definitely eat something. I haven't had your experience, but denying your body when you're truly ravenous will likely lead to binge eating later. Also, I'm not sure if you're able or not, but you could always workout or even just go for a walk to burn some extra calories. That way, you can eat more and not go over your calorie limit because you've burned off a bunch... Oh and also, definitely, definitely make sure you're well hydrated. The body is tricky and often thirst is misinterpreted as hunger. Hang in there... It will get easier!!!
  • Seamoan87
    Try some low cal snacks between meals and drink the amount of water you're supposed to. That has helped me.
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    When I started, I didn't worry about the number or try to even hit a calorie goal. I just logged a normal day of eating for me and tried to trim back little by little every day until I was down to my calorie goal. Welcome! It worked for me; hope it works for you! =)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I must say, I am amazed at how helpful everyone is!!! I am so worried that I will not succeed again this time that I think I am being too hard on myself from the beginning. After reading all the responses, I am going to cut myself a little slack for a few days, while I get the hang of this!

    The boards are great. I am so thrilled that I found MFP, especially since it's free! :happy:
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    You can do a couple things...1: You could work out more so you have more calories to eat or 2: You can eat what you want and call today your "cheat" day and plan better for your day tomorrow. Hope that helps you decide.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    My daily calories for the day is just over 1400. I work at a desk job so do not burn many calories during the day. I am going to have a look to see how to change my food diary so that everyone can see it. I'm sure that would help too!
    I must say, I am amazed at how helpful everyone is!!! I am so worried that I will not succeed again this time that I think I am being too hard on myself from the beginning. After reading all the responses, I am going to cut myself a little slack for a few days, while I get the hang of this!

    Yes! Cut yourself a little slack. Occassionally I'll have a bad food day (like being surrounded by Christmas goodies and being depressed and suddenly finding those Christmas goodies in my mouth and wondering how they got there! lol). And I will struggle the next couple of days being super hungry and having a hard time getting back on track. It's perfectly normal. You will succeed this time. Have confidence!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    I used to do that when i first started watching my food intake. I also have low sugar issues at time. I started eating 4-6 small meals a day. This helped keep my sugar balanced and didn't fill straving. Also drink your water. Aim for 8 glasses, but it took me awhile to learn to like water. So everyday i tried to drink one more glass then yesterday.

    I also agree you may be cutting your calories to fast. You might want to set it to losing one pound a week. That way it isn't such a shock to the body and the body has more time to adjust.

    This is a lifestyle change that comes with alot of trial and error. Hang in there and you will find what works for you. Best of luck on you journey, and you can add me as friend if you like.